from import App, ComposeResult from textual.widgets import Static, Label, ListItem, ListView, TextArea, Input from textual.containers import Horizontal, Vertical from textual.screen import Screen from textual.binding import Binding from .board import Board, Task, BoardList class TaskList(ListView): """ Inherited widget from Listview to use as the kanban board columns """ # Keybinds BINDINGS = [ Binding("k", "cursor_up", "Cursor Up", show=False, priority=True), Binding("j", "cursor_down", "Cursor Down", show=False, priority=True), ] class EditTaskScreen(Screen): """ This is a screen used to edit the name of a task """ CSS = """ Label{ width:50%; background: #282828; padding: 1; } Input{ width:50%; background: #282828; padding: 0 0; border: #ebdbb9; } Input:focus{ border: #458588; } TextArea{ width: 50%; height: 25%; background: #282828; border: #ebdbb9; } TextArea:focus{ border: #458588; } """ BINDINGS = [ Binding("ctrl+s", "save", "Save Changes", priority=True), Binding("escape", "exit", "Exit Without Changes", priority=True), ] def __init__(self, text): """ Initialize the screen """ super().__init__() self.text = text def compose(self): """ Compose the widgets on the screen, this screen doesn't need dynamic layout changes """ yield Label("Task Name:") yield Input(value=self.text.summary) yield Label("Score:") if self.text.score: yield Input(value=self.text.score) else: yield Input(value="") yield Label("Description:") if self.text.description: yield TextArea(self.text.description, language="markdown") else: yield TextArea(language="markdown") def action_save(self): query = self.query(selector=Input) self.text.summary = query.nodes[0].value self.text.score = query.nodes[1].value query = self.query(selector=TextArea) self.text.description = query.nodes[0].text self.dismiss(self.text) def action_exit(self): self.dismiss(None) class EditColScreen(Screen): """ This is a screen used to edit the name of a task """ CSS = """ Label{ width:50%; background: #282828; padding: 1; } Input{ width:50%; background: #282828; padding: 0 0; border: #ebdbb9; } """ BINDINGS = [ Binding("ctrl+s", "save", "Save Changes", priority=True), Binding("enter", "save", "Save Changes", priority=True), ] def __init__(self, text): """ Initialize the screen """ super().__init__() self.text = text def compose(self): """ Compose the widgets on the screen, this screen doesn't need dynamic layout changes """ yield Label("Column Name:") yield Input(value=self.text) def action_save(self): query = self.query(selector=Input) self.dismiss(query.nodes[0].value) class SelectBoardScreen(Screen): """This is a screen used to select a board""" BINDINGS = [ Binding("enter", "pick_option", "Save Changes", priority=True), Binding("q", "exit", "Exit"), ] CSS = """ $bg: #282828; Label{ width:50%; background: #282828; padding: 0; } TaskList{ width:50%; background: #282828; padding: 0 0; border: #ebdbb9; } ListView{ width:50%; background: #282828; } ListItem{ border: solid #ebdbb2 100%; background: $bg; } ListView > ListItem.--highlight { background: $bg; } ListView:focus > ListItem.--highlight { background: #458588; } Label:focus{ background: #458588; } """ def __init__(self, logger): """ Initialize the screen """ super().__init__() self.board_list = BoardList() self.logger = logger def compose(self): """ Compose the widgets on the screen, this screen doesn't need dynamic layout changes """ yield Label("Select a board:") yield TaskList( *[ListItem(Label(board)) for board in self.board_list.get_boards()], ListItem(Label("Add a new board")), ) def action_pick_option(self): """Pick a board from the ListItem""" self.focused.highlighted_child class MainBoardScreen(Screen): CSS_PATH = "layout.tcss" BINDINGS = [ Binding( "a", "new_task", "Add New Task", show=False, ), Binding( "l", "fnext", "Focus Next", show=False, ), Binding( "h", "fprev", "Focus Prev", show=False, ), Binding("L", "move_up", "Focus Next", show=False), Binding("H", "move_down", "Focus Prev", show=False), Binding( "e", "edit_task", "Edit Task", show=False, ), Binding( "r", "edit_column", "Edit Column Name", show=False, ), Binding( "d", "delete_task", "Delete Task", show=False, ), Binding("q", "exit", "Exit"), ] def __init__(self): """Initialize the Kanban Form App""" super().__init__() def compose(self): """ Initialization function for form """ # Initialize our board class self.board = Board(file=".board.yaml") self.cols = list() self.col_widgets = list() with Horizontal(): for i, col in enumerate(self.board.get_columns()): if i < len(self.board.get_columns()) - 1: col_class = "column" else: col_class = "last-column" with Vertical(classes=col_class): if i == 0: yield Static(col, classes="header-focused") else: yield Static(col, classes="header") yield TaskList( *[ ListItem(Label(task.summary)) for task in self.board.get_tasks()[i] ] ) def action_fnext(self): """Focus next column""" query = self.query(selector=Static) query = [node for node in query.nodes if str(node) == "Static()"] icol, _ = self.get_col_task() query[icol].classes = "header" self.children[0].focus_next() try: query[icol + 1].classes = "header-focused" except IndexError: query[0].classes = "header-focused" def action_move_up(self): icol, itask = self.get_col_task() text = self.board.get_task(icol, itask).summary moved = self.board.move_task(icol, itask, 1) if moved: query = self.query(selector=TaskList) self.focused.highlighted_child.remove() query.nodes[icol + 1].append(ListItem(Label(text))) self.focused.action_cursor_down() self.action_fnext() self.focused.action_cursor_down() def action_fprev(self): """Focus previous column""" query = self.query(selector=Static) query = [node for node in query.nodes if str(node) == "Static()"] icol, _ = self.get_col_task() query[icol].classes = "header" self.children[0].focus_previous() try: query[icol - 1].classes = "header-focused" except IndexError: query[-1].classes = "header-focused" def action_move_down(self): icol, itask = self.get_col_task() text = self.board.get_task(icol, itask).summary moved = self.board.move_task(icol, itask, -1) if moved: query = self.query(selector=TaskList) self.focused.highlighted_child.remove() query.nodes[icol - 1].append(ListItem(Label(text))) self.focused.action_cursor_down() self.action_fprev() self.focused.action_cursor_down() def action_edit_task(self): icol, itask = self.get_col_task() task = self.board.get_task(icol, itask) self.push_screen(EditTaskScreen(task), self.update_task) def action_new_task(self): self.push_screen(EditTaskScreen(Task(None, None, None)), self.new_task) def action_edit_column(self): icol, itask = self.get_col_task() text = self.board.get_columns()[icol] self.push_screen(EditColScreen(text), self.update_col) def action_delete_task(self): icol, itask = self.get_col_task() self.focused.highlighted_child.remove() self.board.del_task(icol, itask) def update_col(self, text): """Update the column""" icol, itask = self.get_col_task() query = self.query(selector=Static) query = [node for node in query.nodes if str(node) == "Static()"] query[icol].update(text) self.board.get_columns()[icol] = text def action_exit(self): """Exit the application""" self.board.write_yaml(file=".board.yaml") self.exit() def get_col_task(self): """ This function gets the relevant column and task from the Board object for the current selected item in the tui. """ focused_col = self.focused query = self.query(selector=TaskList) # First get the column index for i, child in enumerate(query.nodes): if focused_col == child: col_index = i # Now get the index of the item in the list to_move = focused_col.highlighted_child task_index = None for i, child in enumerate(focused_col.children): if to_move == child: task_index = i return col_index, task_index def update_task(self, task): """This function gets the text inputted in the edit screen and updates the underlying task and the board class """ if task: icol, itask = self.get_col_task() self.focused.highlighted_child.children[0].update(task.summary) self.board.update_task(icol, itask, task) def new_task(self, task): """This function adds a new task to our board""" if task: icol, _ = self.get_col_task() self.focused.mount(ListItem(Label(task.summary))) self.board.add_task(icol, task) self.focused.action_cursor_down() class KanbanForm(App): """Main Kanban app""" CSS_PATH = "layout.tcss" SCREENS = {"main": SelectBoardScreen()} def on_mount(self): self.push_screen("main") # def on_key(self): # with open('log','a') as f: # f.write("{}".format(self.children[0].focus_next)) def run_tui(): kb = KanbanForm() if __name__ == "__main__": run_tui()