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FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -g -O0 -stand f08 -fpe0 -traceback -check bounds,uninit -warn all -implicitnone -no-wrap-margin -heap-arrays
#FFLAGS=-mcmodel=large -Ofast -no-wrap-margin -heap-arrays
MODES=mode_create.o mode_merge.o mode_convert.o
OPTIONS=opt_disl.o opt_group.o opt_orient.o opt_delete.o opt_deform.o
OBJECTS=main.o elements.o io.o subroutines.o functions.o atoms.o call_mode.o box.o $(MODES) $(OPTIONS) call_option.o sorts.o
.SUFFIXES: .c .f .f90 .F90 .o
cacmb: $(OBJECTS)
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) parameters.o -o $@
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $<
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) cacmb *.o
testfuncs: testfuncs.o functions.o subroutines.o
$(FC) testfuncs.o functions.o subroutines.o box.o elements.o -o $@
.PHONY: cleantest
$(RM) testfuncs testfuncs.o
.PHONY: test
test: testfuncs
.PHONY: install
install: cacmb
cp ./cacmb /usr/local/bin
$(OBJECTS) : parameters.o
atoms.o subroutines.o testfuncs.o box.o : functions.o
main.o io.o $(MODES) $(OPTIONS) : elements.o
call_mode.o : $(MODES)
call_option.o : $(OPTIONS)
elements.o : sorts.o
$(MODES) $(OPTIONS) subroutines.o io.o : atoms.o box.o
$(MODES) main.o : io.o
testfuncs.o elements.o mode_create.o $(OPTIONS) $(MODES): subroutines.o