Working shift command for merge

Alex Selimov 4 years ago
parent 14dd8ad755
commit cde96402e2

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ module io
select case(trim(adjustl(type_ele(i))))
do iatom = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))*size_ele(i)**3
call apply_periodic(r_interp(:,iatom))
write(11, '(2i16, 3f23.15)') atom_num+iatom, type_interp(iatom), r_interp(:,iatom)
end do
end select

@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ module mode_merge
use elements
character(len=4) :: dim
integer :: in_num
integer :: in_num, new_starts(2)
real(kind=dp) :: shift_vec(3)
logical :: wrap, shift_flag
@ -18,12 +20,23 @@ module mode_merge
integer :: i
real(kind=dp) :: displace(3), temp_box_bd(6)
wrap = .false.
shift_flag = .false.
shift_vec(:) = 0.0_dp
!First we parse the merge command
call parse_command(arg_pos)
!Now loop over all files and stack them
do i = 1, in_num
displace(:) = 0.0_dp
!The new starts variable dictate where in the atom and element array each new
!file starts. This is used for additional options that can be applied to solely
!these new atoms/elements that are read in.
new_starts(1) = atom_num + 1
new_starts(2) = ele_num + 1
if ((i==1).or.(trim(adjustl(dim)) == 'none')) then
call read_in(i, displace, temp_box_bd)
call grow_box(temp_box_bd)
@ -40,6 +53,8 @@ module mode_merge
call read_in(i, displace, temp_box_bd)
call grow_box(temp_box_bd)
end if
if(shift_flag) call shift(new_starts, i)
end do
@ -89,7 +104,16 @@ module mode_merge
!Choose what to based on what the option string is
select case(trim(textholder))
shift_flag = .true.
do i = 1,3
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) stop "Missing vector component for shift command"
read(textholder, *) shift_vec(i)
end do
wrap = .true.
case default
!If it isn't an available option to mode merge then we just exit
@ -97,4 +121,52 @@ module mode_merge
end do
end subroutine parse_command
subroutine shift(array_start, filenum)
!This subroutine applies a shift to newly added atoms and elements. It also wraps the atoms
!if the user provides the wrap flag
integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: array_start
integer, intent(in) :: filenum
integer :: i, j, ibasis, inod
real(kind=dp), dimension(3) :: current_shift
!Calculate the current shift which is the filenum-1 multiplied by the user specified shift
current_shift = (filenum-1)*shift_vec
!First shift all the atoms
do i = array_start(1), atom_num
r_atom(:,i) = r_atom(:,i) + current_shift
end do
!Now shift all the elements
do i = array_start(2), ele_num
do inod = 1, ng_node(lat_ele(i))
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))
r_node(:,ibasis, inod, i) = r_node(:,ibasis, inod, i) + current_shift
end do
end do
end do
!Now we check if we have to wrap the atoms, nodes are not wrapped. For elements the periodic
!boundary conditions are applied in the actual CAC codes
if(wrap) then
do i = array_start(1), atom_num
call apply_periodic(r_atom(:,i))
end do
!If we don't include the wrap command then we have to increase the size of the box
do i = 1,3
if (current_shift(i) < -lim_zero) then
box_bd(2*i-1) = box_bd(2*i-1) - current_shift(i)
else if (current_shift(i) > lim_zero) then
box_bd(2*i) = box_bd(2*i) + current_shift(i)
end if
end do
end if
end subroutine shift
end module mode_merge

@ -249,4 +249,23 @@ module subroutines
end do
end subroutine siftdown
subroutine apply_periodic(r)
!This function checks if an atom is outside the box and wraps it back in. This is generally used when some
!kind of displacement is applied but the simulation cell is desired to be maintained as the same size.
real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(inout) :: r
integer :: j
do j = 1, 3
if (r(j) > box_bd(2*j)) then
r(j) = r(j) - box_bd(2*j)
else if (r(j) < box_bd(2*j-1)) then
r(j) = r(j) + box_bd(2*j-1)
end if
end do
end subroutine
end module subroutines