module elements !This module contains the elements data structures, structures needed for building regions !and operations that are done on elements use parameters use functions use subroutines implicit none !Data structures used to represent the CAC elements. Each index represents an element character(len=100), allocatable :: type_ele(:) !Element type integer, allocatable :: size_ele(:), lat_ele(:), sbox_ele(:) !Element size real(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_node(:,:,:,:) !Nodal position array integer, save :: ele_num !Number of elements integer, save :: node_num !Total number of nodes !Data structure used to represent atoms integer, allocatable :: type_atom(:)!atom type real(kind =dp),allocatable :: r_atom(:,:) !atom position integer :: atom_num=0 !Number of atoms !Mapping atom type to provided name character(len=2), dimension(10) :: type_to_name integer :: atom_types = 0 !Variables for creating elements based on primitive cells real(kind=dp) :: cubic_cell(3,8), fcc_cell(3,8), fcc_mat(3,3), fcc_inv(3,3) integer :: cubic_faces(4,6) !Below are lattice type arrays which provide information on the general form of the elements. !We currently have a limit of 10 lattice types for simplicities sake but this can be easily increased. integer :: lattice_types = 0 integer :: max_ng_node, ng_node(10) !Max number of nodes per element and number of nodes per element for each lattice type integer :: max_esize=0 !Maximum number of atoms per side of element !These variables contain information on the basis, for simplicities sake we limit !the user to the definition of 10 lattice types with 10 basis atoms at each lattice point. !This can be easily increased with no change to efficiency integer :: max_basisnum, basisnum(10) !Max basis atom number, number of basis atoms in each lattice type integer :: basis_type(10,10) real(kind=dp) :: lapa(10) public contains subroutine lattice_init !This subroutine just intializes variables needed for building the different finite !element types !First initialize the cubic cell cubic_cell = reshape((/ 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, & 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, & 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, & 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, & 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp, & 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp, & 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, & 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp /), & shape(fcc_cell)) !Now we create a list containing the list of vertices needed to describe the 6 cube faces cubic_faces(:,1) = (/ 1, 4, 8, 5 /) cubic_faces(:,2) = (/ 2, 3, 7, 6 /) cubic_faces(:,3) = (/ 1, 2, 6, 5 /) cubic_faces(:,4) = (/ 3, 4, 8, 7 /) cubic_faces(:,5) = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4 /) cubic_faces(:,6) = (/ 5, 6, 7, 8 /) !!Now initialize the fcc primitive cell fcc_cell = reshape((/ 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, & 0.5_dp, 0.5_dp, 0.0_dp, & 0.5_dp, 1.0_dp, 0.5_dp, & 0.0_dp, 0.5_dp, 0.5_dp, & 0.5_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.5_dp, & 1.0_dp, 0.5_dp, 0.5_dp, & 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 1.0_dp, & 0.5_dp, 0.5_dp, 1.0_dp /), & shape(fcc_cell)) fcc_mat = reshape((/ 0.5_dp, 0.5_dp, 0.0_dp, & 0.0_dp, 0.5_dp, 0.5_dp, & 0.5_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.5_dp /), & shape(fcc_mat)) call matrix_inverse(fcc_mat,3,fcc_inv) max_basisnum = 0 basisnum(:) = 0 ng_node(:) = 0 node_num = 0 ele_num = 0 atom_num = 0 end subroutine lattice_init subroutine cell_init(lapa,esize,ele_type, orient_mat, cell_mat) !This subroutine uses the user provided information to transform the finite element cell to the correct !size, orientation, and dimensions using the esize, lattice parameter, element_type, and orientation provided !by the user integer, intent(in) :: esize real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: lapa, orient_mat(3,3) character(len=100), intent(in) :: ele_type real(kind=dp), dimension(3,max_ng_node), intent(out) :: cell_mat integer :: inod, i real(kind=dp), dimension(3,max_ng_node) :: adjustVar adjustVar(:,:) = 0.0_dp select case(trim(ele_type)) case('fcc') if(lmpcac) then do inod = 1, 8 do i = 1,3 if(is_equal(cubic_cell(i, inod),0.0_dp)) then adjustVar(i,inod) = -0.5_dp else adjustVar(i, inod) = 0.5_dp end if end do end do adjustVar(:,1:8) = matmul(fcc_mat, adjustVar(:,1:8)) end if cell_mat(:, 1:8) = fcc_cell + adjustVar(:,1:8) cell_mat(:,1:8) = lapa * ((esize-1)*matmul(orient_mat, cell_mat(:,1:8))) case default print *, "Element type ", trim(ele_type), " currently not accepted" stop end select end subroutine cell_init subroutine alloc_ele_arrays(n,m) !This subroutine used to provide initial allocation for the atom and element arrays integer, intent(in) :: n, m !n-size of element arrays, m-size of atom arrays integer :: allostat !Allocate element arrays if(n > 0) then allocate(type_ele(n), size_ele(n), lat_ele(n), sbox_ele(n), r_node(3,max_basisnum, max_ng_node,n), & stat=allostat) if(allostat > 0) then print *, "Error allocating element arrays in elements.f90 because of: ", allostat stop end if end if if(m > 0) then !Allocate atom arrays allocate(type_atom(m), r_atom(3,m), stat=allostat) if(allostat > 0) then print *, "Error allocating atom arrays in elements.f90 because of: ", allostat stop end if end if end subroutine subroutine grow_ele_arrays(n, m) integer, intent(in) :: n, m integer :: ele_size, atom_size, buffer_size integer, allocatable :: temp_int(:) real(kind=dp), allocatable :: temp_ele_real(:,:,:,:), temp_real(:,:) character(len=100), allocatable :: char_temp(:) !The default size we grow the buffer_size = 1024 !Figure out the size of the atom and element arrays ele_size = size(size_ele) atom_size = size(type_atom) !Check if we need to grow the ele_size, if so grow all the variables if ( n+ele_num > size(size_ele)) then allocate(temp_int(n+ele_num+buffer_size)) temp_int(1:ele_size) = lat_ele temp_int(ele_size+1:) = 0 call move_alloc(temp_int, lat_ele) allocate(temp_int(n+ele_num+buffer_size)) temp_int(1:ele_size) = size_ele temp_int(ele_size+1:) = 0 call move_alloc(temp_int, size_ele) allocate(temp_int(n+ele_num+buffer_size)) temp_int(1:ele_size) = lat_ele temp_int(ele_size+1:) = 0 call move_alloc(temp_int, sbox_ele) allocate(char_temp(n+ele_num+buffer_size)) char_temp(1:ele_size) = type_ele call move_alloc(char_temp, type_ele) allocate(temp_ele_real(3, max_basisnum, max_ng_node, n+ele_num+buffer_size)) temp_ele_real(:,:,:,1:ele_size) = r_node temp_ele_real(:,:,:,ele_size+1:) = 0.0_dp call move_alloc(temp_ele_real, r_node) end if !Now grow atom arrays if needed if (m+atom_num > atom_size) then allocate(temp_int(m+atom_num+buffer_size)) temp_int(1:atom_size) = type_atom temp_int(atom_size+1:) = 0 call move_alloc(temp_int, type_atom) allocate(temp_real(3,m+atom_num+buffer_size)) temp_real(:,1:atom_size) = r_atom temp_real(:, atom_size+1:) = 0.0_dp call move_alloc(temp_real, r_atom) end if end subroutine subroutine add_element(type, size, lat, sbox, r) !Subroutine which adds an element to the element arrays integer, intent(in) :: size, lat, sbox character(len=100), intent(in) :: type real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: r(3, max_basisnum, max_ng_node) ele_num = ele_num + 1 !Check to see if we need to grow the arrays call grow_ele_arrays(1,0) type_ele(ele_num) = type size_ele(ele_num) = size lat_ele(ele_num) = lat sbox_ele(ele_num) = sbox r_node(:,:,:,ele_num) = r(:,:,:) node_num = node_num + ng_node(lat) end subroutine add_element subroutine add_atom(type, r) !Subroutine which adds an atom to the atom arrays integer, intent(in) :: type real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(3) :: r atom_num = atom_num+1 !Check to see if we need to grow the arrays call grow_ele_arrays(0,1) type_atom(atom_num) = type r_atom(:,atom_num) = r(:) end subroutine add_atom subroutine add_atom_type(type, inttype) !This subroutine adds a new atom type to the module list of atom types character(len=2), intent(in) :: type integer, intent(out) :: inttype integer :: i logical :: exists exists = .false. do i=1, 10 if(type == type_to_name(i)) then exists = .true. inttype = i exit end if end do if (exists.eqv..false.) then atom_types = atom_types+1 if(atom_types > 10) then print *, "Defined atom types are greater than 10 which is currently not supported." stop 3 end if type_to_name(atom_types) = type inttype = atom_types end if return end subroutine add_atom_type subroutine def_ng_node(n, element_types) !This subroutine defines the maximum node number among n element types integer, intent(in) :: n !Number of element types character(len=100), dimension(n) :: element_types !Array of element type strings integer :: i max_ng_node = 0 do i=1, n select case(trim(adjustl(element_types(i)))) case('fcc') ng_node(i) = 8 end select if(ng_node(i) > max_ng_node) max_ng_node = ng_node(i) end do end subroutine def_ng_node subroutine set_max_esize !This subroutine sets the maximum esize max_esize=maxval(size_ele) end subroutine subroutine interpolate_atoms(type, esize, lat_type, r_in, type_interp, r_interp) !This subroutine returns the interpolated atoms from the elements. !Arguments character(len=100), intent(in) :: type !The type of element that it is integer, intent(in) :: esize !The number of atoms per side integer, intent(in) :: lat_type !The integer lattice type of the element real(kind=dp), dimension(3,max_basisnum, max_ng_node), intent(in) :: r_in !Nodal positions integer, dimension(max_basisnum*max_esize**3), intent(out) :: type_interp !Interpolated atomic positions real(kind=dp), dimension(3, max_basisnum*max_esize**3), intent(out) :: r_interp !Interpolated atomic positions !Internal variables integer :: i, it, is, ir, ibasis, inod, ia, bnum, lat_type_temp real(kind=dp), allocatable :: a_shape(:) real(kind=dp) :: t, s, r !Initialize some variables r_interp(:,:) = 0.0_dp type_interp(:) = 0 ia = 0 !Define bnum based on the input lattice type. If lat_type=0 then we are interpolating lattice points which means !the basis is 0,0,0, and the type doesn't matter select case(lat_type) case(0) bnum=1 lat_type_temp = 1 case default bnum = basisnum(lat_type) lat_type_temp = lat_type end select select case(trim(adjustl(type))) case('fcc') allocate(a_shape(8)) !Now loop over all the possible sites do it = 1, esize t = (1.0_dp*(it-1)-(esize-1)/2)/(1.0_dp*(esize-1)/2) do is =1, esize s = (1.0_dp*(is-1)-(esize-1)/2)/(1.0_dp*(esize-1)/2) do ir = 1, esize r = (1.0_dp*(ir-1) - (esize-1)/2)/(1.0_dp*(esize-1)/2) call rhombshape(r,s,t,a_shape) do ibasis = 1, bnum ia = ia + 1 do inod = 1, 8 type_interp(ia) = basis_type(ibasis,lat_type_temp) r_interp(:,ia) = r_interp(:,ia) + a_shape(inod) * r_in(:,ibasis,inod) end do end do end do end do end do end select if (ia /= bnum*esize**3) then print *, "Incorrect interpolation" stop 3 end if return end subroutine interpolate_atoms subroutine rhombshape(r,s,t, shape_fun) !Shape function for rhombohedral elements real(kind=8), intent(in) :: r, s, t real(kind=8), intent(out) :: shape_fun(8) shape_fun(1) = (1.0-r)*(1.0-s)*(1.0-t)/8.0 shape_fun(2) = (1.0+r)*(1.0-s)*(1.0-t)/8.0 shape_fun(3) = (1.0+r)*(1.0+s)*(1.0-t)/8.0 shape_fun(4) = (1.0-r)*(1.0+s)*(1.0-t)/8.0 shape_fun(5) = (1.0-r)*(1.0-s)*(1.0+t)/8.0 shape_fun(6) = (1.0+r)*(1.0-s)*(1.0+t)/8.0 shape_fun(7) = (1.0+r)*(1.0+s)*(1.0+t)/8.0 shape_fun(8) = (1.0-r)*(1.0+s)*(1.0+t)/8.0 return end subroutine rhombshape subroutine delete_atoms(num, index) !This subroutine deletes atoms from the atom arrays integer, intent(in) :: num integer, intent(inout), dimension(num) :: index integer :: i, j call heapsort(index) !We go from largest index to smallest index just to make sure that we don't miss !accidentally overwrite values which need to be deleted do i = num, 1, -1 if(index(i) == atom_num) then r_atom(:,index(i)) = 0.0_dp type_atom(index(i)) = 0 else r_atom(:,index(i)) = r_atom(:, atom_num) type_atom(index(i)) = type_atom(atom_num) end if atom_num = atom_num - 1 end do end subroutine subroutine delete_elements(num, index) !This subroutine deletes elements from the element array integer, intent(in) :: num integer, intent(inout), dimension(num) :: index integer :: i, j call heapsort(index) !We go from largest index to smallest index just to make sure that we don't miss !accidentally overwrite values which need to be deleted do i = num, 1, -1 if(index(i) == ele_num) then r_node(:,:,:,index(i)) = 0.0_dp type_ele(index(i)) ='' size_ele(index(i)) = 0 lat_ele(index(i)) = 0 sbox_ele(index(i)) = 0 else node_num = node_num - ng_node(lat_ele(index(i))) r_node(:,:,:,index(i)) = r_node(:,:,:,ele_num) type_ele(index(i)) = type_ele(ele_num) size_ele(index(i)) = size_ele(ele_num) lat_ele(index(i)) = lat_ele(ele_num) sbox_ele(index(i)) = sbox_ele(ele_num) end if ele_num = ele_num - 1 end do end subroutine delete_elements end module elements