Initial working commit with bug in delete command

Alex Selimov 5 years ago
parent 08aa5d46df
commit 6f15daf1ec

@ -245,6 +245,24 @@ This allows the user to specify the boundary conditions for the model being outp
**Example:** `-boundary psp` **Example:** `-boundary psp`
### Option Delete
-delete keywords
Delete requires the usage of additional keywords to specify which delete action will be taken. These additional keywords are below:
-delete overlap rc_off
This command will delete all overlapping atoms within a specific cutoff radius `rc_off`. This currently does not affect elements.
## Position Specification ## Position Specification
Specifying positions in cacmb can be done through a variety of ways. Examples of each format is shown below. Specifying positions in cacmb can be done through a variety of ways. Examples of each format is shown below.

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ FC=ifort
FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -g -O0 -stand f08 -fpe0 -traceback -check bounds,uninit -warn all -implicitnone -no-wrap-margin FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -g -O0 -stand f08 -fpe0 -traceback -check bounds,uninit -warn all -implicitnone -no-wrap-margin
#FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -Ofast -no-wrap-margin #FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -Ofast -no-wrap-margin
MODES=mode_create.o mode_merge.o mode_convert.o MODES=mode_create.o mode_merge.o mode_convert.o
OPTIONS=opt_disl.o opt_group.o opt_orient.o OPTIONS=opt_disl.o opt_group.o opt_orient.o opt_delete.o
OBJECTS=main.o elements.o io.o subroutines.o functions.o atoms.o call_mode.o box.o $(MODES) $(OPTIONS) call_option.o OBJECTS=main.o elements.o io.o subroutines.o functions.o atoms.o call_mode.o box.o $(MODES) $(OPTIONS) call_option.o

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ subroutine call_option(option, arg_pos)
use opt_disl use opt_disl
use opt_group use opt_group
use opt_orient use opt_orient
use opt_delete
use box use box
implicit none implicit none
@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ subroutine call_option(option, arg_pos)
arg_pos=arg_pos+1 arg_pos=arg_pos+1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, box_bc) call get_command_argument(arg_pos, box_bc)
arg_pos=arg_pos+1 arg_pos=arg_pos+1
call run_delete(arg_pos)
case default case default
print *, 'Option ', trim(adjustl(option)), ' is not currently accepted.' print *, 'Option ', trim(adjustl(option)), ' is not currently accepted.'
stop 3 stop 3

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
module opt_delete
use parameters
use subroutines
use elements
implicit none
real(kind=dp) :: rc_off
subroutine run_delete(arg_pos)
integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos
rc_off = -lim_zero
!Main calling function for delete option.
print *, '-----------------------Option Delete------------------------'
call parse_delete(arg_pos)
if (rc_off > 0.0_dp) call delete_overlap
end subroutine run_delete
subroutine parse_delete(arg_pos)
!Parse the delete command
integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos
integer :: arg_len
character(len=100) :: textholder
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arg_len)
if(arg_len==0) stop "Missing argument to delete command"
select case(textholder)
arg_pos=arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arg_len)
if(arg_len==0) stop "Missing argument to delete overlap command"
print *, textholder
read(*, textholder) rc_off
case default
print *, "Command ", trim(adjustl(textholder)), " is not accepted for option delete"
stop 3
end select
end subroutine parse_delete
subroutine delete_overlap
!This subroutine deletes all overlapping atoms, which is defined as atoms which are separated by a distance of
!less then rc_off
integer :: i, c(3), ci, cj, ck, num_nei, nei, delete_num
integer, dimension(atom_num) :: for_delete
integer, dimension(3,atom_num) :: which_cell
!These are the variables containing the cell list information
integer, dimension(3) :: cell_num
integer, allocatable :: num_in_cell(:,:,:)
integer, allocatable :: cell_list(:,:,:,:)
!First pass the atom list and atom num to the algorithm which builds the cell list
call build_cell_list(atom_num, r_atom, rc_off, cell_num, num_in_cell, cell_list, which_cell)
!Now loop over every atom and figure out if it has neighbors within the rc_off
delete_num = 0
atom_loop: do i = 1, atom_num
!c is the position of the cell that the atom belongs to
c = which_cell(:,i)
!Check to make sure it hasn't already been deleted
if(all(c /= 0)) then
!Now loop over all neighboring cells
do ci = -1, 1, 1
do cj = -1, 1, 1
do ck = -1, 1, 1
do num_nei = 1, num_in_cell(c(1) + ck, c(2) + cj, c(3) + ci)
nei = cell_list(num_nei,c(1) + ck, c(2) + cj, c(3) + ci)
!Check to make sure the atom isn't the same index as the atom we are checking
!and that the neighbor hasn't already been deleted
if((nei /= i).and.(nei/= 0)) then
!Now check to see if it is in the cutoff radius, if it is add it to the delete code
if (norm2(r_atom(:,nei)-r_atom(:,i)) < rc_off) then
delete_num = delete_num + 1
for_delete(delete_num) = max(i,nei)
!Now zero out the larger index
if(i > nei) then
which_cell(:,i) = 0
cycle atom_loop
which_cell(:,nei) = 0
cell_list(num_nei,c(1) + ck, c(2) + cj, c(3) + ci) = 0
end if
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
end if
!Now delete all the atoms
call delete_atoms(delete_num, for_delete(1:delete_num))
end do atom_loop
end subroutine delete_overlap
end module opt_delete

@ -289,4 +289,63 @@ module subroutines
end do end do
end subroutine end subroutine
subroutine build_cell_list(numinlist, r_list, rc_off, cell_num, num_in_cell, cell_list, which_cell)
!This subroutine builds a cell list based on rc_off
!----------------------------------------Input/output variables-------------------------------------------
integer, intent(in) :: numinlist !The number of points within r_list
real(kind=dp), dimension(3,numinlist), intent(in) :: r_list !List of points to be used for the construction of
!the cell list.
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: rc_off ! Cutoff radius which dictates the size of the cells
integer, dimension(3), intent(inout) :: cell_num !Number of cells in each dimension.
integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: num_in_cell(:,:,:) !Number of points within each cell
integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: cell_list(:,:,:,:) !Index of points from r_list within each cell.
integer, dimension(3,numinlist), intent(out) :: which_cell !The cell index for each point in r_list
!----------------------------------------Begin Subroutine -------------------------------------------
integer :: i, j, cell_lim, c(3)
real(kind=dp) :: box_len(3)
integer, allocatable :: resize_cell_list(:,:,:,:)
!First calculate the number of cells that we need in each dimension
do i = 1,3
box_len(i) = box_bd(2*i) - box_bd(2*i-1)
cell_num(i) = int(box_len(i)/(rc_off/2))+1
end do
!Initialize/allocate variables
cell_lim = 10
allocate(num_in_cell(cell_num(1),cell_num(2),cell_num(3)), cell_list(cell_lim, cell_num(1), cell_num(2), cell_num(3)))
!Now place points within cell
do i = 1, numinlist
!c is the position of the cell that the point belongs to
do j = 1, 3
c(j) = int((r_list(j,i)-box_bd(2*j-1))/(rc_off/2)) + 1
end do
!Place the index in the correct position, growing if necessary
num_in_cell(c(1),c(2),c(3)) = num_in_cell(c(1),c(2),c(3)) + 1
if (num_in_cell(c(1),c(2),c(3)) > cell_lim) then
resize_cell_list(1:cell_lim, :, :, :) = cell_list
resize_cell_list(cell_lim+1:, :, :, :) = 0
call move_alloc(resize_cell_list, cell_list)
end if
cell_list(num_in_cell(c(1),c(2),c(3)),c(1),c(2),c(3)) = i
which_cell(:,i) = c
end do
end subroutine build_cell_list
end module subroutines end module subroutines