module opt_disl !This module contains all code associated with dislocations use parameters use elements use subroutines use box implicit none integer :: vloop_size ! Number of atoms to remove in planar vacancy cluster integer :: iline, islip_plane real(kind=dp), dimension(3) :: line, slip_plane, centroid!dislocation line, slip plane vectors, centroid, real(kind=dp) :: burgers(3) !burgers vector of loop real(kind=dp) :: poisson, char_angle, lattice_parameter!Poisson ratio and character angle, lattice_parameter for burgers vector character(len=10) :: lattice character(len=1) :: loop_normal real(kind=dp) :: loop_radius !Dislocation loop radius real(kind=dp) :: b !burgers vector public contains subroutine dislocation(option, arg_pos) !Main calling function for all codes related to dislocations character(len=100), intent(in) :: option integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos print *, '--------------------Option Dislocation-----------------------' select case(trim(adjustl(option))) case('-disl') call parse_disl(arg_pos) call disl case('-dislgen') call parse_dislgen(arg_pos) call dislgen case('-disloop') call parse_disloop(arg_pos) call disloop case('-vacancydisloop') call parse_vacancydisloop(arg_pos) call vacancy_disloop end select end subroutine dislocation subroutine parse_disl(arg_pos) !Parse disl command integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos integer :: i,arglen character(len=100) :: textholder character(len=1) :: parse_dim !Parse all of the commands arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 line(:) = 0.0_dp call get_command_argument(arg_pos, parse_dim, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing line dim in disl command" select case(parse_dim) case('x','X') iline=1 case('y','Y') iline=2 case('z','Z') iline=3 end select arg_pos=arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, parse_dim, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing plane dim in disl command" select case(parse_dim) case('x','X') islip_plane=1 case('y','Y') islip_plane=2 case('z','Z') islip_plane=3 end select do i = 1, 3 arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing centroid in disl command" call parse_pos(i, textholder, centroid(i)) end do arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing parameter in disl command" read(textholder, *) b arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing character angle in disl command" read(textholder, *) char_angle arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing poisson in disl command" read(textholder, *) poisson arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 end subroutine parse_disl subroutine disl !This subroutine creates the actual dislocation integer :: i, inod, ibasis, ix, iy, iz real(kind=dp) :: ss_ori(3,3), ss_inv(3,3), be, bs, slipx(3), disp_transform(3,3), inv_transform(3,3), & actan, r(3), disp(3) print *, "Dislocation with centroid ", centroid, " is inserted" !Calculate screw and edge burgers vectors be = sin(char_angle*pi/180.0_dp)*b bs = cos(char_angle*pi/180.0_dp)*b !Map box dimensions to dislocation dimensions, iz is along the dislocation line and iy is along the slip plane iz = iline iy = islip_plane do i = 1, 3 if ((i /= iy).and.(i /=iz)) then ix = i exit end if end do if(atom_num > 0) then do i = 1, atom_num r=r_atom(:,i) - centroid if (r(ix) == 0) then actan=pi/2 else actan = datan2(r(iy),r(ix)) end if if ((r(ix)**2 + r(iy)**2) == 0) cycle !This is the elastic displacement field for dislocation according to Hirth and Lowe disp(ix) = be/(2.0_dp*pi) * (actan + (r(ix)*r(iy))/(2.0_dp*(1.0_dp-poisson)*(r(ix)**2.0_dp + r(iy)**2.0_dp))) disp(iy) = -be/(2.0_dp*pi)*((1.0_dp-2.0_dp*poisson)/(4.0_dp-4.0_dp*poisson) * & log(r(ix)**2.0_dp + r(iy)**2.0_dp) & + (r(ix)**2.0_dp - r(iy)**2.0_dp)/(4.0_dp*(1.0_dp-poisson)& *(r(ix)**2.0_dp+r(iy)**2.0_dp))) disp(iz) = bs/(2.0_dp*pi) * actan r_atom(:,i) = r_atom(:,i) + disp end do end if if(ele_num > 0) then do i = 1, ele_num do inod=1, ng_node(lat_ele(i)) do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i)) r = r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i)-centroid if (r(ix) == 0) then actan = pi/2 else actan = datan2(r(iy),r(ix)) end if if ((r(ix)**2 + r(iy)**2) == 0) cycle !This is the elastic displacement field for dislocation according to Hirth and Lowe disp(ix) = be/(2.0_dp*pi)*(actan + (r(ix)*r(iy))/(2.0_dp*(1.0_dp-poisson)*(r(ix)**2.0_dp + r(iy)**2.0_dp))) disp(iy) = -be/(2.0_dp*pi)*((1.0_dp-2.0_dp*poisson)/(4.0_dp-4.0_dp*poisson) * & log(r(ix)**2.0_dp + r(iy)**2.0_dp) & + (r(ix)**2.0_dp - r(iy)**2.0_dp)/(4.0_dp*(1.0_dp-poisson)& *(r(ix)**2.0_dp+r(iy)**2.0_dp))) disp(iz) = bs/(2.0_dp*pi) * actan r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) = r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) + disp end do end do end do end if end subroutine disl subroutine parse_dislgen(arg_pos) !Parse dislgen command integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos integer :: i,arglen character(len=100) :: textholder character(len=20) :: ori_string !Parse all of the commands arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 line(:) = 0.0_dp call get_command_argument(arg_pos, ori_string, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing line vector in dislgen command" call parse_ori_vec(ori_string, line) arg_pos=arg_pos + 1 slip_plane(:) = 0.0_dp call get_command_argument(arg_pos, ori_string, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing plane vector in dislgen command" call parse_ori_vec(ori_string, slip_plane) do i = 1, 3 arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing centroid in dislgen command" call parse_pos(i, textholder, centroid(i)) end do arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing parameter in dislgen command" read(textholder, *) b arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing character angle in dislgen command" read(textholder, *) char_angle arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing poisson in dislgen command" read(textholder, *) poisson arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 end subroutine parse_dislgen subroutine dislgen !This subroutine creates the actual dislocation integer :: i, inod, ibasis real(kind=dp) :: ss_ori(3,3), ss_inv(3,3), be, bs, slipx(3), disp_transform(3,3), inv_transform(3,3), & actan, r(3), disp(3) print *, "Dislocation with centroid ", centroid, " is inserted" !Calculate screw and edge burgers vectors be = sin(char_angle*pi/180.0_dp)*b bs = cos(char_angle*pi/180.0_dp)*b !Construct the slip system orientation matrix in an unrotated system slipx = cross_product(slip_plane, line) ss_ori(1,:) = unitvec(3,slipx) ss_ori(2,:) = unitvec(3,slip_plane) ss_ori(3,:) = unitvec(3,line) call matrix_inverse(ss_ori, 3, ss_inv) !Apply the rotation disp_transform = matmul(box_ori(:,:), ss_inv) call matrix_inverse(disp_transform,3,inv_transform) if(atom_num > 0) then do i = 1, atom_num r=r_atom(:,i) - centroid r=matmul(inv_transform, r) if (r(1) == 0) then actan=pi/2 else actan = datan2(r(2),r(1)) end if if ((r(1)**2 + r(2)**2) == 0) cycle !This is the elastic displacement field for dislocation according to Hirth and Lowe disp(1) = be/(2.0_dp*pi) * (actan + (r(1)*r(2))/(2.0_dp*(1.0_dp-poisson)*(r(1)**2.0_dp + r(2)**2.0_dp))) disp(2) = -be/(2.0_dp*pi)*((1.0_dp-2.0_dp*poisson)/(4.0_dp-4.0_dp*poisson) * & log(r(1)**2.0_dp + r(2)**2.0_dp) & + (r(1)**2.0_dp - r(2)**2.0_dp)/(4.0_dp*(1.0_dp-poisson)& *(r(1)**2.0_dp+r(2)**2.0_dp))) disp(3) = bs/(2.0_dp*pi) * actan !This transforms the displacement to the correct orientation disp = matmul(disp_transform, disp) r_atom(:,i) = r_atom(:,i) + disp end do end if if(ele_num > 0) then do i = 1, ele_num do inod=1, ng_node(lat_ele(i)) do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i)) r = r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i)-centroid r = matmul(inv_transform, r) if (r(1) == 0) then actan = pi/2 else actan = datan2(r(2),r(1)) end if if ((r(1)**2 + r(2)**2) == 0) cycle !This is the elastic displacement field for dislocation according to Hirth and Lowe disp(1) = be/(2.0_dp*pi) * (actan + (r(1)*r(2))/(2.0_dp*(1.0_dp-poisson)*(r(1)**2.0_dp + r(2)**2.0_dp))) disp(2) = -be/(2.0_dp*pi)*((1.0_dp-2.0_dp*poisson)/(4.0_dp-4.0_dp*poisson) * & log(r(1)**2.0_dp + r(2)**2.0_dp) & + (r(1)**2.0_dp - r(2)**2.0_dp)/(4.0_dp*(1.0_dp-poisson)& *(r(1)**2.0_dp+r(2)**2.0_dp))) disp(3) = bs/(2.0_dp*pi) * actan disp = matmul(disp_transform, disp) r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) = r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) + disp end do end do end do end if end subroutine dislgen subroutine parse_disloop(arg_pos) !This subroutine parses the disloop command integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos integer :: i,arglen character(len=100) :: textholder !Parse all of the commands arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 loop_normal = ' ' call get_command_argument(arg_pos, loop_normal, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing loop_normal in disloop command" !Convert the loop_normal to the dimension select case(loop_normal) case('x','X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z') continue case default print *, "Dimension argument must either be x, y, or z not", loop_normal stop 3 end select arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 loop_radius = 0 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing loop_radius in disloop command" read(textholder, *) loop_radius do i = 1, 3 arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing centroid in disloop command" call parse_pos(i, textholder, centroid(i)) end do burgers(:) = 0.0_dp do i = 1, 3 arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing burgers vector in disloop command" read(textholder, *) burgers(i) end do arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing poisson ratio in disloop command" read(textholder, *) poisson arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 end subroutine !Code for the creation of dislocation loops is based on functions from atomsk !which is available from They have been adapted to fit cacmb. subroutine disloop !This subroutine applies the displacement field for a dislocation loop to all atoms and elements. integer :: a1, a2, a3 !New directions integer :: i, j, inod, ibasis, Npoints real(kind = dp) :: perimeter, angle, theta, omega, xA(3), xB(3), xC(3), u(3) real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: xloop !coordinate of points forming loop print *, "Dislocation loop with centroid ", centroid, " is inserted" if(allocated(xLoop)) deallocate(xLoop) !Define new directions select case(loop_normal) case('x','X') !Loop in (y,z) plane a1 = 2 a2 = 3 a3 = 1 case('y','Y') !Loop in (x,z) plane a1 = 3 a2 = 1 a3 = 2 case default !Loop in (x,y) plane a1 = 1 a2 = 2 a3 = 3 end select if(loop_radius < 0.0_dp) then ALLOCATE(xLoop(4,3)) xLoop(:,:) = 0.d0 xLoop(1,a1) = centroid(a1) + loop_radius xLoop(1,a2) = centroid(a2) + loop_radius xLoop(1,a3) = centroid(a3) xLoop(2,a1) = centroid(a1) - loop_radius xLoop(2,a2) = centroid(a2) + loop_radius xLoop(2,a3) = centroid(a3) xLoop(3,a1) = centroid(a1) - loop_radius xLoop(3,a2) = centroid(a2) - loop_radius xLoop(3,a3) = centroid(a3) xLoop(4,a1) = centroid(a1) + loop_radius xLoop(4,a2) = centroid(a2) - loop_radius xLoop(4,a3) = centroid(a3) else !Calculate loop perimeter perimeter = 2.0_dp*pi*loop_radius !Define the number of points forming the loop ! The following criteria are used as a trade-off between ! good accuracy and computational efficiency: ! - each dislocation segment should have a length of 5 angströms; ! - the loop should contain at least 3 points ! (for very small loops, this will result in segments shorter than 5 A); ! - there should not be more than 100 points ! (for very large loops, this will result in segments longer than 5 A). Npoints = MAX( 3 , MIN( NINT(perimeter/5.d0) , 100 ) ) !angle between two consecutive points theta = 2.0_dp*pi / dble(Npoints) !allocate xLoop allocate(xLoop(Npoints,3)) xLoop(:,:) = 0.0_dp !Calculate the position of each point in the loop angle = 0.0_dp do i = 1, size(xLoop,1) xLoop(i,a1) = centroid(a1) + loop_radius*dcos(angle) xLoop(i,a2) = centroid(a2) + loop_radius*dsin(angle) xLoop(i,a3) = centroid(a3) ! Increment angle for next point angle = angle + theta end do end if !Now actually calculate the displacement created by a loop for every atom do i = 1, atom_num u = 0.0_dp omega = 0.0_dp xC(:) = centroid - r_atom(:,i) !Loop over all dislocation segments do j = 1, size(xLoop,1) !Coordinates of point A if (j ==1) then xA(:) = xLoop(size(xLoop,1),:) - r_atom(:,i) else xA(:) = xLoop(j-1, :) - r_atom(:,i) end if !Coordinates of point B xB(:) = xLoop(j,:) - r_atom(:,i) !Displacement due to solid angle omega = omega + SolidAngle(xA, xB, xC) !Displacement due to elasticity u(:) = u(:) + DisloSeg_displacement_iso(xA, xB, burgers(:), poisson) end do !Total displacement u=u(:) + burgers(:) * omega !Apply displacement to atom r_atom(:,i) = r_atom(:,i) + u(:) end do !Repeat for element nodes do i = 1, ele_num do inod =1, ng_node(lat_ele(i)) do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i)) u = 0.0_dp omega = 0.0_dp xC(:) = centroid - r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) !Loop over all dislocation segments do j = 1, size(xLoop,1) !Coordinates of point A if (j ==1) then xA(:) = xLoop(size(xLoop,1),:) - r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) else xA(:) = xLoop(j-1, :) - r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) end if !Coordinates of point B xB(:) = xLoop(j,:) - r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) !Displacement due to solid angle omega = omega + SolidAngle(xA, xB, xC) !Displacement due to elasticity u(:) = u(:) + DisloSeg_displacement_iso(xA, xB, burgers(:), poisson) end do !Total displacement u=u(:) + burgers(:) * omega !Apply displacement to atom r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) = r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) + u(:) end do end do end do return end subroutine disloop !******************************************************** ! SOLIDANGLE ! Calculate solid angle (normalized by 4*pi) used to obtain the ! displacement created by a dislocation triangle loop ABC at the origin ! (field point = origin) ! Ref.: Van Oosterom, A. and Strackee, J., ! The Solid Angle of a Plane Triangle, ! IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering BME-30, 125 (1983). !******************************************************** FUNCTION SolidAngle(xA, xB, xC) RESULT(Omega) ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! Extremities of the triangle loop REAL(dp),DIMENSION(3),INTENT(IN) :: xA, xB, xC ! ! Solid angle (normalized by 4*pi) REAL(dp):: omega REAL(dp),PARAMETER:: factor=1.d0/(2.d0*pi) ! REAL(dp) :: rA, rB, rC, numerator, denominator ! rA = norm2(xA) rB = norm2(xB) rC = norm2(xC) ! numerator = TRIPLE_PRODUCT( xA, xB, xC ) denominator = rA*rB*rC + DOT_PRODUCT( xA, xB )*rC & & + DOT_PRODUCT( xB, xC )*rA + DOT_PRODUCT( xC, xA )*rB ! omega = factor*ATAN2( numerator, denominator ) ! END FUNCTION SolidAngle !******************************************************** ! DISLOSEG_DISPLACEMENT_ISO ! Calculate displacement created by dislocation segment AB ! once the solid angle part has been removed ! Isotropic elastic calculation with nu Poisson coef. ! Ref.: Eq. (1) in Barnett, D. M. ! The Displacement Field of a Triangular Dislocation Loop ! Philos. Mag. A, 1985, 51, 383-387 !******************************************************** FUNCTION DisloSeg_displacement_iso(xA, xB, b, nu) RESULT(u) ! IMPLICIT NONE REAL(dp),DIMENSION(3),INTENT(IN):: xA, xB ! Extremities of the segment REAL(dp),DIMENSION(3),INTENT(IN):: b ! Burgers vector REAL(dp),INTENT(IN):: nu ! Poisson coefficient REAL(dp),DIMENSION(3):: u ! Displacement REAL(dp):: rA, rB REAL(dp),DIMENSION(1:3):: tAB, nAB ! rA = norm2(xA) rB = norm2(xB) ! ! Tangent vector tAB(:) = xB(:) - xA(:) tAB(:) = tAB(:)/norm2(tAB) ! ! Normal vector nAB(:) = CROSS_PRODUCT(xA,xB) nAB(:) = nAB(:)/norm2(nAB) ! u(:) = ( -(1.d0-2.d0*nu)*CROSS_PRODUCT(b, tAB)* & & LOG( (rB + DOT_PRODUCT(xB,tAB))/(rA + DOT_PRODUCT(xA,tAB)) ) & & + DOT_PRODUCT(b,nAB)*CROSS_PRODUCT(xB/rB-xA/rA,nAB) ) & & /(8.d0*pi*(1.d0-nu)) ! END FUNCTION DisloSeg_displacement_iso ! subroutine parse_vacancydisloop(arg_pos) !This subroutine parses the disloop command integer, intent(inout) :: arg_pos integer :: i,arglen character(len=100) :: textholder !Parse all of the commands arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 loop_normal = ' ' call get_command_argument(arg_pos, loop_normal, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing loop_normal in disloop command" !Convert the loop_normal to the dimension select case(loop_normal) case('x','X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z') continue case default print *, "Dimension argument must either be x, y, or z not", loop_normal stop 3 end select arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 loop_radius = 0 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing loop_radius in disloop command" read(textholder, *) loop_radius do i = 1, 3 arg_pos = arg_pos + 1 call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen) if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing centroid in disloop command" call parse_pos(i, textholder, centroid(i)) end do arg_pos=arg_pos+1 end subroutine parse_vacancydisloop !This code simply creates a planar vacancy cluster and does not apply the dislocation loop displacement field. subroutine vacancy_disloop !This subroutine actually creates the dislocation loop. real(kind=dp) :: neighbor_dis, temp_box(6), dis integer :: i, j, index, delete_num, delete_index(atom_num), normal_dim neighbor_dis = HUGE(1.0_dp) index= 0 !First find the nearest atom to the centroid do i = 1, atom_num if(norm2(r_atom(:,i) - centroid) < neighbor_dis) then neighbor_dis = norm2(r_atom(:,i) - centroid) index = i end if end do !Define a new box, this box tries to isolate all atoms on the plane of the atom select case(trim(adjustl(loop_normal))) case('x','X') normal_dim=1 case('y','Y') normal_dim=2 case('z','Z') normal_dim=3 end select temp_box(:) = box_bd(:) temp_box(2*normal_dim) = r_atom(normal_dim,index) + 10.0_dp**(-2.0_dp) temp_box(2*normal_dim-1) = r_atom(normal_dim,index) - 10.0_dp**(-2.0_dp) !Define the new centroid starting on the nearest atom centroid = r_atom(:,index) !Now reset the list for the scanning algorithm delete_num = 0 !that reside on the same plane. If loop_radius is > 0 then we build a circular vacancy cluster if(loop_radius > 0) then do i = 1, atom_num !Check to see if it is on the same plane if (in_block_bd(r_atom(:,i), temp_box)) then dis = norm2(r_atom(:,i) - centroid) !Check to see if it is within the loop radius, if so then add it to the delete list if (dis < loop_radius) then delete_num = delete_num + 1 delete_index(delete_num) = i end if end if end do !If the loop radius is < 0 we build a square vacancy cluster else if (loop_radius < 0) then !Set the new box boundaries do i = 1, 3 if (i /= normal_dim) then temp_box(2*i) = centroid(i) + abs(loop_radius) temp_box(2*i-1) = centroid(i) - abs(loop_radius) end if end do !Now delete all atoms with box box boundary which should create a square planar vacancy cluster do i = 1, atom_num !Check to see if the atom is in the bounding cube if (in_block_bd(r_atom(:,i), temp_box)) then delete_num = delete_num + 1 delete_index(delete_num) = i end if end do end if !Now delete the atoms call delete_atoms(delete_num, delete_index(1:delete_num)) return end subroutine vacancy_disloop end module opt_disl