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module box
!This module contains information on the properties of the current box.
use parameters
use functions
implicit none
real(kind=dp) :: box_bd(6) !Global box boundaries
character(len=3) :: box_bc !Box boundary conditions (periodic or shrinkwrapped)
logical :: bound_called
!The subbox variables contain values for each subbox, being the boxes read in through some
!command. Currently only mode_merge will require sub_boxes, for mode_create it will always
!allocate to only 1 sub_box
integer :: sub_box_num = 0
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: sub_box_ori(:,:,:)!Orientations for each of the subboxes
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: sub_box_bd(:,:)!Boundaries for each of the sub_boxes
!Below are some simulation parameters which may be adjusted if reading in restart files
integer :: timestep=0
real(kind=dp) :: total_time=0.0_dp
subroutine box_init
!Initialize some box functions
box_bd(:) = 0.0_dp
box_bc = 'ppp'
end subroutine box_init
subroutine alloc_sub_box(n)
!Allocate the sub_box variables
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer :: i
allocate(sub_box_ori(3,3,n), sub_box_bd(6,n))
do i = 1, n
sub_box_ori(:,:,i) = identity_mat(3)
sub_box_bd(:,i) = 0.0_dp
end do
end subroutine alloc_sub_box
subroutine grow_sub_box(n)
!Grows sub box arrays, this is only called when a new file is read in
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, allocatable :: temp_array_bd(:,:,:), temp_file(:)
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: temp_ori(:,:,:), temp_bd(:,:)
!Allocate temporary arrays
allocate(temp_ori(3,3,sub_box_num+n),temp_bd(6,sub_box_num+n), &
temp_array_bd(2,2,sub_box_num+n), temp_file(sub_box_num+n))
!Move allocation for all sub_box_arrays
temp_ori(:,:,1:sub_box_num) = sub_box_ori
temp_ori(:,:,sub_box_num+1:) = 0.0_dp
call move_alloc(temp_ori, sub_box_ori)
temp_bd(:, 1:sub_box_num) = sub_box_bd
temp_bd(:, sub_box_num+1:) = 0.0_dp
call move_alloc(temp_bd, sub_box_bd)
end subroutine grow_sub_box
subroutine grow_box(temp_box_bd)
!This function takes in a temporary box boundary and adjusts the overall box boundaries
!to include it
real(kind=dp), dimension(6), intent(in) :: temp_box_bd
integer :: i
do i = 1, 3
if(temp_box_bd(2*i-1) < box_bd(2*i-1)) box_bd(2*i-1) = temp_box_bd(2*i-1)
if(temp_box_bd(2*i) > box_bd(2*i)) box_bd(2*i) = temp_box_bd(2*i)
end do
end subroutine grow_box
subroutine in_sub_box(r, which_sub_box)
!This returns which sub_box a point is in. It returns the first sub_box with boundaries which
!contain the point.
real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: r
integer, intent(out) :: which_sub_box
integer :: i
do i = 1, sub_box_num
if( in_block_bd(r, sub_box_bd(:,i))) then
which_sub_box = i
end if
end do
end subroutine in_sub_box
subroutine reset_box
!This subroutine just resets the box boundary and position
box_bc = "ppp"
box_bd(:) = 0
end subroutine reset_box
pure function box_volume()
real(kind = dp) :: box_volume
box_volume = (box_bd(2) - box_bd(1)) * (box_bd(4) - box_bd(3))*(box_bd(6) - box_bd(5))
end function
end module box