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module mode_create
!This mode is intended for creating element/atom regions and writing them to specific files.
use parameters
use atoms
use io
use subroutines
implicit none
character(len=100) :: name, element_type
real(kind = dp) :: lattice_parameter, orient(3,3), cell_mat(3,8), box_len(3), basis(3,3), origin(3), maxlen(3), &
orient_inv(3,3), box_vert(3,8), ox_bd(6), maxbd(3), lattice_space(3)
integer :: esize, duplicate(3), ix, iy, iz, box_lat_vert(3,8), lat_num, lat_atom_num, bd_in_lat(6)
logical :: dup_flag, dim_flag
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_lat(:,:,:), r_atom_lat(:,:)
subroutine create(arg_num)
! Main subroutine which controls execution
integer, intent(in) :: arg_num
character(len=100) :: textholder
integer :: i, ibasis, inod
real(kind=dp) :: r(3), periodvone(3), periodvtwo(3)
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_node(:,:,:)
!Initialize default parameters
orient = reshape((/ 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp /), shape(orient))
name =''
element_type = ''
duplicate(:) = 0
box_len(:) = 0.0_dp
dup_flag = .false.
dim_flag = .false.
basisnum = 0
lat_num = 0
lat_atom_num = 0
!First we parse the command
call parse_command(arg_num)
! Before building do a check on the file
if (outfilenum == 0) then
textholder = 'none'
call get_out_file(textholder)
end if
!Now we setup the unit element and call other init subroutines
call def_ng_node(1, element_type)
if(dup_flag) then
!We initialize the cell with a lattice_parameter of 1 because we will add the lattice parameter later
call cell_init(1.0_dp, esize, element_type, orient, cell_mat)
do i = 1, 8
box_vert(:,i) = duplicate(:)*lattice_space(:)*cubic_cell(:,i) + origin(:)
end do
call matrix_inverse(orient,3,orient_inv)
!Now get the rotated box vertex positions in lattice space. Should be integer units
box_lat_vert = int(matmul(fcc_inv, matmul(orient_inv, box_vert)))+1
!Find the new maxlen
maxbd = maxval(matmul(orient,matmul(fcc_mat,box_lat_vert)),2)
do i = 1, 3
box_bd(2*i) = maxval(box_vert(i,:)) - 0.1_dp*lattice_space(i)
box_bd(2*i-1) = origin(i)
end do
!and then call the build function with the correct transformation matrix
select case(trim(adjustl(element_type)))
! periodvone(:) = matmul(orient, reshape((/ 1, 1, 0 /),(/ 3 /)))
! periodvtwo(:) = matmul(orient, reshape((/ 1, 1, 2 /),(/ 3 /)))
! do i = 1, 3
! if (periodvone(i) < lim_zero) then
! ! box_bd(2*i) =floor(box_bd(2*i)/periodvtwo(i))*periodvtwo(i)
! box_bd(2*i) = box_bd(2*i) - 0.5*periodvtwo(i)
! else if(periodvtwo(i) < lim_zero) then
! ! box_bd(2*i) =floor(box_bd(2*i)/periodvone(i))*periodvone(i)
! box_bd(2*i) = box_bd(2*i) - 0.5*periodvone(i)
! else
! ! box_bd(2*i) = floor(box_bd(2*i)/lcm(periodvone(i),periodvtwo(i)))*lcm(periodvone(i),periodvtwo(i))
! box_bd(2*i) = box_bd(2*i) - 0.5*lcm(periodvone(i),periodvtwo(i))
! end if
! end do
call lattice_in_box(box_lat_vert, fcc_mat)
case default
print *, "Element type ", trim(adjustl(element_type)), " not accepted in mode create, please specify a supported ", &
"element type"
stop 3
end select
!Now that it is multiply by the lattice parameter
box_bd = box_bd*lattice_parameter
else if(dim_flag) then
call cell_init(lattice_parameter, esize, element_type, orient, cell_mat)
!If the user doesn't pass any build instructions than we just put the cell mat into the element_array
call alloc_ele_arrays(1,0)
!Add the basis atoms to the unit cell
do inod = 1, max_ng_node
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(1)
r_node(:,ibasis,inod) = cell_mat(:,inod) + basis_pos(:,ibasis,1) + origin(:)
end do
end do
call add_element(element_type, esize, 1, r_node)
end if
!If we passed the dup_flag or dim_flag then we have to convert the lattice points and add them to the atom/element arrays
if(dup_flag.or.dim_flag) then
!Allocate variables
call alloc_ele_arrays(lat_num, lat_atom_num*basisnum(1))
if(lat_atom_num > 0) then
!Check for periodicity
do i = 1, lat_atom_num
do ibasis = 1, basisnum(1)
call add_atom(basis_type(ibasis,1), (r_atom_lat(:,i)*lattice_parameter)+basis_pos(:,ibasis,1))
end do
end do
end if
end if
end subroutine create
!This subroutine parses the command and pulls out information needed for mode_create
subroutine parse_command(arg_num)
integer, intent(in) :: arg_num
integer :: arg_pos, ori_pos, i, j, arglen, stat
character(len=100) :: textholder
character(len=8) :: orient_string
!Pull out all required positional arguments
call get_command_argument(2, name, arglen)
if(arglen==0) STOP "Name is missing in mode create"
call get_command_argument(3,element_type, arglen)
if(arglen==0) STOP "Element_type is missing in mode create"
call get_command_argument(4,textholder, arglen)
if(arglen==0) STOP "Lattice Parameter is missing in mode create"
read(textholder, *, iostat=stat) lattice_parameter
if(stat > 0) STOP "Error reading lattice parameter"
call get_command_argument(5, textholder, arglen)
if(arglen==0) STOP "Esize missing in mode create"
read(textholder, *, iostat=stat) esize
if(stat > 0) STOP "Error reading esize"
arg_pos = 6
!Check for optional keywords
do while(.true.)
if(arg_pos > command_argument_count()) exit
!Pull out the next argument which should either be a keyword or an option
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder)
!Choose what to based on what the option string is
select case(trim(textholder))
!If orient command is passed extract the orientation to numeric array format
do i = 1, 3
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, orient_string, arglen)
if (arglen==0) STOP "Missing orientation in orient command of mode create"
arg_pos = arg_pos+1
do j = 1,3
if (orient_string(ori_pos:ori_pos) == '-') then
ori_pos = ori_pos + 1
read(orient_string(ori_pos:ori_pos), *, iostat=stat) orient(i,j)
if (stat>0) STOP "Error reading orient value"
orient(i,j) = -orient(i,j)
ori_pos = ori_pos + 1
read(orient_string(ori_pos:ori_pos), *, iostat=stat) orient(i,j)
if(stat>0) STOP "Error reading orient value"
ori_pos=ori_pos + 1
end if
end do
end do
!If the duplicate command is passed then we extract the information on the new bounds.
dup_flag = .true.
do i = 1, 3
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder)
read(textholder, *) duplicate(i)
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
end do
do i = 1, 3
call get_command_argument(arg_pos, textholder)
read(textholder, *) origin(i)
arg_pos = arg_pos + 1
end do
print *, origin
!If a filetype is passed then we add name.ext to the outfiles list
textholder = trim(adjustl(name)) //'.xyz'
call get_out_file(textholder)
case default
!Check to see if it is an option command, if so then mode_create must be finished
if(textholder(1:1) == '-') then
!Check to see if a filename was passed
elseif(scan(textholder,'.',.true.) > 0) then
call get_out_file(textholder)
end if
end select
end do
!Calculate the lattice periodicity length in lattice units
do i = 1, 3
lattice_space(i) = norm2(orient(i,:))
end do
!Check special periodicity relations
select case(trim(adjustl(element_type)))
do i = 1,3
print *, orient(i,:)
!Check if one of the directions is 110
if ((is_equal(abs(orient(i,1)), abs(orient(i,2))).and.(is_equal(orient(i,3),0.0_dp))).or.&
(is_equal(abs(orient(i,2)), abs(orient(i,3))).and.(is_equal(orient(i,1),0.0_dp))).or.&
(is_equal(abs(orient(i,3)), abs(orient(i,1))).and.(is_equal(orient(i,2),0.0_dp)))) then
print *, '110', i
lattice_space(i) = 0.5_dp * lattice_space(i)
!Check if one direction is 112
else if ((is_equal(abs(orient(i,1)), abs(orient(i,2))).and.(is_equal(abs(orient(i,3)),2.0_dp*abs(orient(i,1))))).or.&
(is_equal(abs(orient(i,2)), abs(orient(i,3))).and.(is_equal(abs(orient(i,1)),2.0_dp*abs(orient(i,2))))).or.&
(is_equal(abs(orient(i,3)), abs(orient(i,1))).and.(is_equal(abs(orient(i,2)),2.0_dp*abs(orient(i,3))))))&
print *, '112 ', i
lattice_space(i) = 0.5_dp * lattice_space(i)
end if
end do
end select
!Now normalize the orientation matrix
orient = matrix_normal(orient,3)
!If we haven't defined a basis then define the basis and add the default basis atom type and position
if (basisnum(1) == 0) then
max_basisnum = 1
basisnum(1) = 1
basis_type(1,1) = name !If basis command not defined then we use name as the atom_name
basis_pos(:,1,1) = 0.0_dp
end if
end subroutine
subroutine lattice_in_box(box_in_lat, transform_matrix)
!This subroutine returns all the lattice points in the box in r_lat
integer, dimension(3,8), intent(in) :: box_in_lat !The box vertices transformed to lattice space
real(kind=dp), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: transform_matrix !The transformation matrix from lattice_space to real space
!Internal variables
integer :: i, j, bd_in_lat(6), ix, iy, iz, numlatpoints
real(kind=dp) :: box_face_center(3,6), face_normals(3,6), Cx(2), Cy, Cz, A(2), v(3)
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: resize_lat_array(:,:)
!First find the bounding lattice points (min and max points for the box in each dimension)
numlatpoints = 1
do i = 1, 3
bd_in_lat(2*i-1) = minval(box_in_lat(i,:))
bd_in_lat(2*i) = maxval(box_in_lat(i,:))
numlatpoints = numlatpoints*(bd_in_lat(2*i)-bd_in_lat(2*i-1))
end do
!Allocate the correct lat variable
select case(esize)
case default
end select
!Calculate the box_face centroids and box face normals. This is used in the centroid code.
box_face_center(:,:) = 0.0_dp
face_normals = reshape((/ -1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, &
1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, &
0.0_dp, -1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, &
0.0_dp, 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, &
0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, -1.0_dp, &
0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp /),&
!Face normals
select case(trim(adjustl(element_type)))
do i = 1, 6
!Box face normal
face_normals(:,i) = matmul(fcc_inv, matmul(orient_inv, face_normals(:,i)))
end do
end select
!Face centroids
do i =1, 6
!Initialize variables
A(:) = 0.0_dp
Cx(:) = 0.0_dp
Cy = 0.0_dp
Cz = 0.0_dp
!Calculate all terms using a projection onto the xy and xz planes and then using the 2d equation
!for centroid of a plane. This is why we calculate the x centroid twice.
do j = 1, 4
! A(1) = A(1) + 0.5*(box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))*box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j+1,i)) &
! - box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j+1,i))*box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j,i)))
! !Centroid in x from xy plane
! Cx(1) = Cx(1) + (box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))+box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j+1,i)))* &
! (box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))*box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j+1,i)) &
! - box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j+1,i))*box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j,i)))
! !Centroid in y from xy plane
! Cy = Cy + (box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j,i))+box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j+1,i)))* &
! (box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))*box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j+1,i)) &
! - box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j+1,i))*box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j,i)))
! A(2) = A(2) + 0.5*(box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))*box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j+1,i)) &
! - box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j+1,i))*box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j,i)))
! !Centroid in x from xz plane
! Cx(2) = Cx(2) + (box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))+box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j+1,i)))* &
! (box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))*box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j+1,i)) &
! - box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j+1,i))*box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j,i)))
! !Centroid in z from xz plane
! Cz = Cz + (box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j,i))+box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j+1,i)))* &
! (box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))*box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j+1,i)) &
! - box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j+1,i))*box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j,i)))
! print *, j, i, Cx, Cy, Cz, A
Cx(1) = Cx(1) + box_in_lat(1,cubic_faces(j,i))*0.25
Cy = Cy + box_in_lat(2,cubic_faces(j,i))*0.25
Cz = Cz + box_in_lat(3,cubic_faces(j,i))*0.25
end do
! Cx = Cx * 1/(6*A)
! if(Cx(1) /= Cx(2)) then
! call error_message(7)
! end if
! Cy = Cy* 1/(6*A(1))
! Cz = Cz*1/(6*A(2))
box_face_center(:,i) = (/ Cx(1), Cy, Cz /)
end do
!Loop over all of lattice points within the boundary, we choose between two loops. One for the atomistic case
!and one for the regular case
print *, box_bd
if (esize==2) then
do iz = bd_in_lat(5)-5, bd_in_lat(6)+5
do iy = bd_in_lat(3)-5, bd_in_lat(4)+5
do ix = bd_in_lat(1)-5, bd_in_lat(2)+5
v= (/ real(ix,dp), real(iy, dp), real(iz,dp) /)
!Transform point back to real space for easier checking
v = matmul(orient, matmul(transform_matrix,v))
!If within the boundaries
if(in_block_bd(v, box_bd)) then
lat_atom_num = lat_atom_num + 1
r_atom_lat(:,lat_atom_num) = v
end if
end do
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine lattice_in_box
subroutine error_message(errorid)
integer, intent(in) :: errorid
select case(errorid)
STOP "Name is missing."
print *, "Element_type is missing"
print *, "Lattice_parameter is missing"
print *, "Lattice parameter is not in float form"
print *, "Esize is missing"
print *, "Esize is not in integer form"
print *, "Cx(1) should equal Cx(2) in plane centroid finding algorithm. Please double check implementation"
end select
end subroutine error_message
end module mode_create