Debugging version of code

Alex 5 years ago
parent d0b6c595f0
commit 20755270a4

@ -217,7 +217,15 @@ This command wraps atoms back into the simulation cell as though periodic bounda
remesh esize
This command remeshes the atoms/elements within the group to the new element size `esize`. Currently only accepts an `esize` of 2 which refines it to full atomistics.
This command remeshes the atoms/elements within the group to the new element size `esize`. Currently only accepts an `esize` of 2 which refines it to full atomistics. When remeshing to atomistics the group can contain any orientations of elements but when remeshing to different finite elements, the group must contain all atoms/elements with the same orientation.
This command attempts to reduce the degrees of freedom in the model by replacing them with graded elements. This code works by starting at elements with size `esize` and then checks all degrees of freedom to see which ones can be replaced by inserting the element. It then iterates over elements of `esize-2` to `esize=2` which is full atomic resolution.

@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ module io
call set_max_esize
do i = 1, outfilenum
print *, "Writing data out to ", trim(adjustl(outfiles(i)))
!Pull out the extension of the file and call the correct write subroutine
select case(trim(adjustl(outfiles(i)(scan(outfiles(i),'.',.true.)+1:))))

@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ module mode_create
outerloop: do iz = 1, bd_in_array(3)
do iy = 1, bd_in_array(2)
do ix = 1, bd_in_array(1)
node_in_bd(8) = .false.
node_in_bd(:) = .false.
do inod = 1, 8
vlat = ele(:,inod) + (/ ix, iy, iz /)

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ module opt_group
use box
implicit none
integer :: group_ele_num, group_atom_num, remesh_size
integer :: group_ele_num, group_atom_num, remesh_size, remesh_type
character(len=15) :: type, shape !Type indicates what element type is selected and shape is the group shape
real(kind=dp) :: block_bd(6), disp_vec(3)
logical :: displace, delete
real(kind=dp) :: block_bd(6), disp_vec(3), remesh_lat_pam
logical :: displace, delete, max_remesh, refine
integer, allocatable :: element_index(:), atom_index(:)
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ module opt_group
! max_remesh=.false.
refine = .false.
if(allocated(element_index)) deallocate(element_index)
if(allocated(atom_index)) deallocate(atom_index)
@ -43,6 +45,9 @@ module opt_group
if(remesh_size > 0) call remesh_group
if(delete) call delete_group
if(refine) call refine_group
end subroutine group
subroutine parse_group(arg_pos)
@ -101,13 +106,24 @@ module opt_group
if (arglen==0) stop "Missing vector component for shift command"
read(textholder, *) disp_vec(i)
end do
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) stop "Missing remesh element size in group command"
read(textholder, *) remesh_size
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) stop "Missing remesh lattice parameter in group command"
read(textholder, *) remesh_lat_pam
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) stop "Missing remesh type in group command"
read(textholder, *) remesh_type
max_remesh =.true.
case default
!If it isn't an available option to opt_disl then we just exit
@ -211,47 +227,153 @@ module opt_group
end subroutine displace_group
subroutine remesh_group
subroutine refine_group
!This command is used to remesh the group to a desired element size
integer :: i, j, ie, type_interp(max_basisnum*max_esize**3), add_atom_num, orig_atom_num
real(kind=dp) :: r_interp(3, max_basisnum*max_esize**3)
!Refining to atoms and remeshing to elements are different processes so check which code we need to run
select case(remesh_size)
!Refining to atoms
if(group_ele_num > 0) then
orig_atom_num = atom_num
!Estimate number of atoms we are adding, this doesn't have to be exact
add_atom_num = group_ele_num*basisnum(lat_ele(element_index(1)))*size_ele(element_index(1))**3
call grow_ele_arrays(0,add_atom_num)
do i = 1, group_ele_num
ie = element_index(i)
!Get the interpolated atom positions
call interpolate_atoms(type_ele(ie), size_ele(ie), lat_ele(ie), r_node(:,:,:,ie), type_interp, r_interp)
!Loop over all interpolated atoms and add them to the system, we apply periodic boundaries
!here as well to make sure they are in the box
do j = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(ie))*size_ele(ie)**3
call apply_periodic(r_interp(:,j))
call add_atom(type_interp(j), sbox_ele(ie), r_interp(:,j))
end do
if(group_ele_num > 0) then
orig_atom_num = atom_num
!Estimate number of atoms we are adding, this doesn't have to be exact
add_atom_num = group_ele_num*basisnum(lat_ele(element_index(1)))*size_ele(element_index(1))**3
call grow_ele_arrays(0,add_atom_num)
do i = 1, group_ele_num
ie = element_index(i)
!Get the interpolated atom positions
call interpolate_atoms(type_ele(ie), size_ele(ie), lat_ele(ie), r_node(:,:,:,ie), type_interp, r_interp)
!Loop over all interpolated atoms and add them to the system, we apply periodic boundaries
!here as well to make sure they are in the box
do j = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(ie))*size_ele(ie)**3
call apply_periodic(r_interp(:,j))
call add_atom(type_interp(j), sbox_ele(ie), r_interp(:,j))
end do
end do
!Once all atoms are added we delete all of the elements
call delete_elements(group_ele_num, element_index)
print *, group_ele_num, " elements of group are refined to ", atom_num -orig_atom_num, " atoms."
end if
end subroutine
!Once all atoms are added we delete all of the elements
call delete_elements(group_ele_num, element_index)
subroutine remesh_group
!This command is used to remesh the group to a desired element size
print *, group_ele_num, " elements of group are refined to ", atom_num -orig_atom_num, " atoms."
integer :: i, j, ix, iy, iz, inod, ibasis, ie, type_interp(max_basisnum*max_esize**3), add_atom_num, orig_atom_num, &
current_esize, dof, max_lat(3), r_lat(3), ele(3,8), vlat(3), bd_in_lat(6), bd_in_array(3)
real(kind=dp) :: r_interp(3, max_basisnum*max_esize**3), ori_inv(3,3), &
r_new_node(3,max_basisnum, max_ng_node), orient(3,3), group_in_lat(3,8)
logical, allocatable :: lat_points(:,:,:)
character(len=100) :: remesh_ele_type
!Right now we just hardcode only remeshing to elements
remesh_ele_type = 'fcc'
!Get the orientations, this assumes that the orientation of the subbox for the first atom is the
!same as the rest of the atoms
!If this assumption is false then the code will break and exit
orient = sub_box_ori(:, :, sbox_atom(atom_index(1)))
call matrix_inverse(orient,3,ori_inv)
!First calculate max position in lattice space to be able to allocate lat_points array, also sum the total numbers of
!degrees of freedom which are added
dof = 0
select case(trim(adjustl(shape)))
group_in_lat = reshape((/ block_bd(1),block_bd(3),block_bd(5), &
block_bd(2),block_bd(3),block_bd(5), &
block_bd(2),block_bd(4),block_bd(5), &
block_bd(1),block_bd(4),block_bd(5), &
block_bd(1),block_bd(3),block_bd(6), &
block_bd(2),block_bd(3),block_bd(6), &
block_bd(2),block_bd(4),block_bd(6), &
block_bd(1),block_bd(4),block_bd(6) /), [3,8])
group_in_lat = matmul(fcc_inv, matmul(ori_inv, group_in_lat/remesh_lat_pam))
do i = 1, 3
bd_in_lat(2*i-1) = minval(group_in_lat(i,:))
bd_in_lat(2*i) = maxval(group_in_lat(i,:))
end do
end if
!Remeshing to elements, currently not available
case default
print *, "Remeshing to elements is currently not available. Please refine to atoms by passing a remsh size of 2"
end select
allocate(lat_points(bd_in_lat(2)-bd_in_lat(1)+10, bd_in_lat(4)-bd_in_lat(3)+10, bd_in_lat(6)-bd_in_lat(5)+10))
lat_points(:,:,:) = .false.
!Now place all group atoms and group interpolated atoms into lat_points
do i = 1, group_atom_num
r_lat = r_atom(:,atom_index(i))/remesh_lat_pam
r_lat = matmul(fcc_inv,matmul(ori_inv,r_lat))
!Do a check to make sure the code is working and that lattice points aren't being written on top of each other.
!This is primarily a debugging statement
if((r_lat(1)==13).and.(r_lat(2)==13).and.(r_lat(3)==-13)) then
print *, i, atom_index(i), r_atom(:,atom_index(i))
end if
if(lat_points(r_lat(1)-bd_in_lat(1)+5,r_lat(2)-bd_in_lat(3)+5,r_lat(3)-bd_in_lat(5)+5)) then
stop "Multiple atoms share same position in lat point array, this shouldn't happen"
lat_points(r_lat(1)-bd_in_lat(1)+5, r_lat(2)-bd_in_lat(3)+5, r_lat(3)-bd_in_lat(5)+5) = .true.
end if
end do
!Now place interpolated atoms within lat_points array
do i =1, group_ele_num
ie = element_index(i)
call interpolate_atoms(type_ele(ie), size_ele(ie), lat_ele(ie), r_node(:,:,:,ie), type_interp, r_interp)
do j = 1, size_ele(ie)**3 * basisnum(lat_ele(ie))
r_lat = matmul(fcc_inv,matmul(ori_inv, r_interp(:,atom_index(i))/remesh_lat_pam)) + 1
!Do a check to make sure the code is working and that lattice points aren't being written on top of each other.
!This is primarily a debugging statement
if(lat_points(r_lat(1)-bd_in_lat(1)+5,r_lat(2)-bd_in_lat(3)+5,r_lat(3)-bd_in_lat(5)+5)) then
stop "Multiple atoms/interpolated atoms share same position in lat point array, this shouldn't happen"
lat_points(r_lat(1)-bd_in_lat(1)+5, r_lat(2)-bd_in_lat(3)+5, r_lat(3)-bd_in_lat(5)+5) = .true.
end if
end do
end do
!Delete all elements and atoms to make space for new elements and atoms
call delete_atoms(group_atom_num, atom_index)
call delete_elements(group_ele_num, element_index)
!Now run remeshing algorithm, not the most optimized or efficient but gets the job done
ele = (remesh_size-1)*cubic_cell
!Figure out new looping boundaries
bd_in_array(1) = bd_in_lat(2) - bd_in_lat(1) + 10
bd_in_array(2) = bd_in_lat(4) - bd_in_lat(3) + 10
bd_in_array(3) = bd_in_lat(6) - bd_in_lat(5) + 10
do iz = 1, bd_in_array(3)
do iy = 1, bd_in_array(2)
do ix = 1, bd_in_array(1)
if (lat_points(ix, iy,iz)) then
if (all(lat_points(ix:ix+remesh_size-1,iy:iy+remesh_size-1,iz:iz+remesh_size-1))) then
do inod = 1, 8
vlat = ele(:,inod) + (/ix, iy, iz /)
do i = 1, 3
vlat = vlat + bd_in_lat(2*i-1)-5
end do
r_new_node(:,1,inod) = matmul(orient, matmul(fcc_mat, vlat))*remesh_lat_pam
end do
lat_points(ix:ix+remesh_size-1,iy:iy+remesh_size-1,iz:iz+remesh_size-1) = .false.
!Add the element, for the sbox we just set it to the same sbox that we get the orientation from.
!In this case it is from the sbox of the first atom in the group.
call add_element(remesh_ele_type, remesh_size, remesh_type, sbox_atom(atom_index(1)),r_new_node)
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine remesh_group
