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""" This module contains classes and functions to contain the kanban board information """
class Board:
def __init__(self, file = None):
""" Initialize the Board class, this class has three important class variables.
These are:
self.sprint | str - name of the current sprint
self.columns | list(str) - columns in kanban board
self.tasks | list(list()) - tasks in each column
self.sprint = None
self.columns = list()
self.tasks = list()
self.file = ''
self.file = file
if file:
def parse_md(self, file):
""" Upon starting the code we need to parse the markdown file which contains our board
file - the path to the markdown file containing the board information
with open(file,'r') as f:
for line in f:
item_type = line.split(' ')[0]
# Assign sprint
if item_type == '#':
# If sprint has already been defined we should exit the loop
if self.sprint:
# Otherwise assign it
self.sprint = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
except IndexError:
# If a sprint title is not defined we default it to ' ' which we process
# later
self.sprint=' '
# Define a new column and add a list to the tasks variable that corresponds to that
# column
elif item_type == "##":
self.columns.append(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:]))
# Now add the task to the list structures
elif item_type == "-":
# The tasks are a list of [col index, task name]
self.tasks[-1].append(""+' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:]))
def write_md(self):
with open(self.file, 'w') as f:
for i,col in enumerate(self.columns):
f.write('## {}\n\n'.format(col))
for task in self.tasks[i]:
f.write('- {}\n'.format(task[1][1:]))
def move_task(self, col_index, task_index, direction):
""" This class method moves tasks between columns by incrementing/decrementing the column
col_index - index of the column we are in
task_index - index of the task we are changing in the column
direction - direction to move the task
moved - True if a task was moved else false
task = self.tasks[col_index][task_index]
if col_index+direction >= 0 and col_index+direction < len(self.columns):
del self.tasks[col_index][task_index]
return True
return False
def print_board_items(self):
for i, col in enumerate(self.columns):
def get_columns(self):
""" Return columns"""
return self.columns
def get_tasks(self):
""" Return tasks"""
return self.tasks
def get_task(self, icol, itask):
""" Return a task based on column and task index"""
return self.tasks[icol][itask]