You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
2.5 KiB

program main
!**************************** CACmb *******************************
!* CAC model building toolkit *
! ____________ *
! / / *
! / / *
! /___________/ *
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! *
use parameters
use elements
use io
integer :: i, end_mode_arg, arg_num, arg_pos
character(len=100) :: argument
!Call initialization functions
call lattice_init
call box_init
! Command line parsing
arg_num = command_argument_count()
!Determine if a mode is being used and what it is. The first argument has to be the mode
!if a mode is being used
call get_command_argument(1, argument)
argument = trim(adjustl(argument))
if (argument(1:2) == '--') then
call call_mode(end_mode_arg, argument)
end if
!Now we loop through all of the arguments and check for passed options or for a filename to be written out
arg_pos = end_mode_arg
do while(.true.)
!Exit the loop if we are done reading
if(arg_pos > arg_num) exit
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, argument)
!Check to see if a filename was passed
if(scan(argument,'.',.true.) > 0) then
call get_out_file(argument)
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
!Check to see if an option has been passed
else if(argument(1:1) == '-') then
call call_option(argument, arg_pos)
!Otherwise print that the argument is not accepted and move on
print *, trim(adjustl(argument)), " is not accepted. Skipping to next argument"
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
end if
end do
!Check to make sure a file was passed to be written out and then write out
! Before building do a check on the file
if (outfilenum == 0) then
argument = 'none'
call get_out_file(argument)
end if
call write_out
end program main