You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
from .artist import Artist
from .backend_bases import RendererBase
from .font_manager import FontProperties
from .offsetbox import DraggableAnnotation
from .path import Path
from .patches import FancyArrowPatch, FancyBboxPatch
from .transforms import Bbox, BboxBase, Transform
from import Callable, Iterable
from typing import Any, Literal
from .typing import ColorType
class Text(Artist):
zorder: float
def __init__(self, x: float = ..., y: float = ..., text: Any = ..., *, color: ColorType | None = ..., verticalalignment: Literal["bottom", "baseline", "center", "center_baseline", "top"] = ..., horizontalalignment: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ..., multialignment: Literal["left", "center", "right"] | None = ..., fontproperties: str | Path | FontProperties | None = ..., rotation: float | Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] | None = ..., linespacing: float | None = ..., rotation_mode: Literal["default", "anchor"] | None = ..., usetex: bool | None = ..., wrap: bool = ..., transform_rotates_text: bool = ..., parse_math: bool | None = ..., antialiased: bool | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None:
def update(self, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> list[Any]:
def get_rotation(self) -> float:
def get_transform_rotates_text(self) -> bool:
def set_rotation_mode(self, m: None | Literal["default", "anchor"]) -> None:
def get_rotation_mode(self) -> Literal["default", "anchor"]:
def set_bbox(self, rectprops: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
def get_bbox_patch(self) -> None | FancyBboxPatch:
def update_bbox_position_size(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> None:
def get_wrap(self) -> bool:
def set_wrap(self, wrap: bool) -> None:
def get_color(self) -> ColorType:
def get_fontproperties(self) -> FontProperties:
def get_fontfamily(self) -> list[str]:
def get_fontname(self) -> str:
def get_fontstyle(self) -> Literal["normal", "italic", "oblique"]:
def get_fontsize(self) -> float | str:
def get_fontvariant(self) -> Literal["normal", "small-caps"]:
def get_fontweight(self) -> int | str:
def get_stretch(self) -> int | str:
def get_horizontalalignment(self) -> Literal["left", "center", "right"]:
def get_unitless_position(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def get_position(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def get_text(self) -> str:
def get_verticalalignment(self) -> Literal["bottom", "baseline", "center", "center_baseline", "top"]:
def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ..., dpi: float | None = ...) -> Bbox:
def set_backgroundcolor(self, color: ColorType) -> None:
def set_color(self, color: ColorType) -> None:
def set_horizontalalignment(self, align: Literal["left", "center", "right"]) -> None:
def set_multialignment(self, align: Literal["left", "center", "right"]) -> None:
def set_linespacing(self, spacing: float) -> None:
def set_fontfamily(self, fontname: str | Iterable[str]) -> None:
def set_fontvariant(self, variant: Literal["normal", "small-caps"]) -> None:
def set_fontstyle(self, fontstyle: Literal["normal", "italic", "oblique"]) -> None:
def set_fontsize(self, fontsize: float | str) -> None:
def get_math_fontfamily(self) -> str:
def set_math_fontfamily(self, fontfamily: str) -> None:
def set_fontweight(self, weight: int | str) -> None:
def set_fontstretch(self, stretch: int | str) -> None:
def set_position(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None:
def set_x(self, x: float) -> None:
def set_y(self, y: float) -> None:
def set_rotation(self, s: float) -> None:
def set_transform_rotates_text(self, t: bool) -> None:
def set_verticalalignment(self, align: Literal["bottom", "baseline", "center", "center_baseline", "top"]) -> None:
def set_text(self, s: Any) -> None:
def set_fontproperties(self, fp: FontProperties | str | Path | None) -> None:
def set_usetex(self, usetex: bool | None) -> None:
def get_usetex(self) -> bool:
def set_parse_math(self, parse_math: bool) -> None:
def get_parse_math(self) -> bool:
def set_fontname(self, fontname: str | Iterable[str]) -> None:
def get_antialiased(self) -> bool:
def set_antialiased(self, antialiased: bool) -> None:
class OffsetFrom:
def __init__(self, artist: Artist | BboxBase | Transform, ref_coord: tuple[float, float], unit: Literal["points", "pixels"] = ...) -> None:
def set_unit(self, unit: Literal["points", "pixels"]) -> None:
def get_unit(self) -> Literal["points", "pixels"]:
def __call__(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> Transform:
class _AnnotationBase:
xy: tuple[float, float]
xycoords: str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]
def __init__(self, xy, xycoords: str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform] = ..., annotation_clip: bool | None = ...) -> None:
def set_annotation_clip(self, b: bool | None) -> None:
def get_annotation_clip(self) -> bool | None:
def draggable(self, state: bool | None = ..., use_blit: bool = ...) -> DraggableAnnotation | None:
class Annotation(Text, _AnnotationBase):
arrowprops: dict[str, Any] | None
arrow_patch: FancyArrowPatch | None
def __init__(self, text: str, xy: tuple[float, float], xytext: tuple[float, float] | None = ..., xycoords: str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform] = ..., textcoords: str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform] | None = ..., arrowprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., annotation_clip: bool | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None:
def xycoords(self) -> str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]:
def xycoords(self, xycoords: str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]) -> None:
def xyann(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def xyann(self, xytext: tuple[float, float]) -> None:
def get_anncoords(self) -> str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]:
def set_anncoords(self, coords: str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]) -> None:
def anncoords(self) -> str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]:
def anncoords(self, coords: str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]) -> None:
def update_positions(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> None:
def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox: