Notch group shape

Alex Selimov 4 years ago
parent 9ccc5f1caf
commit 66670671b5

@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ This selects a group residing in a block with edges perpendicular to the simulat
`additional keywords`- Represents the various transformations which can be performed on a group. These additional keywords are given below.
`-group nodes wedge dim1 dim2 bx by bz bw`
This selects a group which are within a wedge shape. The options are given as follows:
`dim1` - The dimension containing the plane normal of the wedge base.
@ -213,7 +214,17 @@ This selects a group which are within a wedge shape. The options are given as fo
`bx by bz` - Centroid of the center of the base
`bw` - Base width
`-group nodes notch dim1 dim2 bx by bz bw tr`
This shape is similar to a wedge shape except instead of becoming atomically sharp, it finishes in a rounded tip with tip radius `tr`. Options are as follows.
`dim1` - The dimension containing the plane normal of the wedge base.
`dim2` - The thickness dimension. Wedge groups are currently required to span the entire cell thickness in one dimensions which is normal to the triangular face. This through thickness dimension is dim2.
`bx by bz` - Centroid of the center of the base
`bw` - Base width
`tr` - Tip radius
displace x y z

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -g -O0 -stand f08 -fpe0 -traceback -check bounds,uninit -warn all -implicitnone -no-wrap-margin -heap-arrays
#FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -Ofast -no-wrap-margin -heap-arrays
#FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -g -O0 -stand f08 -fpe0 -traceback -check bounds,uninit -warn all -implicitnone -no-wrap-margin -heap-arrays
FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -Ofast -no-wrap-margin -heap-arrays
MODES=mode_create.o mode_merge.o mode_convert.o
OPTIONS=opt_disl.o opt_group.o opt_orient.o opt_delete.o
OBJECTS=main.o elements.o io.o subroutines.o functions.o atoms.o call_mode.o box.o $(MODES) $(OPTIONS) call_option.o
OBJECTS=main.o elements.o io.o subroutines.o functions.o atoms.o call_mode.o box.o $(MODES) $(OPTIONS) call_option.o sorts.o
.SUFFIXES: .c .f .f90 .F90 .o
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ atoms.o subroutines.o testfuncs.o box.o : functions.o
main.o io.o $(MODES) $(OPTIONS) : elements.o
call_mode.o : $(MODES)
call_option.o : $(OPTIONS)
elements.o : sorts.o
$(MODES) $(OPTIONS) subroutines.o io.o : atoms.o box.o
$(MODES) main.o : io.o
testfuncs.o elements.o mode_create.o $(OPTIONS) $(MODES): subroutines.o

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module opt_group
integer :: group_ele_num, group_atom_num, remesh_size,normal, dim1, dim2
character(len=15) :: type, shape !Type indicates what element type is selected and shape is the group shape
real(kind=dp) :: block_bd(6), centroid(3), vertices(3,3),disp_vec(3)
real(kind=dp) :: block_bd(6), centroid(3), vertices(3,3),disp_vec(3), tip_radius, bwidth
logical :: displace, delete, max_remesh, refine
integer, allocatable :: element_index(:), atom_index(:)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module opt_group
integer :: i, j, arglen, in_num
character(len=100) :: textholder, type_spec
real(kind=dp) bwidth, wheight
real(kind=dp) H
!Parse type and shape command
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
@ -131,6 +131,65 @@ module opt_group
end if
end do
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing normal dim in group notch command"
read(textholder,*) dim1
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing normal dim in group notch command"
read(textholder,*) dim2
do i = 1, 3
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing centroid in group notch command"
call parse_pos(i, textholder, centroid(i))
end do
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing base width in group notch command"
read(textholder,*) bwidth
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing tip radius in group notch command"
read(textholder,*) tip_radius
!Calculate the vertex positions
vertices(:,1) = centroid
vertices(dim2,1) = 0.0_dp
do i = 1, 3
if (i == dim1) then
if (bwidth > 0) then
vertices(i,2) = box_bd(2*i)
vertices(i,3) = box_bd(2*i)
H= (box_bd(2*i) - centroid(i)) !Calculate the height of the wedge
else if (bwidth < 0) then
vertices(i,2) = box_bd(2*i-1)
vertices(i,3) = box_bd(2*i-1)
H = (centroid(i) - box_bd(2*i-1))
print *, "bwidth cannot be 0 in wedge shaped group"
stop 3
end if
else if (i == dim2) then
vertices(i,2) = 0.0_dp
vertices(i,3) = 0.0_dp
vertices(i,2) = centroid(i) + 0.5_dp*bwidth
vertices(i,3) = centroid(i) - 0.5_dp*bwidth
end if
end do
!Now update the centroid so that the desire tip diameter matches the wedge with
if (bwidth > 0) then
centroid(dim1) = centroid(dim1) + 2*tip_radius*(H)/bwidth
end if
!Read the ID type shape for group
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
@ -285,15 +344,15 @@ module opt_group
subroutine get_group
!This subroutine finds all elements and/or atoms within the group boundaries
!specified by the user.
integer :: i, inod, ibasis
integer :: i, j, inod, ibasis
integer, allocatable :: resize_array(:)
real(kind=dp) :: r_center(3)
select case(trim(adjustl(shape)))
print *, "Group has block shape with boundaries: ", block_bd
case ('crack')
print *, "Group has crack shape with dim1", dim1, "and dim2", dim2, "and vertices ", vertices
case ('wedge')
print *, "Group has wedge shape with dim1", dim1, "and dim2", dim2, "and vertices ", vertices
print *, 'Group contains ', group_ele_num, " elements and ", group_atom_num, " atoms."
@ -343,6 +402,15 @@ module opt_group
end if
end do
end select
j = 0
do i = 1, group_atom_num
if (atom_index(i) == 23318348) then
j = j + 1
end if
end do
if (j > 1) stop "Code broken"
print *, 'Group contains ', group_ele_num, " elements and ", group_atom_num, " atoms."
end subroutine get_group
@ -691,12 +759,29 @@ module opt_group
function in_group(r)
!This subroutine determines if a point is within the group boundaries
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: r(3)
real(kind=dp) :: r_notch
integer :: dim3, i
logical :: in_group
select case(trim(adjustl(shape)))
in_group = in_wedge_bd(r,vertices)
end select
do i = 1, 3
if (.not.((dim1==i).or.(dim2==i))) dim3 = i
end do
in_group = in_wedge_bd(r,vertices)
!Do a check to make sure the wedge isn't used if it should be the tip radius
if (bwidth>0) then
if (r(dim1) < centroid(dim1)) in_group = .false.
end if
r_notch = sqrt((r(dim1) - centroid(dim1))**2 + (r(dim3)-centroid(dim3))**2)
in_group = in_group.or.(r_notch < tip_radius)
end select
end function in_group
end module opt_group
