You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1221 lines
46 KiB

module io
use elements
use parameters
use atoms
use box
use str
implicit none
integer :: outfilenum = 0, infilenum = 0
character(len=100) :: outfiles(100), infiles(100), in_lattice_type=''
logical :: force_overwrite
real(kind=dp) :: in_lapa=0.0
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Subroutines for writing out data files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine get_out_file(filename)
implicit none
character(len=100), intent(in) :: filename
character(len=100) :: temp_outfile
character(len=1) :: overwrite
logical :: file_exists
!If no filename is provided then this function is called with none and prompts user input
if (filename=='none') then
print *, "Please specify a filename or extension to output to:"
read(*,*) temp_outfile
temp_outfile = filename
end if
!Infinite loop which only exists if user provides valid filetype
overwrite = 'r'
do while(.true.)
!Check to see if file exists, if it does then ask user if they would like to overwrite the file
inquire(file=trim(temp_outfile), exist=file_exists)
if (file_exists.and.(.not.(force_overwrite))) then
if (overwrite == 'r') print *, "File ", trim(temp_outfile), " already exists. Would you like to overwrite? (Y/N)"
read(*,*) overwrite
if((scan(overwrite, "n") > 0).or.(scan(overwrite, "N") > 0)) then
print *, "Please specify a new filename with extension:"
read(*,*) temp_outfile
else if((scan(overwrite, "y") > 0).or.(scan(overwrite, "Y") > 0)) then
print *, "Please pick either y or n"
read(*,*) overwrite
end if
end if
if (scan(temp_outfile,'.',.true.) == 0) then
print *, "No extension included on filename, please type a full filename that includes an extension."
read(*,*) temp_outfile
end if
select case(temp_outfile(scan(temp_outfile,'.',.true.)+1:))
case('xyz', 'lmp', 'vtk', 'mb', 'restart', 'dump')
outfiles(outfilenum) = temp_outfile
lmpcac = .true.
outfiles(outfilenum) = temp_outfile
case default
print *, "File type: ", trim(temp_outfile(scan(temp_outfile,'.',.true.):)), " not currently accepted. ", &
"please input a filename with extension from following list: xyz, lmp, vtk, cac."
read(*,*) temp_outfile
end select
end do
end subroutine get_out_file
subroutine write_out
!This subroutine loops over alll of the outfile types defined and calls the correct writing subroutine
integer :: i
!Find max esize which will be needed later
call set_max_esize
do i = 1, outfilenum
print *, "Writing data out to ", trim(adjustl(outfiles(i)))
!Pull out the extension of the file and call the correct write subroutine
select case(trim(adjustl(outfiles(i)(scan(outfiles(i),'.',.true.)+1:))))
call write_xyz(outfiles(i))
call write_lmp(outfiles(i))
call write_vtk(outfiles(i))
call write_mb(outfiles(i))
call write_pycac(outfiles(i))
call write_lmpcac(outfiles(i))
call write_ldump(outfiles(i))
case default
print *, "The extension ", trim(adjustl(outfiles(i)(scan(outfiles(i),'.',.true.)+1:))), &
" is not accepted for writing. Please select from: xyz, lmp, vtk, mb, restart, cac and try again"
end select
end do
end subroutine write_out
subroutine write_xyz(file)
!This is the simplest visualization subroutine, it writes out all nodal positions and atom positions to an xyz file
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
integer :: i, inod, ibasis, outn
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='write', status='replace',position='rewind')
!Write total number of atoms + elements
write(11, '(i16)') node_atoms+atom_num
!Write comment line
write(11, '(a)') "#Node + atom file created using cacmb"
!Write nodal positions
do i = 1, ele_num
do inod = 1, ng_node(lat_ele(i))
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))
write(11, '(2i16, 3f23.15)') basis_type(ibasis,lat_ele(i)), 1, r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i)
outn = outn + 1
end do
end do
end do
if(outn /= node_atoms) then
print *, "outn", outn, " doesn't equal node_atoms ", node_atoms
end if
!Write atom positions
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(2i16, 3f23.15)') type_atom(i), 0, r_atom(:,i)
outn = outn + 1
end do
if((outn-node_atoms) /= atom_num) then
print *, "outn", (outn-node_atoms), " doesn't equal atom_num ", atom_num
end if
!Finish writing
end subroutine write_xyz
subroutine write_lmp(file)
!This subroutine writes out a .lmp style dump file
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
integer :: write_num, i, iatom, type_interp(max_basisnum*max_esize**3), interp_num
real(kind=dp) :: r_interp(3, max_basisnum*max_esize**3), mass
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='write', status='replace',position='rewind')
!Comment line
write(11, '(a)') '# lmp file made with cacmb'
write(11, '(a)')
!Calculate total atom number
write_num = atom_num
do i = 1,ele_num
if(type_ele(i) == 'fcc') write_num = write_num + size_ele(i)**3
if(type_ele(i) == 'bcc') write_num = write_num + size_ele(i)**3
end do
!Write total number of atoms + elements
write(11, '(i16, a)') write_num, ' atoms'
!Write number of atom types
write(11, '(i16, a)') atom_types, ' atom types'
write(11,'(a)') ' '
!Write box bd
write(11, '(2f23.15, a)') box_bd(1:2), ' xlo xhi'
write(11, '(2f23.15, a)') box_bd(3:4), ' ylo yhi'
write(11, '(2f23.15, a)') box_bd(5:6), ' zlo zhi'
write(11, '(a)') 'Masses'
write(11, '(a)') ' '
do i =1, atom_types
call atommass(type_to_name(i),mass)
write(11, '(i16, f23.15)') i, mass
end do
write(11, '(a)') ' '
!Write atom positions
write(11, '(a)') 'Atoms'
write(11, '(a)') ' '
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(2i16, 3f23.15)') i, type_atom(i), r_atom(:,i)
end do
!Write refined element atomic positions
interp_num = 0
do i = 1, ele_num
call interpolate_atoms(type_ele(i), size_ele(i), lat_ele(i), r_node(:,:,:,i), type_interp, r_interp)
select case(trim(adjustl(type_ele(i))))
do iatom = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))*size_ele(i)**3
interp_num = interp_num+1
call apply_periodic(r_interp(:,iatom))
write(11, '(2i16, 3f23.15)') atom_num+interp_num, type_interp(iatom), r_interp(:,iatom)
end do
end select
end do
end subroutine write_lmp
subroutine write_ldump(file)
!This subroutine will only work if element data is defined
character(len = *), intent(in) :: file
integer :: write_num, i, iatom
logical :: write_dat
integer :: type_interp(max_basisnum*max_esize**3), interp_num
real(kind=dp) :: r_interp(3, max_basisnum*max_esize**3), data_interp(10, max_basisnum*max_esize**3)
1 format('ITEM: TIMESTEP'/i16)
2 format('ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS' /i16)
3 format('ITEM: BOX BOUNDS ', 2a1, ' ', 2a1, ' ', 2a1 / &
2f23.15 / 2f23.15 / 2f23.15)
4 format('ITEM: ATOMS id type x y z energy fx fy fz s11 s22 s33 s23 s13 s12')
5 format('ITEM: ATOMS id type x y z')
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='write', status='replace',position='rewind')
print *, max_basisnum, max_esize
!Write header information
write(11,1) timestep
!Calculate total atom number
write_num = atom_num
do i = 1,ele_num
if(type_ele(i) == 'fcc') write_num = write_num + size_ele(i)**3
if(type_ele(i) == 'bcc') write_num = write_num + size_ele(i)**3
end do
!Write total number of atoms
write(11,2) write_num
!Write box information
write(11,3) box_bc(1:1), box_bc(1:1), box_bc(2:2), box_bc(2:2), box_bc(3:3), box_bc(3:3), box_bd(:)
!Now pick if we are interpolating data or not
if(allocated(force_node).or.allocated(force_atom)) then
write(11, 4)
write_dat = .true.
write(11, 5)
write_dat = .false.
end if
if (write_dat) then
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(2i16, 13f23.15)') i, type_atom(i), r_atom(:,i), energy_atom(i), force_atom(:,i), virial_atom(:,i)
end do
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(2i16, 3f23.15)') i, type_atom(i), r_atom(:,i)
end do
end if
!Write refined element atomic positions
interp_num = 0
do i = 1, ele_num
if(write_dat) then
call interpolate_atoms(type_ele(i), size_ele(i), lat_ele(i), r_node(:,:,:,i), type_interp, r_interp, &
energy_node(:,:,i), force_node(:,:,:,i), virial_node(:,:,:,i), data_interp)
call interpolate_atoms(type_ele(i), size_ele(i), lat_ele(i), r_node(:,:,:,i), type_interp, r_interp)
end if
select case(trim(adjustl(type_ele(i))))
if(write_dat) then
do iatom = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))*size_ele(i)**3
interp_num = interp_num+1
call apply_periodic(r_interp(:,iatom))
write(11, '(2i16, 13f23.15)') atom_num+interp_num, type_interp(iatom), r_interp(:,iatom), &
end do
do iatom = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))*size_ele(i)**3
interp_num = interp_num+1
call apply_periodic(r_interp(:,iatom))
write(11, '(2i16, 3f23.15)') atom_num+interp_num, type_interp(iatom), r_interp(:,iatom)
end do
end if
end select
end do
end subroutine write_ldump
subroutine write_lmpcac(file)
!This subroutine writes out a .lmp style dump file
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
integer :: write_num, i, inod, ibasis
real(kind=dp) :: mass, fcc_adjust(3,8), local_adjust(3,8), rout(3)
1 format(i16, ' Eight_Node', 4i16)
2 format(i16, ' Atom', 4i16)
3 format(3i16,3f23.15)
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='write', status='replace',position='rewind')
!Comment line
write(11, '(a)') '# CAC input file made with cacmb'
write(11, '(a)')
!Calculate total atom number
write_num = atom_num + ele_num
!Write total number of atoms + elements
write(11, '(i16, a)') write_num, ' cac elements'
!Write number of atom types
write(11, '(i16, a)') atom_types, ' atom types'
write(11,'(a)') ' '
!Write box bd
write(11, '(2f23.15, a)') box_bd(1:2), ' xlo xhi'
write(11, '(2f23.15, a)') box_bd(3:4), ' ylo yhi'
write(11, '(2f23.15, a)') box_bd(5:6), ' zlo zhi'
write(11, '(a)') 'Masses'
write(11, '(a)') ' '
do i =1, atom_types
call atommass(type_to_name(i),mass)
write(11, '(i16, f23.15, 2a)') i, mass, ' # ', type_to_name(i)
end do
write(11, '(a)') ' '
write(11, '(a)') 'CAC Elements'
write(11, '(a)') ' '
!Set up the nodal adjustment variables for all the different element types. This adjusts the node centers
!from the center of the unit cell (as formulated in this code) to the corners of the unit cells
do inod = 1, 8
do i = 1,3
if(is_equal(cubic_cell(i, inod),0.0_dp)) then
fcc_adjust(i,inod) = -0.5_dp
fcc_adjust(i, inod) = 0.5_dp
end if
end do
end do
fcc_adjust = matmul(fcc_mat, fcc_adjust)
!Write element nodal positions
do i = 1, ele_num
select case(trim(adjustl(type_ele(i))))
!Now orient the current adjustment vector to the correct orientation
local_adjust = matmul(sub_box_ori(:,:,sbox_ele(i)), fcc_adjust) * lapa(lat_ele(i))
!The first entry is the element specifier
write(11,1) i, basisnum(lat_ele(i)), size_ele(i), size_ele(i), size_ele(i)
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))
do inod = 1, 8
!Nodal information for every node
rout = r_node(:,ibasis,inod,i) + local_adjust(:,inod)
write(11,3) inod, ibasis, basis_type(ibasis,lat_ele(i)), rout
end do
end do
end select
end do
do i = 1, atom_num
!Element specifier dictating that it is an atom
write(11,2) ele_num+i, 1, 1, 1, 1
!Write the atomic information
write(11,3) 1, 1, type_atom(i), r_atom(:,i)
end do
end subroutine write_lmpcac
subroutine write_vtk(file)
!This subroutine writes out a vtk style dump file
integer :: i, j, inod, ibasis
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
1 format('# vtk DataFile Version 4.0.1', / &
'CAC output -- cg', / &
11 format('# vtk DataFile Version 4.0.1', / &
'CACmb output -- atoms', / &
3 format('POINTS', i16, ' float')
4 format(/'CELLS', 2i16)
5 format(/'CELL_TYPES', i16)
12 format(/'CELL_DATA', i16)
16 format(/'POINT_DATA', i16)
17 format('SCALARS weight float', / &
'LOOKUP_TABLE default')
18 format('SCALARS atom_type float', / &
'LOOKUP_TABLE default')
20 format('SCALARS lattice_type float', /&
'LOOKUP_TABLE default')
21 format('SCALARS esize float', /&
'LOOKUP_TABLE default')
!First we write the vtk file containing the atoms
open(unit=11, file='atoms_'//trim(adjustl(file)), action='write', status='replace',position='rewind')
write(11, 11)
write(11, 2)
write(11, 3) atom_num
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(3f23.15)') r_atom(:,i)
end do
write(11,4) atom_num, atom_num*2
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(2i16)') 1, i-1
end do
write(11, 5) atom_num
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(i16)') 1
end do
write(11, 16) atom_num
write(11, 18)
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(i16)') type_atom(i)
end do
!Now we write the vtk file for the elements
open(unit=11, file='cg_'//trim(adjustl(file)), action='write', status='replace',position='rewind')
write(11,3) node_num
do i = 1, ele_num
do inod=1, ng_node(lat_ele(i))
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))
write(11, '(3f23.15)') sum(r_node(:,:,inod,i),2)/basisnum(lat_ele(i))
end do
end do
end do
write(11, 4) ele_num, ele_num + node_num
do i =1, ele_num
write(11, '(9i16)') ng_node(lat_ele(i)), (j, j = (i-1)*ng_node(lat_ele(i)), i*ng_node(lat_ele(i))-1)
end do
write(11,5) ele_num
do i = 1, ele_num
if(trim(adjustl(type_ele(i))) == 'fcc') write(11, '(i16)') 12
if(trim(adjustl(type_ele(i))) == 'bcc') write(11, '(i16)') 12
end do
write(11,12) ele_num
do i = 1, ele_num
write(11, '(i16)') lat_ele(i)
end do
do i = 1, ele_num
write(11, '(i16)') size_ele(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine write_pycac(file)
!This subroutine writes restart files meant to be used with the McDowell Group CAC code.
!NOTE: This code doesn't work for arbitrary number of basis atoms per node. It assumes that the
!each element has only 1 atom type at the node.
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
integer :: interp_max, i, j, inod, ibasis, ip, unique_index(50), unique_size(50), unique_type(50), unique_num, &
real(kind=dp) :: box_vec(3), masses(10)
1 format('time' / i16, f23.15)
2 format('number of elements' / i16)
3 format('number of nodes' / i16)
5 format('number of atoms' / i16)
7 format('boundary ' / 3a1)
8 format('box bound' / 6f23.15)
9 format('box length' / 3f23.15)
10 format('box matrix')
11 format(3f23.15)
12 format('coarse-grained domain')
13 format('ie basis_num ng_node esize'/ 'ip ibasis type x y z')
14 format('atomistic domain' / 'ia type_atom x y z')
19 format('max nodes per element and basis per nodes' / 2i16)
20 format('max interpo per element' / i16)
21 format('atom types to elements')
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='write', status='replace',position='rewind')
!Below writes the header information for the restart file
write(11,1) timestep, total_time
write(11,2) ele_num
!Calculate the max number of atoms per element
select case(max_ng_node)
interp_max = (max_esize)**3
case default
interp_max = 0
end select
write(11,20) interp_max
write(11,3) node_num
write(11,19) max_ng_node, max_basisnum
write(11,5) atom_num
do i = 1, atom_types
call atommass(type_to_name(i),masses(i))
end do
write(11,*) "masses: "
write(11, *) (masses(i), i = 1, atom_types)
write(11,7) box_bc(1:1), box_bc(2:2), box_bc(3:3)
write(11,8) box_bd
!Current boxes are limited to being rectangular
do i = 1,3
box_vec(:) = 0.0_dp
box_vec(i) = box_bd(2*i) - box_bd(2*i-1)
write(11,11) box_vec
end do
!write the element information
if(ele_num > 0) then
ip = 0
do i = 1, ele_num
write(11, '(4i16)') i, basisnum(lat_ele(i)), 2, (size_ele(i)-1)
do inod = 1, ng_node(lat_ele(i))
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))
ip = ip + 1
write(11, '(3i16, 3f23.15)') ip, ibasis, basis_type(ibasis, lat_ele(i)), r_node(:, ibasis, inod, i)
end do
end do
end do
end if
!Now write the atomic information
if(atom_num /= 0) then
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11, '(2i16, 3f23.15)') i, type_atom(i), r_atom(:,i)
end do
end if
end subroutine write_pycac
subroutine write_mb(file)
!This subroutine writes the cacmb formatted file which provides necessary information for building models
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
integer :: i, j, k, inod, ibasis
!Open the .mb file for writing
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='write', status='replace',position='rewind')
!First write the box boundary information
!Write the global box boundaries
write(11,*) box_bd(:)
!Write the number of sub_boxes in the system
write(11,*) sub_box_num
!For every subbox write the orientation, sub box boundar
do i = 1, sub_box_num
write(11,*) sub_box_ori(:,:,i)
write(11,*) sub_box_bd(:,i)
end do
!Write the number of atom types in the current model and all of their names
write(11,*) atom_types, (type_to_name(i)//' ', i=1, atom_types)
!Write the number of lattice_types, basisnum and number of nodes for each lattice type
write(11,*) lattice_types, (basisnum(i), i = 1, lattice_types), (ng_node(i), i = 1, lattice_types)
!Now for every lattice type write the basis atom types
write(11,*) ((basis_type(i,j), i = 1, basisnum(j)), j = 1, lattice_types)
!Now for every lattice type write the lattice parameters
write(11,*) (lapa(i), i = 1, lattice_types)
!Now write the numbers of elements and atoms
write(11,*) atom_num, ele_num
!Write out atoms first
do i = 1, atom_num
write(11,*) tag_atom(i), type_atom(i), sbox_atom(i), r_atom(:,i)
end do
!Write out the elements, this is written in two stages, one line for the element and then 1 line for
!every basis at every node
do i = 1, ele_num
write(11, *) tag_ele(i), lat_ele(i), size_ele(i), sbox_ele(i), type_ele(i)
do inod = 1, ng_node(lat_ele(i))
do ibasis =1, basisnum(lat_ele(i))
write(11,*) inod, ibasis, r_node(:, ibasis, inod, i)
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine write_mb
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Below are subroutines for reading files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine get_in_file(filename)
implicit none
character(len=100), intent(in) :: filename
character(len=100) :: temp_infile
logical :: file_exists
!If no filename is provided then this function is called with none and prompts user input
if (filename=='none') then
print *, "Please specify a filename or extension to output to:"
read(*,*) temp_infile
temp_infile = filename
end if
!Check to see if file exists, if it does then ask user if they would like to overwrite the file
inquire(file=trim(temp_infile), exist=file_exists)
if (.not.file_exists) then
print *, "The file ", trim(adjustl(filename)), " does not exist. Please input an existing file to read."
stop 3
end if
select case(temp_infile(scan(temp_infile,'.',.true.)+1:))
case('restart', 'mb', 'cac')
infiles(infilenum) = temp_infile
if(atom_types == 0) then
print *, "Please run -set_types command prior to running code requiring reading in pycac_*.out files"
stop 3
end if
select case(trim(adjustl(mode)))
case('--calc', '--convert','--metric')
infilenum = infilenum+1
infiles(infilenum) = temp_infile
case default
print *, "Files of type .out cannot be used with mode ", trim(adjustl(mode))
stop 3
end select
case default
print *, "File type: ", trim(temp_infile(scan(temp_infile,'.',.true.):)), "not currently accepted. ", &
"please input a filename with extension from following list: mb, restart, cac, or out."
stop 3
end select
end subroutine get_in_file
subroutine read_in(i, displace, temp_box_bd)
!This subroutine reads in file i
integer, intent(in) :: i
real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: displace
real(kind=dp), dimension(6), intent(out) :: temp_box_bd
!Pull out the extension of the file and call the correct write subroutine
select case(trim(adjustl(infiles(i)(scan(infiles(i),'.',.true.)+1:))))
call read_mb(infiles(i), displace, temp_box_bd)
call read_pycac(infiles(i), displace, temp_box_bd)
call read_lmpcac(infiles(i), displace, temp_box_bd)
call read_pycac_out(infiles(i), displace, temp_box_bd)
case default
print *, "The extension ", trim(adjustl(outfiles(i)(scan(outfiles(i),'.',.true.)+1:))), &
" is not accepted for reading. Please select from: mb,restart,cac,out and try again"
end select
end subroutine read_in
subroutine read_mb(file, displace, temp_box_bd)
!This subroutine reads in an mb file for operation
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: displace
real(kind = dp), dimension(6), intent(out) :: temp_box_bd
integer :: i, j, k, l, n, inod, ibasis, type, size, in_atoms, in_eles, new_atom_types, &
new_type_to_type(10), new_lattice_types, sbox, new_lattice_map(10)
character(len=100) :: etype
real(kind=dp) :: r(3), newdisplace(3)
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_innode(:,:,:)
character(len = 2) :: new_type_to_name(10)
!First open the file
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='read',position='rewind')
!Read in the box boundary and grow the current active box bd
read(11, *) temp_box_bd(:)
do i = 1, 3
if (abs(displace(i)) > lim_zero) then
newdisplace(i) = displace(i) - temp_box_bd(2*i-1)
end if
temp_box_bd(2*i-1) = temp_box_bd(2*i-1) + newdisplace(i)
temp_box_bd(2*i) = temp_box_bd(2*i) + newdisplace(i)
end do
call grow_box(temp_box_bd)
!Read in the number of sub_boxes and allocate the variables
read(11, *) n
if (sub_box_num == 0) then
call alloc_sub_box(n)
call grow_sub_box(n)
end if
!Read in subbox orientations and boundaries
do i = 1, n
!Read in orientation with column major ordering
read(11,*) ((sub_box_ori(j, k, sub_box_num+i), j = 1, 3), k = 1, 3)
!Read in subbox boundaries
read(11,*) sub_box_bd(:,sub_box_num+i)
do j = 1, 3
sub_box_bd(2*j-1,sub_box_num+i) = sub_box_bd(2*j-1, sub_box_num+i) + displace(j)
sub_box_bd(2*j,sub_box_num+i) = sub_box_bd(2*j, sub_box_num+i) + displace(j)
end do
end do
!Read in the number of atom types and all their names
read(11, *) new_atom_types, (new_type_to_name(i), i = 1, new_atom_types)
!Now fit these into the global list of atom types, after this new_type_to_type is the actual global
!type of the atoms within this file
do i = 1, new_atom_types
call add_atom_type(new_type_to_name(i), new_type_to_type(i))
end do
!Read the number of lattice types, basisnum, and number of nodes for each lattice type
read(11,*) new_lattice_types, (basisnum(i), i = lattice_types+1, lattice_types+new_lattice_types), &
(ng_node(i), i = lattice_types+1, lattice_types+new_lattice_types)
!Define max_ng_node and max_basis_num
max_basisnum = maxval(basisnum)
max_ng_node = maxval(ng_node)
!Read the basis atom types for every lattice
read(11,*) ((basis_type(i,j), i = 1, basisnum(j)), j = lattice_types+1, lattice_types+new_lattice_types)
!Convert the basis_atom types
do j = lattice_types+1, lattice_types+new_lattice_types
do i = 1, basisnum(j)
basis_type(i,j) = new_type_to_type(basis_type(i,j))
end do
end do
!Read the lattice parameters for every lattice type
read(11,*) (lapa(i), i = lattice_types+1, lattice_types+new_lattice_types)
!Now we loop over all new lattice types and check to see if they are exactly the same as any old lattice types
!If they are then we map the new type to the old type.
k = lattice_types + 1
new_lattice_map(:) = 0
new_loop:do i = 1, new_lattice_types
old_loop:do j = 1, lattice_types
!First check all the lattice level variables
if ((basisnum(lattice_types + i) == basisnum(j)).and. &
(ng_node(lattice_types + i) == ng_node(j))) then
!Now check the basis level variables
do ibasis =1, basisnum(i)
if(basis_type(ibasis,lattice_types+i) /= basis_type(ibasis,j)) then
cycle old_loop
end if
end do
new_lattice_map(i) = j
cycle new_loop
end if
end do old_loop
new_lattice_map(i) = k
k = k+1
end do new_loop
!Read number of elements and atoms and allocate arrays
read(11, *) in_atoms, in_eles
call grow_ele_arrays(in_eles, in_atoms)
allocate(r_innode(3,max_basisnum, max_ng_node))
print *, "Read in ", in_eles, " elements and ", in_atoms, " atoms from ", trim(adjustl(file))
print *, "New box dimensions are: ", box_bd
!Read the atoms
do i = 1, in_atoms
read(11,*) j, type, sbox, r(:)
r = r+newdisplace
call add_atom(j, new_type_to_type(type), sbox+sub_box_num, r)
end do
!Read the elements
do i = 1, in_eles
read(11, *) j, type, size, sbox, etype
do inod = 1, ng_node(type)
do ibasis =1, basisnum(type)
read(11,*) k, l, r_innode(:, ibasis, inod)
r_innode(:,ibasis,inod) = r_innode(:, ibasis, inod) + newdisplace
end do
end do
call add_element(j, etype, size, new_lattice_map(type), sbox+sub_box_num, r_innode)
end do
!Close the file being read
!Only increment the lattice types if there are elements, if there are no elements then we
!just overwrite the arrays
lattice_types = maxval(new_lattice_map)
sub_box_num = sub_box_num + n
call set_max_esize
end subroutine read_mb
subroutine read_pycac(file, displace, temp_box_bd)
!Add subroutine for reading in restart files from PyCAC. This code currently only
!works for 8 node elements.
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: displace
real(kind = dp), dimension(6), intent(out) :: temp_box_bd
integer :: i, inod, ibasis, j, k, l, in_eles, in_atoms, ele_types, in_lat_num, in_atom_types, &
atom_type_map(100), etype_map(100), etype, lat_type, new_lattice_map(100), &
atom_type, stat
real(kind=dp) :: newdisplace(3), r_in(3,1,8), r_in_atom(3), atomic_masses(10)
character(len=100) :: textholder, in_lattype_map(10)
character(len=2) :: atomic_element
!First open the file
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='read',position='rewind')
!Read the timestep information
read(11,*) textholder
read(11,*) timestep, total_time
!Read element number
read(11,*) textholder
read(11,*) in_eles
!Discard info and read ng_max_node and max_basisnum
do i = 1, 5
read(11,*) textholder
end do
read(11,*) max_ng_node, max_basisnum
!Read in atom num
read(11,*) textholder
read(11,*) in_atoms
!read in atom masses
read(11, *) textholder
read(11, '(a)') textholder
j = tok_count(textholder)
read(textholder, *) (atomic_masses(i), i=1, j)
!Read define atom_types by mass
do i = 1, in_atom_types
call atommassspecies(atomic_masses(i), atomic_element)
call add_atom_type(atomic_element, atom_type_map(i))
end do
!Read in the boundary
read(11,*) textholder
read(11,*) box_bc
!Read box boundaries and displace them if necessary
read(11,*) temp_box_bd(:)
do i = 1, 3
if (abs(displace(i)) > lim_zero) then
newdisplace(i) = displace(i) - temp_box_bd(2*i-1)
end if
temp_box_bd(2*i-1) = temp_box_bd(2*i-1) + newdisplace(i)
temp_box_bd(2*i) = temp_box_bd(2*i) + newdisplace(i)
end do
call grow_box(temp_box_bd)
!Allocate sub_box
if (sub_box_num == 0) then
call alloc_sub_box(1)
call grow_sub_box(1)
end if
!Because orientations and other needed sub_box information isn't really
!present within the restart file we just default a lot of it.
sub_box_ori(:,:,sub_box_num+1) = identity_mat(3)
sub_box_bd(:, sub_box_num+1) = temp_box_bd
!Read in more useless info
do i = 1, 9
read(11,*) textholder
end do
!Now start reading the elements
if(in_eles > 0) then
read(11,*) textholder
read(11,*) textholder
do i = 1, in_eles
read(11,*) j, etype, k, lat_type
do inod = 1, 8
read(11, *) k, l, r_in(:,1,inod)
r_in(:,1,inod) = r_in(:,1,inod) + newdisplace
end do
call add_element(j, in_lattype_map(lat_type), etype_map(etype), new_lattice_map(lat_type), sub_box_num + 1, r_in)
end do
end if
if(in_atoms > 0) then
if (in_eles > 0) then
!Read useless data
read(11,*) textholder
read(11,*) textholder
end if
do i = 1, in_atoms
read(11,*, iostat=stat) j, k, atom_type, r_in_atom(:)
if(stat > 0) then
print *, j
end if
r_in_atom = r_in_atom + newdisplace
call add_atom(j,atom_type_map(atom_type), sub_box_num + 1, r_in_atom)
end do
!Close file
lattice_types = maxval(new_lattice_map)
sub_box_num = sub_box_num + 1
call set_max_esize
end if
end subroutine read_pycac
subroutine read_pycac_out(file, displace, temp_box_bd)
!This subroutine reads in the pyCAC dump file
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: displace
real(kind=dp), dimension(6), intent(out) :: temp_box_bd
!Internal Variables
integer :: i, in_eles, in_atoms, inbtypes(10), lat_type, ia, ie, inod, &
id, type_node, ilat, esize, tag, type, bnum, n, ibasis, ip
real(kind=dp) :: newdisplace(3), ra(3), in_lapa, ea, fa(3), va(6), &
ee(10,8), fe(3,10,8), ve(6,10,8), re(3,10,8)
character(len=100) :: textholder, fcc
character(len=1000) :: line
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='read',position='rewind')
!Now initialize some important variables if they aren't defined
if (max_basisnum==0) max_basisnum = 10
if (max_ng_node==0) max_ng_node=8
!Skip header comment lines
read(11, *) textholder
read(11, *) textholder
!Read the timestep
read(11, *) textholder, timestep
!Read atom number and element number and grow element arrays by needed amount
read(11,*) textholder, in_atoms, textholder, in_eles
call grow_ele_arrays(in_eles, in_atoms)
call alloc_dat_arrays(in_eles, in_atoms)
!Read boundary information
read(11,*) textholder, box_bc(1:1), box_bc(2:2), box_bc(3:3), temp_box_bd(:)
do i = 1, 3
if (abs(displace(i)) > lim_zero) then
newdisplace(i) = displace(i) - temp_box_bd(2*i-1)
end if
temp_box_bd(2*i-1) = temp_box_bd(2*i-1) + newdisplace(i)
temp_box_bd(2*i) = temp_box_bd(2*i) + newdisplace(i)
end do
call grow_box(temp_box_bd)
!Allocate sub_box boundaries
if (sub_box_num == 0) then
call alloc_sub_box(1)
call grow_sub_box(1)
end if
!Because orientations and other needed sub_box information isn't really
!present within the .cac file we just default a lot of it.
sub_box_ori(:,:,sub_box_num+1) = identity_mat(3)
sub_box_bd(:, sub_box_num+1) = temp_box_bd
sub_box_num = sub_box_num + 1
if(in_atoms > 0 ) then
!Read atom header
read(11,*) textholder
do ia = 1, in_atoms
read(11,'(a)') line(:)
read(line,*) tag, type, ra(:), ea, fa(:), va(:)
call add_atom(tag, type, sub_box_num, ra)
call add_atom_data(atom_num, ea, fa, va)
end do
end if
if(in_eles > 0) then
!Read element and node headers
read(11,*) textholder
read(11,*) textholder
!read element information, currently only 8 node elements with 1 basis
do ie =1, in_eles
read(11,*) tag, n, bnum, esize
inbtypes(:) = 0
do inod =1, n*bnum
read(11,*) ip, ibasis, inbtypes(ibasis), re(:,ibasis,ip), ee(ibasis,ip), fe(:,ibasis,ip), ve(:,ibasis,ip)
end do
call lattice_map(bnum, inbtypes, n, 1.0_dp, lat_type)
call add_element(tag, fcc, esize+1, lat_type, sub_box_num, re)
call add_element_data(ele_num, ee, fe, ve)
end do
end if
call set_max_esize
end subroutine
subroutine read_lmpcac(file, displace, temp_box_bd)
!This subroutine is used to read .cac files which are used with the lammpsCAC format
character(len=100), intent(in) :: file
real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: displace
real(kind = dp), dimension(6), intent(out) :: temp_box_bd
character(len=100) :: textholder, element_type
character(len=2) :: atom_species
integer :: i, j, k, ele_in, type_in, type_map(10), in_basis, node_types(10,8), inod, ibasis, in_basis_types(10), esize, &
real(kind=dp) :: mass, r_in(3,10,8), lat_vec(3,3), in_ori(3,3), newdisplace(3)
!First check to make sure that we have set the needed variables
if(is_equal(in_lapa,0.0_dp).or.(in_lattice_type=='')) then
print *, "Please use set_cac to set needed parameters to read in .cac file"
stop 3
end if
!Open the file
open(unit=11, file=trim(adjustl(file)), action='read',position='rewind')
!Now initialize some important variables if they aren't defined
if (max_basisnum==0) max_basisnum = 10
if (max_ng_node==0) max_ng_node=8
!Read header information
read(11, *) textholder
!Read number of elements
read(11, *) ele_in, textholder
read(11, *) type_in, textholder
!Read box_boundaries
read(11,*) temp_box_bd(1:2), textholder
read(11,*) temp_box_bd(3:4), textholder
read(11,*) temp_box_bd(5:6), textholder
!Shift the box boundaries if needed
do i = 1, 3
if (abs(displace(i)) > lim_zero) then
newdisplace(i) = displace(i) - temp_box_bd(2*i-1)
end if
temp_box_bd(2*i-1) = temp_box_bd(2*i-1) + newdisplace(i)
temp_box_bd(2*i) = temp_box_bd(2*i) + newdisplace(i)
end do
!Grow box boundaries
call grow_box(temp_box_bd)
!Allocate sub_box
if (sub_box_num == 0) then
call alloc_sub_box(1)
call grow_sub_box(1)
end if
!Because orientations and other needed sub_box information isn't really
!present within the .cac file we just default a lot of it.
sub_box_ori(:,:,sub_box_num+1) = identity_mat(3)
sub_box_bd(:, sub_box_num+1) = temp_box_bd
sub_box_num = sub_box_num + 1
!Read useless information
read(11,*) textholder
!Read atomic masses
do i = 1, type_in
read(11,*) j, mass, textholder
call ATOMMASSSPECIES(mass, atom_species)
call add_atom_type(atom_species, type_map(i))
end do
!Read useless info
read(11,*) textholder
!Start the reading loop
do i = 1, ele_in
read(11,*) j, element_type, in_basis, esize
!Check to see if we need to grow the max_basis_num
select case(trim(adjustl(element_type)))
!Read in all the data
do j = 1, 8*in_basis
read(11, *) inod, ibasis, in_basis_types(ibasis), r_in(:,ibasis,inod)
end do
!Now calculate the lattice vectors and shift the nodal points from the corners to the center of the unit cell
!Please check the nodal numbering figure in the readme in order to understand which nodes are used for the
lat_vec(:,1) = (r_in(:,1,2) - r_in(:,1,1))/(2*esize)
lat_vec(:,2) = (r_in(:,1,4) - r_in(:,1,1))/(2*esize)
lat_vec(:,3) = (r_in(:,1,5) - r_in(:,1,1))/(2*esize)
!Now shift all the nodal positions
select case(trim(adjustl(in_lattice_type)))
do ibasis = 1, in_basis
r_in(:,ibasis,1) = r_in(:,ibasis,1) + lat_vec(:,1) + lat_vec(:,2) + lat_vec(:,3) + newdisplace
r_in(:,ibasis,2) = r_in(:,ibasis,2) - lat_vec(:,1) + lat_vec(:,2) + lat_vec(:,3) + newdisplace
r_in(:,ibasis,3) = r_in(:,ibasis,3) - lat_vec(:,1) - lat_vec(:,2) + lat_vec(:,3) + newdisplace
r_in(:,ibasis,4) = r_in(:,ibasis,4) + lat_vec(:,1) - lat_vec(:,2) + lat_vec(:,3) + newdisplace
r_in(:,ibasis,5) = r_in(:,ibasis,5) + lat_vec(:,1) + lat_vec(:,2) - lat_vec(:,3) + newdisplace
r_in(:,ibasis,6) = r_in(:,ibasis,6) - lat_vec(:,1) + lat_vec(:,2) - lat_vec(:,3) + newdisplace
r_in(:,ibasis,7) = r_in(:,ibasis,7) - lat_vec(:,1) - lat_vec(:,2) - lat_vec(:,3) + newdisplace
r_in(:,ibasis,8) = r_in(:,ibasis,8) + lat_vec(:,1) - lat_vec(:,2) - lat_vec(:,3) + newdisplace
end do
case default
print *, in_lattice_type, " is not an accepted lattice type. Please select from: fcc"
end select
!Now map it to either an existing or new lattice type
call lattice_map(in_basis, in_basis_types, 8, in_lapa, lat_type)
!Now add the element
call add_element(0,in_lattice_type, esize, lat_type, sub_box_num, r_in(:,1:max_basisnum,1:max_ng_node))
read(11, *) inod, ibasis, in_basis_types(ibasis), r_in(:,1,1)
call add_atom(0,in_basis_types(ibasis), sub_box_num, r_in(:,1,1))
end select
end do
end subroutine read_lmpcac
subroutine set_cac(apos)
!This code parses input values
integer, intent(in) :: apos
integer :: arglen, arg_pos
character(len=100) :: textholder
arg_pos = apos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) then
print *, "Missing lattice parameter for set_input_lat"
end if
read(textholder,*) in_lapa
print *, in_lapa
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) then
print *, "Missing lattice type for set_input_lat"
end if
read(textholder,*) in_lattice_type
print *, in_lattice_type
end subroutine set_cac
subroutine set_types(apos)
!This code
integer, intent(in) :: apos
integer :: i, j,arglen, arg_pos, ntypes
character(len=100) :: textholder
arg_pos = apos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
if (arglen==0) stop "Missing numtypes in io"
read(textholder,*) ntypes
do i=1,ntypes
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder, arglen)
call add_atom_type(textholder, j)
end do
end subroutine set_types
end module io