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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
from matplotlib.axis import Axis
from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
from import Callable, Iterable
from typing import Literal
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
class ScaleBase:
def __init__(self, axis: Axis | None) -> None:
def get_transform(self) -> Transform:
def set_default_locators_and_formatters(self, axis: Axis) -> None:
def limit_range_for_scale(self, vmin: float, vmax: float, minpos: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
class LinearScale(ScaleBase):
name: str
class FuncTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
def __init__(self, forward: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], inverse: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> FuncTransform:
class FuncScale(ScaleBase):
name: str
def __init__(self, axis: Axis | None, functions: tuple[Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]]) -> None:
class LogTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
base: float
def __init__(self, base: float, nonpositive: Literal["clip", "mask"] = ...) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> InvertedLogTransform:
class InvertedLogTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
base: float
def __init__(self, base: float) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> LogTransform:
class LogScale(ScaleBase):
name: str
subs: Iterable[int] | None
def __init__(self, axis: Axis | None, *, base: float = ..., subs: Iterable[int] | None = ..., nonpositive: Literal["clip", "mask"] = ...) -> None:
def base(self) -> float:
def get_transform(self) -> Transform:
class FuncScaleLog(LogScale):
def __init__(self, axis: Axis | None, functions: tuple[Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]], base: float = ...) -> None:
def base(self) -> float:
def get_transform(self) -> Transform:
class SymmetricalLogTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
base: float
linthresh: float
linscale: float
def __init__(self, base: float, linthresh: float, linscale: float) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> InvertedSymmetricalLogTransform:
class InvertedSymmetricalLogTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
base: float
linthresh: float
invlinthresh: float
linscale: float
def __init__(self, base: float, linthresh: float, linscale: float) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> SymmetricalLogTransform:
class SymmetricalLogScale(ScaleBase):
name: str
subs: Iterable[int] | None
def __init__(self, axis: Axis | None, *, base: float = ..., linthresh: float = ..., subs: Iterable[int] | None = ..., linscale: float = ...) -> None:
def base(self) -> float:
def linthresh(self) -> float:
def linscale(self) -> float:
def get_transform(self) -> SymmetricalLogTransform:
class AsinhTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
linear_width: float
def __init__(self, linear_width: float) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> InvertedAsinhTransform:
class InvertedAsinhTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
linear_width: float
def __init__(self, linear_width: float) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> AsinhTransform:
class AsinhScale(ScaleBase):
name: str
auto_tick_multipliers: dict[int, tuple[int, ...]]
def __init__(self, axis: Axis | None, *, linear_width: float = ..., base: float = ..., subs: Iterable[int] | Literal["auto"] | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None:
def linear_width(self) -> float:
def get_transform(self) -> AsinhTransform:
class LogitTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
def __init__(self, nonpositive: Literal["mask", "clip"] = ...) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> LogisticTransform:
class LogisticTransform(Transform):
input_dims: int
output_dims: int
def __init__(self, nonpositive: Literal["mask", "clip"] = ...) -> None:
def inverted(self) -> LogitTransform:
class LogitScale(ScaleBase):
name: str
def __init__(self, axis: Axis | None, nonpositive: Literal["mask", "clip"] = ..., *, one_half: str = ..., use_overline: bool = ...) -> None:
def get_transform(self) -> LogitTransform:
def get_scale_names() -> list[str]:
def scale_factory(scale: str, axis: Axis, **kwargs) -> ScaleBase:
def register_scale(scale_class: type[ScaleBase]) -> None: