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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
import builtins
import sys
import os
import mmap
import ctypes as ct
import array as _array
import datetime as dt
import enum
from abc import abstractmethod
from types import GenericAlias, MappingProxyType, TracebackType
from contextlib import ContextDecorator, contextmanager
from numpy._pytesttester import PytestTester
from numpy.core._internal import _ctypes
from numpy._typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike, NBitBase, NDArray, _128Bit, _16Bit, _256Bit, _32Bit, _64Bit, _80Bit, _8Bit, _96Bit, _ArrayLikeBool_co, _ArrayLikeBytes_co, _ArrayLikeComplex_co, _ArrayLikeDT64_co, _ArrayLikeFloat_co, _ArrayLikeInt_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co, _ArrayLikeObject_co, _ArrayLikeStr_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co, _ArrayLikeUInt_co, _ArrayLikeUnknown, _BoolCodes, _BoolLike_co, _ByteCodes, _BytesCodes, _CDoubleCodes, _CLongDoubleCodes, _CSingleCodes, _CharLike_co, _Complex128Codes, _Complex64Codes, _ComplexLike_co, _DT64Codes, _DTypeLike, _DTypeLikeVoid, _DoubleCodes, _FiniteNestedSequence, _Float16Codes, _Float32Codes, _Float64Codes, _FloatLike_co, _GUFunc_Nin2_Nout1, _HalfCodes, _Int16Codes, _Int32Codes, _Int64Codes, _Int8Codes, _IntCCodes, _IntCodes, _IntLike_co, _IntPCodes, _LongDoubleCodes, _LongLongCodes, _NBitByte, _NBitDouble, _NBitHalf, _NBitInt, _NBitIntC, _NBitIntP, _NBitLongDouble, _NBitLongLong, _NBitShort, _NBitSingle, _NestedSequence, _NumberLike_co, _ObjectCodes, _ScalarLike_co, _Shape, _ShapeLike, _ShortCodes, _SingleCodes, _StrCodes, _SupportsArray, _SupportsDType, _TD64Codes, _TD64Like_co, _UByteCodes, _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1, _UFunc_Nin1_Nout2, _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1, _UFunc_Nin2_Nout2, _UInt16Codes, _UInt32Codes, _UInt64Codes, _UInt8Codes, _UIntCCodes, _UIntCodes, _UIntPCodes, _ULongLongCodes, _UShortCodes, _UnknownType, _VoidCodes, _VoidDTypeLike
from numpy._typing._callable import _BoolBitOp, _BoolDivMod, _BoolMod, _BoolOp, _BoolSub, _BoolTrueDiv, _ComparisonOp, _ComplexOp, _FloatDivMod, _FloatMod, _FloatOp, _IntTrueDiv, _NumberOp, _SignedIntBitOp, _SignedIntDivMod, _SignedIntMod, _SignedIntOp, _TD64Div, _UnsignedIntBitOp, _UnsignedIntDivMod, _UnsignedIntMod, _UnsignedIntOp
from numpy._typing._extended_precision import complex160 as complex160, complex192 as complex192, complex256 as complex256, complex512 as complex512, float128 as float128, float256 as float256, float80 as float80, float96 as float96, int128 as int128, int256 as int256, uint128 as uint128, uint256 as uint256
from import Buffer as _SupportsBuffer, Callable, Container, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, Sized
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Final, Generator, Generic, IO, Literal as L, NoReturn, Protocol, SupportsComplex, SupportsFloat, SupportsIndex, SupportsInt, TypeVar, Union, final, overload
from numpy import ctypeslib as ctypeslib, dtypes as dtypes, exceptions as exceptions, fft as fft, lib as lib, linalg as linalg, ma as ma, polynomial as polynomial, random as random, testing as testing, version as version
from numpy.core import defchararray, records
from numpy.core.function_base import geomspace as geomspace, linspace as linspace, logspace as logspace
from numpy.core.fromnumeric import all as all, amax as amax, amin as amin, any as any, argmax as argmax, argmin as argmin, argpartition as argpartition, argsort as argsort, around as around, choose as choose, clip as clip, compress as compress, cumprod as cumprod, cumsum as cumsum, diagonal as diagonal, max as max, mean as mean, min as min, ndim as ndim, nonzero as nonzero, partition as partition, prod as prod, ptp as ptp, put as put, ravel as ravel, repeat as repeat, reshape as reshape, resize as resize, round as round, searchsorted as searchsorted, shape as shape, size as size, sort as sort, squeeze as squeeze, std as std, sum as sum, swapaxes as swapaxes, take as take, trace as trace, transpose as transpose, var as var
from numpy.core._asarray import require as require
from numpy.core._type_aliases import sctypeDict as sctypeDict, sctypes as sctypes
from numpy.core._ufunc_config import _ErrDictOptional, _ErrFunc, _ErrKind, getbufsize as getbufsize, geterr as geterr, geterrcall as geterrcall, setbufsize as setbufsize, seterr as seterr, seterrcall as seterrcall
from numpy.core.arrayprint import array2string as array2string, array_repr as array_repr, array_str as array_str, format_float_positional as format_float_positional, format_float_scientific as format_float_scientific, get_printoptions as get_printoptions, printoptions as printoptions, set_printoptions as set_printoptions, set_string_function as set_string_function
from numpy.core.einsumfunc import einsum as einsum, einsum_path as einsum_path
from numpy.core.multiarray import ALLOW_THREADS as ALLOW_THREADS, BUFSIZE as BUFSIZE, CLIP as CLIP, MAXDIMS as MAXDIMS, MAY_SHARE_BOUNDS as MAY_SHARE_BOUNDS, MAY_SHARE_EXACT as MAY_SHARE_EXACT, RAISE as RAISE, WRAP as WRAP, arange as arange, array as array, asanyarray as asanyarray, asarray as asarray, ascontiguousarray as ascontiguousarray, asfortranarray as asfortranarray, bincount as bincount, busday_count as busday_count, busday_offset as busday_offset, can_cast as can_cast, compare_chararrays as compare_chararrays, concatenate as concatenate, copyto as copyto, datetime_as_string as datetime_as_string, datetime_data as datetime_data, dot as dot, empty as empty, empty_like as empty_like, flagsobj, frombuffer as frombuffer, fromfile as fromfile, fromiter as fromiter, frompyfunc as frompyfunc, fromstring as fromstring, geterrobj as geterrobj, inner as inner, is_busday as is_busday, lexsort as lexsort, may_share_memory as may_share_memory, min_scalar_type as min_scalar_type, nested_iters as nested_iters, packbits as packbits, promote_types as promote_types, putmask as putmask, result_type as result_type, seterrobj as seterrobj, shares_memory as shares_memory, tracemalloc_domain as tracemalloc_domain, unpackbits as unpackbits, vdot as vdot, where as where, zeros as zeros
from numpy.core.numeric import allclose as allclose, argwhere as argwhere, array_equal as array_equal, array_equiv as array_equiv, base_repr as base_repr, binary_repr as binary_repr, convolve as convolve, correlate as correlate, count_nonzero as count_nonzero, cross as cross, flatnonzero as flatnonzero, fromfunction as fromfunction, full as full, full_like as full_like, identity as identity, indices as indices, isclose as isclose, isfortran as isfortran, isscalar as isscalar, moveaxis as moveaxis, ones as ones, ones_like as ones_like, outer as outer, roll as roll, rollaxis as rollaxis, tensordot as tensordot, zeros_like as zeros_like
from numpy.core.numerictypes import ScalarType as ScalarType, cast as cast, issctype as issctype, issubclass_ as issubclass_, issubdtype as issubdtype, issubsctype as issubsctype, maximum_sctype as maximum_sctype, nbytes as nbytes, obj2sctype as obj2sctype, sctype2char as sctype2char, typecodes as typecodes
from numpy.core.shape_base import atleast_1d as atleast_1d, atleast_2d as atleast_2d, atleast_3d as atleast_3d, block as block, hstack as hstack, stack as stack, vstack as vstack
from numpy.exceptions import AxisError as AxisError, ComplexWarning as ComplexWarning, DTypePromotionError as DTypePromotionError, ModuleDeprecationWarning as ModuleDeprecationWarning, TooHardError as TooHardError, VisibleDeprecationWarning as VisibleDeprecationWarning
from numpy.lib import emath as emath
from numpy.lib.arraypad import pad as pad
from numpy.lib.arraysetops import ediff1d as ediff1d, in1d as in1d, intersect1d as intersect1d, isin as isin, setdiff1d as setdiff1d, setxor1d as setxor1d, union1d as union1d, unique as unique
from numpy.lib.arrayterator import Arrayterator as Arrayterator
from numpy.lib.function_base import add_docstring as add_docstring, add_newdoc as add_newdoc, add_newdoc_ufunc as add_newdoc_ufunc, angle as angle, append as append, asarray_chkfinite as asarray_chkfinite, average as average, bartlett as bartlett, bincount as bincount, blackman as blackman, copy as copy, corrcoef as corrcoef, cov as cov, delete as delete, diff as diff, digitize as digitize, disp as disp, extract as extract, flip as flip, gradient as gradient, hamming as hamming, hanning as hanning, i0 as i0, insert as insert, interp as interp, iterable as iterable, kaiser as kaiser, median as median, meshgrid as meshgrid, percentile as percentile, piecewise as piecewise, place as place, quantile as quantile, rot90 as rot90, select as select, sinc as sinc, sort_complex as sort_complex, trapz as trapz, trim_zeros as trim_zeros, unwrap as unwrap
from numpy.lib.histograms import histogram as histogram, histogram_bin_edges as histogram_bin_edges, histogramdd as histogramdd
from numpy.lib.index_tricks import c_ as c_, diag_indices as diag_indices, diag_indices_from as diag_indices_from, fill_diagonal as fill_diagonal, index_exp as index_exp, ix_ as ix_, mgrid as mgrid, ogrid as ogrid, r_ as r_, ravel_multi_index as ravel_multi_index, s_ as s_, unravel_index as unravel_index
from numpy.lib.nanfunctions import nanargmax as nanargmax, nanargmin as nanargmin, nancumprod as nancumprod, nancumsum as nancumsum, nanmax as nanmax, nanmean as nanmean, nanmedian as nanmedian, nanmin as nanmin, nanpercentile as nanpercentile, nanprod as nanprod, nanquantile as nanquantile, nanstd as nanstd, nansum as nansum, nanvar as nanvar
from numpy.lib.npyio import fromregex as fromregex, genfromtxt as genfromtxt, load as load, loadtxt as loadtxt, packbits as packbits, recfromcsv as recfromcsv, recfromtxt as recfromtxt, save as save, savetxt as savetxt, savez as savez, savez_compressed as savez_compressed, unpackbits as unpackbits
from numpy.lib.polynomial import poly as poly, polyadd as polyadd, polyder as polyder, polydiv as polydiv, polyfit as polyfit, polyint as polyint, polymul as polymul, polysub as polysub, polyval as polyval, roots as roots
from numpy.lib.shape_base import apply_along_axis as apply_along_axis, apply_over_axes as apply_over_axes, array_split as array_split, column_stack as column_stack, dsplit as dsplit, dstack as dstack, expand_dims as expand_dims, get_array_wrap as get_array_wrap, hsplit as hsplit, kron as kron, put_along_axis as put_along_axis, row_stack as row_stack, split as split, take_along_axis as take_along_axis, tile as tile, vsplit as vsplit
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import broadcast_arrays as broadcast_arrays, broadcast_shapes as broadcast_shapes, broadcast_to as broadcast_to
from numpy.lib.twodim_base import diag as diag, diagflat as diagflat, eye as eye, fliplr as fliplr, flipud as flipud, histogram2d as histogram2d, mask_indices as mask_indices, tri as tri, tril as tril, tril_indices as tril_indices, tril_indices_from as tril_indices_from, triu as triu, triu_indices as triu_indices, triu_indices_from as triu_indices_from, vander as vander
from numpy.lib.type_check import asfarray as asfarray, common_type as common_type, imag as imag, iscomplex as iscomplex, iscomplexobj as iscomplexobj, isreal as isreal, isrealobj as isrealobj, mintypecode as mintypecode, nan_to_num as nan_to_num, real as real, real_if_close as real_if_close, typename as typename
from numpy.lib.ufunclike import fix as fix, isneginf as isneginf, isposinf as isposinf
from numpy.lib.utils import byte_bounds as byte_bounds, deprecate as deprecate, deprecate_with_doc as deprecate_with_doc, get_include as get_include, info as info, issubclass_ as issubclass_, issubdtype as issubdtype, issubsctype as issubsctype, lookfor as lookfor, safe_eval as safe_eval, show_runtime as show_runtime, source as source, who as who
from numpy.matrixlib import asmatrix as asmatrix, bmat as bmat, mat as mat
char = defchararray
rec = records
_AnyStr_contra = TypeVar("_AnyStr_contra", str, bytes, contravariant=True)
class _IOProtocol(Protocol):
def flush(self) -> object:
def fileno(self) -> int:
def tell(self) -> SupportsIndex:
def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int, /) -> object:
class _MemMapIOProtocol(Protocol):
def flush(self) -> object:
def fileno(self) -> SupportsIndex:
def tell(self) -> int:
def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int, /) -> object:
def write(self, s: bytes, /) -> object:
def read(self) -> object:
class _SupportsWrite(Protocol[_AnyStr_contra]):
def write(self, s: _AnyStr_contra, /) -> object:
__all__: list[str]
__path__: list[str]
__version__: str
test: PytestTester
def show_config() -> None:
_NdArraySubClass = TypeVar("_NdArraySubClass", bound=ndarray[Any, Any])
_DTypeScalar_co = TypeVar("_DTypeScalar_co", covariant=True, bound=generic)
_ByteOrder = L["S", "<", ">", "=", "|", "L", "B", "N", "I"]
class dtype(Generic[_DTypeScalar_co]):
names: None | tuple[builtins.str, ...]
def __hash__(self) -> int:
def __new__(cls, dtype: type[_DTypeScalar_co], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[_DTypeScalar_co]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: type[bool], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[bool_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: type[int], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: None | type[float], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[float_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: type[complex], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[complex_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: type[builtins.str], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[str_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: type[bytes], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[bytes_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UInt8Codes | type[ct.c_uint8], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint8]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UInt16Codes | type[ct.c_uint16], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint16]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UInt32Codes | type[ct.c_uint32], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint32]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UInt64Codes | type[ct.c_uint64], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint64]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UByteCodes | type[ct.c_ubyte], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[ubyte]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UShortCodes | type[ct.c_ushort], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[ushort]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UIntCCodes | type[ct.c_uint], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uintc]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UIntPCodes | type[ct.c_void_p] | type[ct.c_size_t], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uintp]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _UIntCodes | type[ct.c_ulong], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[uint]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _ULongLongCodes | type[ct.c_ulonglong], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[ulonglong]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Int8Codes | type[ct.c_int8], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int8]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Int16Codes | type[ct.c_int16], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int16]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Int32Codes | type[ct.c_int32], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int32]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Int64Codes | type[ct.c_int64], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int64]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _ByteCodes | type[ct.c_byte], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[byte]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _ShortCodes | type[ct.c_short], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[short]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _IntCCodes | type[ct.c_int], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[intc]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _IntPCodes | type[ct.c_ssize_t], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[intp]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _IntCodes | type[ct.c_long], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[int_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _LongLongCodes | type[ct.c_longlong], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[longlong]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Float16Codes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[float16]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Float32Codes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[float32]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Float64Codes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[float64]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _HalfCodes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[half]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _SingleCodes | type[ct.c_float], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[single]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _DoubleCodes | type[ct.c_double], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[double]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _LongDoubleCodes | type[ct.c_longdouble], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[longdouble]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Complex64Codes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[complex64]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _Complex128Codes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[complex128]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _CSingleCodes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[csingle]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _CDoubleCodes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[cdouble]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _CLongDoubleCodes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[clongdouble]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _BoolCodes | type[ct.c_bool], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[bool_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _TD64Codes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[timedelta64]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _DT64Codes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[datetime64]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _StrCodes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[str_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _BytesCodes | type[ct.c_char], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[bytes_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _VoidCodes, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[void]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _ObjectCodes | type[ct.py_object[Any]], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[object_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: dtype[_DTypeScalar_co], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[_DTypeScalar_co]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _SupportsDType[dtype[_DTypeScalar_co]], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[_DTypeScalar_co]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: builtins.str, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[Any]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _VoidDTypeLike, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[void]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: type[object], align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ..., metadata: dict[builtins.str, Any] = ...) -> dtype[object_]:
def __class_getitem__(self, item: Any) -> GenericAlias:
def __getitem__(self: dtype[void], key: list[builtins.str]) -> dtype[void]:
def __getitem__(self: dtype[void], key: builtins.str | SupportsIndex) -> dtype[Any]:
def __mul__(self: _DType, value: L[1]) -> _DType:
def __mul__(self: _FlexDType, value: SupportsIndex) -> _FlexDType:
def __mul__(self, value: SupportsIndex) -> dtype[void]:
def __rmul__(self: _FlexDType, value: SupportsIndex) -> _FlexDType:
def __rmul__(self, value: SupportsIndex) -> dtype[Any]:
def __gt__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool:
def __ge__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool:
def __lt__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool:
def __le__(self, other: DTypeLike) -> bool:
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
def alignment(self) -> int:
def base(self) -> dtype[Any]:
def byteorder(self) -> builtins.str:
def char(self) -> builtins.str:
def descr(self) -> list[tuple[builtins.str, builtins.str] | tuple[builtins.str, builtins.str, _Shape]]:
def fields(self) -> None | MappingProxyType[builtins.str, tuple[dtype[Any], int] | tuple[dtype[Any], int, Any]]:
def flags(self) -> int:
def hasobject(self) -> bool:
def isbuiltin(self) -> int:
def isnative(self) -> bool:
def isalignedstruct(self) -> bool:
def itemsize(self) -> int:
def kind(self) -> builtins.str:
def metadata(self) -> None | MappingProxyType[builtins.str, Any]:
def name(self) -> builtins.str:
def num(self) -> int:
def shape(self) -> _Shape:
def ndim(self) -> int:
def subdtype(self) -> None | tuple[dtype[Any], _Shape]:
def newbyteorder(self: _DType, __new_order: _ByteOrder = ...) -> _DType:
def str(self) -> builtins.str:
def type(self) -> type[_DTypeScalar_co]:
_ArrayLikeInt = Union[int, integer[Any], Sequence[Union[int, integer[Any]]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], ndarray[Any, Any]]
_FlatIterSelf = TypeVar("_FlatIterSelf", bound=flatiter[Any])
class flatiter(Generic[_NdArraySubClass]):
__hash__: ClassVar[None]
def base(self) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def coords(self) -> _Shape:
def index(self) -> int:
def copy(self) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def __iter__(self: _FlatIterSelf) -> _FlatIterSelf:
def __next__(self: flatiter[ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType]]]) -> _ScalarType:
def __len__(self) -> int:
def __getitem__(self: flatiter[ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType]]], key: int | integer[Any] | tuple[int | integer[Any]]) -> _ScalarType:
def __getitem__(self, key: _ArrayLikeInt | slice | ellipsis | tuple[_ArrayLikeInt | slice | ellipsis]) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def __setitem__(self, key: _ArrayLikeInt | slice | ellipsis | tuple[_ArrayLikeInt | slice | ellipsis], value: Any) -> None:
def __array__(self: flatiter[ndarray[Any, _DType]], dtype: None = ..., /) -> ndarray[Any, _DType]:
def __array__(self, dtype: _DType, /) -> ndarray[Any, _DType]:
_OrderKACF = L[None, "K", "A", "C", "F"]
_OrderACF = L[None, "A", "C", "F"]
_OrderCF = L[None, "C", "F"]
_ModeKind = L["raise", "wrap", "clip"]
_PartitionKind = L["introselect"]
_SortKind = L["quicksort", "mergesort", "heapsort", "stable"]
_SortSide = L["left", "right"]
_ArraySelf = TypeVar("_ArraySelf", bound=_ArrayOrScalarCommon)
class _ArrayOrScalarCommon:
def T(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def data(self) -> memoryview:
def flags(self) -> flagsobj:
def itemsize(self) -> int:
def nbytes(self) -> int:
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
def __str__(self) -> str:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
def __copy__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __deepcopy__(self: _ArraySelf, memo: None | dict[int, Any], /) -> _ArraySelf:
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
def copy(self: _ArraySelf, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> _ArraySelf:
def dump(self, file: str | bytes | os.PathLike[str] | os.PathLike[bytes] | _SupportsWrite[bytes]) -> None:
def dumps(self) -> bytes:
def tobytes(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> bytes:
def tofile(self, fid: str | bytes | os.PathLike[str] | os.PathLike[bytes] | _IOProtocol, sep: str = ..., format: str = ...) -> None:
def tolist(self) -> Any:
def __array_interface__(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
def __array_priority__(self) -> float:
def __array_struct__(self) -> Any:
def __setstate__(self, state: tuple[SupportsIndex, _ShapeLike, _DType_co, bool, bytes | list[Any],], /) -> None:
def all(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: L[False] = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> bool_:
def all(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def all(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def any(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: L[False] = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> bool_:
def any(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def any(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def argmax(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., *, keepdims: L[False] = ...) -> intp:
def argmax(self, axis: SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ..., *, keepdims: bool = ...) -> Any:
def argmax(self, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., *, keepdims: bool = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def argmin(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ..., *, keepdims: L[False] = ...) -> intp:
def argmin(self, axis: SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ..., *, keepdims: bool = ...) -> Any:
def argmin(self, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., *, keepdims: bool = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def argsort(self, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., kind: None | _SortKind = ..., order: None | str | Sequence[str] = ...) -> ndarray[Any, Any]:
def choose(self, choices: ArrayLike, out: None = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> ndarray[Any, Any]:
def choose(self, choices: ArrayLike, out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def clip(self, min: ArrayLike = ..., max: None | ArrayLike = ..., out: None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> ndarray[Any, Any]:
def clip(self, min: None = ..., max: ArrayLike = ..., out: None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> ndarray[Any, Any]:
def clip(self, min: ArrayLike = ..., max: None | ArrayLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def clip(self, min: None = ..., max: ArrayLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def compress(self, a: ArrayLike, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ...) -> ndarray[Any, Any]:
def compress(self, a: ArrayLike, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def conj(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def conjugate(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def cumprod(self, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> ndarray[Any, Any]:
def cumprod(self, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def cumsum(self, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> ndarray[Any, Any]:
def cumsum(self, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def max(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike_co = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def max(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike_co = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def mean(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def mean(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def min(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike_co = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def min(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike_co = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def newbyteorder(self: _ArraySelf, __new_order: _ByteOrder = ...) -> _ArraySelf:
def prod(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike_co = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def prod(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike_co = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def ptp(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> Any:
def ptp(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def round(self: _ArraySelf, decimals: SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ...) -> _ArraySelf:
def round(self, decimals: SupportsIndex = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def std(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def std(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ddof: float = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def sum(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike_co = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def sum(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., initial: _NumberLike_co = ..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def var(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> Any:
def var(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ddof: float = ..., keepdims: bool = ..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
_DType = TypeVar("_DType", bound=dtype[Any])
_DType_co = TypeVar("_DType_co", covariant=True, bound=dtype[Any])
_FlexDType = TypeVar("_FlexDType", bound=dtype[flexible])
_ShapeType = TypeVar("_ShapeType", bound=Any)
_ShapeType2 = TypeVar("_ShapeType2", bound=Any)
_NumberType = TypeVar("_NumberType", bound=number[Any])
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
_T = TypeVar("_T")
_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True)
_T_contra = TypeVar("_T_contra", contravariant=True)
_2Tuple = tuple[_T, _T]
_CastingKind = L["no", "equiv", "safe", "same_kind", "unsafe"]
_ArrayUInt_co = NDArray[Union[bool_, unsignedinteger[Any]]]
_ArrayInt_co = NDArray[Union[bool_, integer[Any]]]
_ArrayFloat_co = NDArray[Union[bool_, integer[Any], floating[Any]]]
_ArrayComplex_co = NDArray[Union[bool_, integer[Any], floating[Any], complexfloating[Any, Any]]]
_ArrayNumber_co = NDArray[Union[bool_, number[Any]]]
_ArrayTD64_co = NDArray[Union[bool_, integer[Any], timedelta64]]
_dtype = dtype
_PyCapsule = Any
class _SupportsItem(Protocol[_T_co]):
def item(self, args: Any, /) -> _T_co:
class _SupportsReal(Protocol[_T_co]):
def real(self) -> _T_co:
class _SupportsImag(Protocol[_T_co]):
def imag(self) -> _T_co:
class ndarray(_ArrayOrScalarCommon, Generic[_ShapeType, _DType_co]):
__hash__: ClassVar[None]
def base(self) -> None | ndarray[Any, Any]:
def ndim(self) -> int:
def size(self) -> int:
def real(self: ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[_SupportsReal[_ScalarType]]]) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def real(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None:
def imag(self: ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[_SupportsImag[_ScalarType]]]) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def imag(self, value: ArrayLike) -> None:
def __new__(cls: type[_ArraySelf], shape: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., buffer: None | _SupportsBuffer = ..., offset: SupportsIndex = ..., strides: None | _ShapeLike = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> _ArraySelf:
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
def __buffer__(self, flags: int, /) -> memoryview:
def __class_getitem__(self, item: Any) -> GenericAlias:
def __array__(self, dtype: None = ..., /) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def __array__(self, dtype: _DType, /) -> ndarray[Any, _DType]:
def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc: ufunc, method: L["__call__", "reduce", "reduceat", "accumulate", "outer", "inner"], *inputs: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
def __array_function__(self, func: Callable[..., Any], types: Iterable[type], args: Iterable[Any], kwargs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Any:
def __array_finalize__(self, obj: None | NDArray[Any], /) -> None:
def __array_wrap__(self, array: ndarray[_ShapeType2, _DType], context: None | tuple[ufunc, tuple[Any, ...], int] = ..., /) -> ndarray[_ShapeType2, _DType]:
def __array_prepare__(self, array: ndarray[_ShapeType2, _DType], context: None | tuple[ufunc, tuple[Any, ...], int] = ..., /) -> ndarray[_ShapeType2, _DType]:
def __getitem__(self, key: (NDArray[integer[Any]] | NDArray[bool_] | tuple[NDArray[integer[Any]] | NDArray[bool_], ...])) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def __getitem__(self, key: SupportsIndex | tuple[SupportsIndex, ...]) -> Any:
def __getitem__(self, key: (None | slice | ellipsis | SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co | tuple[None | slice | ellipsis | _ArrayLikeInt_co | SupportsIndex, ...])) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def __getitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: str) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __getitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: list[str]) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, _dtype[void]]:
def ctypes(self) -> _ctypes[int]:
def shape(self) -> _Shape:
def shape(self, value: _ShapeLike) -> None:
def strides(self) -> _Shape:
def strides(self, value: _ShapeLike) -> None:
def byteswap(self: _ArraySelf, inplace: bool = ...) -> _ArraySelf:
def fill(self, value: Any) -> None:
def flat(self: _NdArraySubClass) -> flatiter[_NdArraySubClass]:
def item(self: ndarray[Any, _dtype[_SupportsItem[_T]]], *args: SupportsIndex) -> _T:
def item(self: ndarray[Any, _dtype[_SupportsItem[_T]]], args: tuple[SupportsIndex, ...], /) -> _T:
def itemset(self, value: Any, /) -> None:
def itemset(self, item: _ShapeLike, value: Any, /) -> None:
def resize(self, new_shape: _ShapeLike, /, *, refcheck: bool = ...) -> None:
def resize(self, *new_shape: SupportsIndex, refcheck: bool = ...) -> None:
def setflags(self, write: bool = ..., align: bool = ..., uic: bool = ...) -> None:
def squeeze(self, axis: None | SupportsIndex | tuple[SupportsIndex, ...] = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def swapaxes(self, axis1: SupportsIndex, axis2: SupportsIndex) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def transpose(self: _ArraySelf, axes: None | _ShapeLike, /) -> _ArraySelf:
def transpose(self: _ArraySelf, *axes: SupportsIndex) -> _ArraySelf:
def argpartition(self, kth: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., kind: _PartitionKind = ..., order: None | str | Sequence[str] = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[intp]]:
def diagonal(self, offset: SupportsIndex = ..., axis1: SupportsIndex = ..., axis2: SupportsIndex = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def dot(self, b: _ScalarLike_co, out: None = ...) -> ndarray[Any, Any]:
def dot(self, b: ArrayLike, out: None = ...) -> Any:
def dot(self, b: ArrayLike, out: _NdArraySubClass) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def nonzero(self) -> tuple[ndarray[Any, _dtype[intp]], ...]:
def partition(self, kth: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: SupportsIndex = ..., kind: _PartitionKind = ..., order: None | str | Sequence[str] = ...) -> None:
def put(self, ind: _ArrayLikeInt_co, v: ArrayLike, mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> None:
def searchsorted(self, v: _ScalarLike_co, side: _SortSide = ..., sorter: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> intp:
def searchsorted(self, v: ArrayLike, side: _SortSide = ..., sorter: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[intp]]:
def setfield(self, val: ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike, offset: SupportsIndex = ...) -> None:
def sort(self, axis: SupportsIndex = ..., kind: None | _SortKind = ..., order: None | str | Sequence[str] = ...) -> None:
def trace(self, offset: SupportsIndex = ..., axis1: SupportsIndex = ..., axis2: SupportsIndex = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> Any:
def trace(self, offset: SupportsIndex = ..., axis1: SupportsIndex = ..., axis2: SupportsIndex = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def take(self: ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]], indices: _IntLike_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def take(self, indices: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def take(self, indices: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def repeat(self, repeats: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def flatten(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def ravel(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def reshape(self, shape: _ShapeLike, /, *, order: _OrderACF = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def reshape(self, *shape: SupportsIndex, order: _OrderACF = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def astype(self, dtype: _DTypeLike[_ScalarType], order: _OrderKACF = ..., casting: _CastingKind = ..., subok: bool = ..., copy: bool | _CopyMode = ...) -> NDArray[_ScalarType]:
def astype(self, dtype: DTypeLike, order: _OrderKACF = ..., casting: _CastingKind = ..., subok: bool = ..., copy: bool | _CopyMode = ...) -> NDArray[Any]:
def view(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def view(self, type: type[_NdArraySubClass]) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def view(self, dtype: _DTypeLike[_ScalarType]) -> NDArray[_ScalarType]:
def view(self, dtype: DTypeLike) -> NDArray[Any]:
def view(self, dtype: DTypeLike, type: type[_NdArraySubClass]) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def getfield(self, dtype: _DTypeLike[_ScalarType], offset: SupportsIndex = ...) -> NDArray[_ScalarType]:
def getfield(self, dtype: DTypeLike, offset: SupportsIndex = ...) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __int__(self: ndarray[Any, _dtype[SupportsInt]]) -> int:
def __float__(self: ndarray[Any, _dtype[SupportsFloat]]) -> float:
def __complex__(self: ndarray[Any, _dtype[SupportsComplex]]) -> complex:
def __index__(self: ndarray[Any, _dtype[SupportsIndex]]) -> int:
def __len__(self) -> int:
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
def __iter__(self) -> Any:
def __contains__(self, key) -> bool:
def __lt__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __lt__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __lt__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __lt__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __lt__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __le__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __le__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __le__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __le__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __le__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __gt__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __gt__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __gt__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __gt__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __gt__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ge__(self: _ArrayNumber_co, other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ge__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ge__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ge__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ge__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __abs__(self: NDArray[bool_]) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __abs__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]]) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __abs__(self: NDArray[_NumberType]) -> NDArray[_NumberType]:
def __abs__(self: NDArray[timedelta64]) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __abs__(self: NDArray[object_]) -> Any:
def __invert__(self: NDArray[bool_]) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __invert__(self: NDArray[_IntType]) -> NDArray[_IntType]:
def __invert__(self: NDArray[object_]) -> Any:
def __pos__(self: NDArray[_NumberType]) -> NDArray[_NumberType]:
def __pos__(self: NDArray[timedelta64]) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __pos__(self: NDArray[object_]) -> Any:
def __neg__(self: NDArray[_NumberType]) -> NDArray[_NumberType]:
def __neg__(self: NDArray[timedelta64]) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __neg__(self: NDArray[object_]) -> Any:
def __matmul__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __matmul__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __matmul__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __matmul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __matmul__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __matmul__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __matmul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __matmul__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __rmatmul__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rmatmul__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __mod__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __mod__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __mod__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __mod__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __mod__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __mod__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __mod__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rmod__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __rmod__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rmod__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rmod__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __rmod__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __rmod__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rmod__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __divmod__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[int8]]:
def __divmod__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]]:
def __divmod__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]]:
def __divmod__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[floating[Any]]]:
def __divmod__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> tuple[NDArray[int64], NDArray[timedelta64]]:
def __rdivmod__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[int8]]:
def __rdivmod__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]]:
def __rdivmod__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]]:
def __rdivmod__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> _2Tuple[NDArray[floating[Any]]]:
def __rdivmod__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> tuple[NDArray[int64], NDArray[timedelta64]]:
def __add__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __add__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __add__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __add__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __add__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __add__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __add__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __add__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
def __add__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
def __add__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __add__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __radd__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __radd__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __radd__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __radd__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __radd__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __radd__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __radd__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __radd__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
def __radd__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
def __radd__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __radd__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __sub__(self: NDArray[_UnknownType], other: _ArrayLikeUnknown) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __sub__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NoReturn:
def __sub__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __sub__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __sub__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __sub__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __sub__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __sub__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __sub__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
def __sub__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __sub__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __sub__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rsub__(self: NDArray[_UnknownType], other: _ArrayLikeUnknown) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __rsub__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NoReturn:
def __rsub__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rsub__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rsub__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __rsub__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __rsub__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __rsub__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __rsub__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
def __rsub__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeDT64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __rsub__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rsub__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __mul__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __mul__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __mul__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __mul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __mul__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __mul__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __mul__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __mul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __mul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __mul__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rmul__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __rmul__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rmul__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rmul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __rmul__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __rmul__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __rmul__(self: _ArrayTD64_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __rmul__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __rmul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rmul__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __floordiv__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __floordiv__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __floordiv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> NDArray[int64]:
def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NoReturn:
def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __floordiv__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __rfloordiv__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rfloordiv__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rfloordiv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> NDArray[int64]:
def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NoReturn:
def __rfloordiv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rfloordiv__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __pow__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __pow__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __pow__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __pow__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __pow__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __pow__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __pow__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __pow__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rpow__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __rpow__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rpow__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rpow__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __rpow__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __rpow__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __rpow__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rpow__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __truediv__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayInt_co) -> NDArray[float64]:
def __truediv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __truediv__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __truediv__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __truediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> NDArray[float64]:
def __truediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NoReturn:
def __truediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __truediv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __truediv__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayInt_co) -> NDArray[float64]:
def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]:
def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayComplex_co, other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]:
def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], other: _ArrayLikeNumber_co) -> NDArray[number[Any]]:
def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> NDArray[float64]:
def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NoReturn:
def __rtruediv__(self: _ArrayFloat_co, other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rtruediv__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __lshift__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __lshift__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __lshift__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __lshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __lshift__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rlshift__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __rlshift__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rlshift__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rlshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rlshift__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rshift__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __rshift__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rshift__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rshift__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rrshift__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[int8]:
def __rrshift__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rrshift__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rrshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rrshift__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __and__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __and__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __and__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __and__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __and__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rand__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __rand__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rand__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rand__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rand__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __xor__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __xor__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __xor__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __xor__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __xor__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __rxor__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __rxor__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __rxor__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __rxor__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __rxor__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __or__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __or__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __or__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __or__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __or__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __ror__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ror__(self: _ArrayUInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[Any]]:
def __ror__(self: _ArrayInt_co, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[Any]]:
def __ror__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> Any:
def __ror__(self: NDArray[Any], other: _ArrayLikeObject_co) -> Any:
def __iadd__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __iadd__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __iadd__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __iadd__(self: NDArray[floating[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __iadd__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]]:
def __iadd__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __iadd__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
def __iadd__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __isub__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __isub__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __isub__(self: NDArray[floating[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __isub__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]]:
def __isub__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __isub__(self: NDArray[datetime64], other: _ArrayLikeTD64_co) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
def __isub__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __imul__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __imul__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __imul__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __imul__(self: NDArray[floating[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __imul__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]]:
def __imul__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __imul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[floating[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]]:
def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NoReturn:
def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __itruediv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[floating[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]]:
def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NoReturn:
def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __ifloordiv__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __ipow__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ipow__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ipow__(self: NDArray[floating[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __ipow__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]]:
def __ipow__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __imod__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __imod__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __imod__(self: NDArray[floating[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __imod__(self: NDArray[timedelta64], other: _SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[_dtype[timedelta64]]]) -> NDArray[timedelta64]:
def __imod__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __ilshift__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ilshift__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ilshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __irshift__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __irshift__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __irshift__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __iand__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __iand__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __iand__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __iand__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __ixor__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ixor__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ixor__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ixor__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __ior__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ior__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co | _IntLike_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ior__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __ior__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[bool_], other: _ArrayLikeBool_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeUInt_co) -> NDArray[unsignedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> NDArray[signedinteger[_NBit1]]:
def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[floating[_NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]], other: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[_NBit1, _NBit1]]:
def __imatmul__(self: NDArray[object_], other: Any) -> NDArray[object_]:
def __dlpack__(self: NDArray[number[Any]], *, stream: None = ...) -> _PyCapsule:
def __dlpack_device__(self) -> tuple[int, L[0]]:
def dtype(self) -> _DType_co:
_ScalarType = TypeVar("_ScalarType", bound=generic)
_NBit1 = TypeVar("_NBit1", bound=NBitBase)
_NBit2 = TypeVar("_NBit2", bound=NBitBase)
class generic(_ArrayOrScalarCommon):
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
def __array__(self: _ScalarType, dtype: None = ..., /) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def __array__(self, dtype: _DType, /) -> ndarray[Any, _DType]:
def __hash__(self) -> int:
def base(self) -> None:
def ndim(self) -> L[0]:
def size(self) -> L[1]:
def shape(self) -> tuple[()]:
def strides(self) -> tuple[()]:
def byteswap(self: _ScalarType, inplace: L[False] = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def flat(self: _ScalarType) -> flatiter[ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]]:
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
def __buffer__(self, flags: int, /) -> memoryview:
def astype(self, dtype: _DTypeLike[_ScalarType], order: _OrderKACF = ..., casting: _CastingKind = ..., subok: bool = ..., copy: bool | _CopyMode = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def astype(self, dtype: DTypeLike, order: _OrderKACF = ..., casting: _CastingKind = ..., subok: bool = ..., copy: bool | _CopyMode = ...) -> Any:
def view(self: _ScalarType, type: type[ndarray[Any, Any]] = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def view(self, dtype: _DTypeLike[_ScalarType], type: type[ndarray[Any, Any]] = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def view(self, dtype: DTypeLike, type: type[ndarray[Any, Any]] = ...) -> Any:
def getfield(self, dtype: _DTypeLike[_ScalarType], offset: SupportsIndex = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def getfield(self, dtype: DTypeLike, offset: SupportsIndex = ...) -> Any:
def item(self, args: L[0] | tuple[()] | tuple[L[0]] = ..., /) -> Any:
def take(self: _ScalarType, indices: _IntLike_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def take(self: _ScalarType, indices: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: None = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def take(self, indices: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., mode: _ModeKind = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def repeat(self: _ScalarType, repeats: _ArrayLikeInt_co, axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def flatten(self: _ScalarType, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def ravel(self: _ScalarType, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def reshape(self: _ScalarType, shape: _ShapeLike, /, *, order: _OrderACF = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def reshape(self: _ScalarType, *shape: SupportsIndex, order: _OrderACF = ...) -> ndarray[Any, _dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def squeeze(self: _ScalarType, axis: None | L[0] | tuple[()] = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def transpose(self: _ScalarType, axes: None | tuple[()] = ..., /) -> _ScalarType:
def dtype(self: _ScalarType) -> _dtype[_ScalarType]:
class number(generic, Generic[_NBit1]):
def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __class_getitem__(self, item: Any) -> GenericAlias:
def __int__(self) -> int:
def __float__(self) -> float:
def __complex__(self) -> complex:
def __neg__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __pos__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __abs__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
__add__: _NumberOp
__radd__: _NumberOp
__sub__: _NumberOp
__rsub__: _NumberOp
__mul__: _NumberOp
__rmul__: _NumberOp
__floordiv__: _NumberOp
__rfloordiv__: _NumberOp
__pow__: _NumberOp
__rpow__: _NumberOp
__truediv__: _NumberOp
__rtruediv__: _NumberOp
__lt__: _ComparisonOp[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
__le__: _ComparisonOp[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
__gt__: _ComparisonOp[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
__ge__: _ComparisonOp[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
class bool_(generic):
def __init__(self, value: object = ..., /) -> None:
def item(self, args: L[0] | tuple[()] | tuple[L[0]] = ..., /) -> bool:
def tolist(self) -> bool:
def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __int__(self) -> int:
def __float__(self) -> float:
def __complex__(self) -> complex:
def __abs__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
__add__: _BoolOp[bool_]
__radd__: _BoolOp[bool_]
__sub__: _BoolSub
__rsub__: _BoolSub
__mul__: _BoolOp[bool_]
__rmul__: _BoolOp[bool_]
__floordiv__: _BoolOp[int8]
__rfloordiv__: _BoolOp[int8]
__pow__: _BoolOp[int8]
__rpow__: _BoolOp[int8]
__truediv__: _BoolTrueDiv
__rtruediv__: _BoolTrueDiv
def __invert__(self) -> bool_:
__lshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8]
__rlshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8]
__rshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8]
__rrshift__: _BoolBitOp[int8]
__and__: _BoolBitOp[bool_]
__rand__: _BoolBitOp[bool_]
__xor__: _BoolBitOp[bool_]
__rxor__: _BoolBitOp[bool_]
__or__: _BoolBitOp[bool_]
__ror__: _BoolBitOp[bool_]
__mod__: _BoolMod
__rmod__: _BoolMod
__divmod__: _BoolDivMod
__rdivmod__: _BoolDivMod
__lt__: _ComparisonOp[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
__le__: _ComparisonOp[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
__gt__: _ComparisonOp[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
__ge__: _ComparisonOp[_NumberLike_co, _ArrayLikeNumber_co]
class object_(generic):
def __init__(self, value: object = ..., /) -> None:
def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __int__(self) -> int:
def __float__(self) -> float:
def __complex__(self) -> complex:
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
def __release_buffer__(self, buffer: memoryview, /) -> None:
class _DatetimeScalar(Protocol):
def day(self) -> int:
def month(self) -> int:
def year(self) -> int:
class datetime64(generic):
def __init__(self, value: None | datetime64 | _CharLike_co | _DatetimeScalar = ..., format: _CharLike_co | tuple[_CharLike_co, _IntLike_co] = ..., /) -> None:
def __init__(self, value: int, format: _CharLike_co | tuple[_CharLike_co, _IntLike_co], /) -> None:
def __add__(self, other: _TD64Like_co) -> datetime64:
def __radd__(self, other: _TD64Like_co) -> datetime64:
def __sub__(self, other: datetime64) -> timedelta64:
def __sub__(self, other: _TD64Like_co) -> datetime64:
def __rsub__(self, other: datetime64) -> timedelta64:
__lt__: _ComparisonOp[datetime64, _ArrayLikeDT64_co]
__le__: _ComparisonOp[datetime64, _ArrayLikeDT64_co]
__gt__: _ComparisonOp[datetime64, _ArrayLikeDT64_co]
__ge__: _ComparisonOp[datetime64, _ArrayLikeDT64_co]
_IntValue = Union[SupportsInt, _CharLike_co, SupportsIndex]
_FloatValue = Union[None, _CharLike_co, SupportsFloat, SupportsIndex]
_ComplexValue = Union[None, _CharLike_co, SupportsFloat, SupportsComplex, SupportsIndex, complex,]
class integer(number[_NBit1]):
def numerator(self: _ScalarType) -> _ScalarType:
def denominator(self) -> L[1]:
def __round__(self, ndigits: None = ...) -> int:
def __round__(self: _ScalarType, ndigits: SupportsIndex) -> _ScalarType:
def item(self, args: L[0] | tuple[()] | tuple[L[0]] = ..., /) -> int:
def tolist(self) -> int:
def is_integer(self) -> L[True]:
def bit_count(self: _ScalarType) -> int:
def __index__(self) -> int:
__truediv__: _IntTrueDiv[_NBit1]
__rtruediv__: _IntTrueDiv[_NBit1]
def __mod__(self, value: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __rmod__(self, value: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __invert__(self: _IntType) -> _IntType:
def __lshift__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __rlshift__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __rshift__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __rrshift__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __and__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __rand__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __or__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __ror__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __xor__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
def __rxor__(self, other: _IntLike_co) -> integer[Any]:
class signedinteger(integer[_NBit1]):
def __init__(self, value: _IntValue = ..., /) -> None:
__add__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__radd__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__sub__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__rsub__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__mul__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__rmul__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__floordiv__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__rfloordiv__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__pow__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__rpow__: _SignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__lshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rlshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rrshift__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__and__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rand__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__xor__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rxor__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__or__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__ror__: _SignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__mod__: _SignedIntMod[_NBit1]
__rmod__: _SignedIntMod[_NBit1]
__divmod__: _SignedIntDivMod[_NBit1]
__rdivmod__: _SignedIntDivMod[_NBit1]
int8 = signedinteger[_8Bit]
int16 = signedinteger[_16Bit]
int32 = signedinteger[_32Bit]
int64 = signedinteger[_64Bit]
byte = signedinteger[_NBitByte]
short = signedinteger[_NBitShort]
intc = signedinteger[_NBitIntC]
intp = signedinteger[_NBitIntP]
int_ = signedinteger[_NBitInt]
longlong = signedinteger[_NBitLongLong]
class timedelta64(generic):
def __init__(self, value: None | int | _CharLike_co | dt.timedelta | timedelta64 = ..., format: _CharLike_co | tuple[_CharLike_co, _IntLike_co] = ..., /) -> None:
def numerator(self: _ScalarType) -> _ScalarType:
def denominator(self) -> L[1]:
def __int__(self) -> int:
def __float__(self) -> float:
def __complex__(self) -> complex:
def __neg__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __pos__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __abs__(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def __add__(self, other: _TD64Like_co) -> timedelta64:
def __radd__(self, other: _TD64Like_co) -> timedelta64:
def __sub__(self, other: _TD64Like_co) -> timedelta64:
def __rsub__(self, other: _TD64Like_co) -> timedelta64:
def __mul__(self, other: _FloatLike_co) -> timedelta64:
def __rmul__(self, other: _FloatLike_co) -> timedelta64:
__truediv__: _TD64Div[float64]
__floordiv__: _TD64Div[int64]
def __rtruediv__(self, other: timedelta64) -> float64:
def __rfloordiv__(self, other: timedelta64) -> int64:
def __mod__(self, other: timedelta64) -> timedelta64:
def __rmod__(self, other: timedelta64) -> timedelta64:
def __divmod__(self, other: timedelta64) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64]:
def __rdivmod__(self, other: timedelta64) -> tuple[int64, timedelta64]:
__lt__: _ComparisonOp[_TD64Like_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co]
__le__: _ComparisonOp[_TD64Like_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co]
__gt__: _ComparisonOp[_TD64Like_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co]
__ge__: _ComparisonOp[_TD64Like_co, _ArrayLikeTD64_co]
class unsignedinteger(integer[_NBit1]):
def __init__(self, value: _IntValue = ..., /) -> None:
__add__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__radd__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__sub__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__rsub__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__mul__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__rmul__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__floordiv__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__rfloordiv__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__pow__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__rpow__: _UnsignedIntOp[_NBit1]
__lshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rlshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rrshift__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__and__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rand__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__xor__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__rxor__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__or__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__ror__: _UnsignedIntBitOp[_NBit1]
__mod__: _UnsignedIntMod[_NBit1]
__rmod__: _UnsignedIntMod[_NBit1]
__divmod__: _UnsignedIntDivMod[_NBit1]
__rdivmod__: _UnsignedIntDivMod[_NBit1]
uint8 = unsignedinteger[_8Bit]
uint16 = unsignedinteger[_16Bit]
uint32 = unsignedinteger[_32Bit]
uint64 = unsignedinteger[_64Bit]
ubyte = unsignedinteger[_NBitByte]
ushort = unsignedinteger[_NBitShort]
uintc = unsignedinteger[_NBitIntC]
uintp = unsignedinteger[_NBitIntP]
uint = unsignedinteger[_NBitInt]
ulonglong = unsignedinteger[_NBitLongLong]
class inexact(number[_NBit1]):
def __getnewargs__(self: inexact[_64Bit]) -> tuple[float, ...]:
_IntType = TypeVar("_IntType", bound=integer[Any])
_FloatType = TypeVar('_FloatType', bound=floating[Any])
class floating(inexact[_NBit1]):
def __init__(self, value: _FloatValue = ..., /) -> None:
def item(self, args: L[0] | tuple[()] | tuple[L[0]] = ..., /) -> float:
def tolist(self) -> float:
def is_integer(self) -> bool:
def hex(self: float64) -> str:
def fromhex(cls: type[float64], string: str, /) -> float64:
def as_integer_ratio(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
def __ceil__(self: float64) -> int:
def __floor__(self: float64) -> int:
def __trunc__(self: float64) -> int:
def __getnewargs__(self: float64) -> tuple[float]:
def __getformat__(self: float64, typestr: L["double", "float"], /) -> str:
def __round__(self, ndigits: None = ...) -> int:
def __round__(self: _ScalarType, ndigits: SupportsIndex) -> _ScalarType:
__add__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__radd__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__sub__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__rsub__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__mul__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__rmul__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__truediv__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__rtruediv__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__floordiv__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__rfloordiv__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__pow__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__rpow__: _FloatOp[_NBit1]
__mod__: _FloatMod[_NBit1]
__rmod__: _FloatMod[_NBit1]
__divmod__: _FloatDivMod[_NBit1]
__rdivmod__: _FloatDivMod[_NBit1]
float16 = floating[_16Bit]
float32 = floating[_32Bit]
float64 = floating[_64Bit]
half = floating[_NBitHalf]
single = floating[_NBitSingle]
double = floating[_NBitDouble]
float_ = floating[_NBitDouble]
longdouble = floating[_NBitLongDouble]
longfloat = floating[_NBitLongDouble]
class complexfloating(inexact[_NBit1], Generic[_NBit1, _NBit2]):
def __init__(self, value: _ComplexValue = ..., /) -> None:
def item(self, args: L[0] | tuple[()] | tuple[L[0]] = ..., /) -> complex:
def tolist(self) -> complex:
def real(self) -> floating[_NBit1]:
def imag(self) -> floating[_NBit2]:
def __abs__(self) -> floating[_NBit1]:
def __getnewargs__(self: complex128) -> tuple[float, float]:
__add__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__radd__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__sub__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__rsub__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__mul__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__rmul__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__truediv__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__rtruediv__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__pow__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
__rpow__: _ComplexOp[_NBit1]
complex64 = complexfloating[_32Bit, _32Bit]
complex128 = complexfloating[_64Bit, _64Bit]
csingle = complexfloating[_NBitSingle, _NBitSingle]
singlecomplex = complexfloating[_NBitSingle, _NBitSingle]
cdouble = complexfloating[_NBitDouble, _NBitDouble]
complex_ = complexfloating[_NBitDouble, _NBitDouble]
cfloat = complexfloating[_NBitDouble, _NBitDouble]
clongdouble = complexfloating[_NBitLongDouble, _NBitLongDouble]
clongfloat = complexfloating[_NBitLongDouble, _NBitLongDouble]
longcomplex = complexfloating[_NBitLongDouble, _NBitLongDouble]
class flexible(generic):
class void(flexible):
def __init__(self, value: _IntLike_co | bytes, /, dtype: None = ...) -> None:
def __init__(self, value: Any, /, dtype: _DTypeLikeVoid) -> None:
def real(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def imag(self: _ArraySelf) -> _ArraySelf:
def setfield(self, val: ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike, offset: int = ...) -> None:
def __getitem__(self, key: str | SupportsIndex) -> Any:
def __getitem__(self, key: list[str]) -> void:
def __setitem__(self, key: str | list[str] | SupportsIndex, value: ArrayLike) -> None:
class character(flexible):
def __int__(self) -> int:
def __float__(self) -> float:
class bytes_(character, bytes):
def __init__(self, value: object = ..., /) -> None:
def __init__(self, value: str, /, encoding: str = ..., errors: str = ...) -> None:
def item(self, args: L[0] | tuple[()] | tuple[L[0]] = ..., /) -> bytes:
def tolist(self) -> bytes:
string_ = bytes_
class str_(character, str):
def __init__(self, value: object = ..., /) -> None:
def __init__(self, value: bytes, /, encoding: str = ..., errors: str = ...) -> None:
def item(self, args: L[0] | tuple[()] | tuple[L[0]] = ..., /) -> str:
def tolist(self) -> str:
unicode_ = str_
Inf: Final[float]
Infinity: Final[float]
NAN: Final[float]
NINF: Final[float]
NZERO: Final[float]
NaN: Final[float]
PINF: Final[float]
PZERO: Final[float]
e: Final[float]
euler_gamma: Final[float]
inf: Final[float]
infty: Final[float]
nan: Final[float]
pi: Final[float]
little_endian: Final[bool]
True_: Final[bool_]
False_: Final[bool_]
newaxis: None
class ufunc:
def __name__(self) -> str:
def __doc__(self) -> str:
__call__: Callable[..., Any]
def nin(self) -> int:
def nout(self) -> int:
def nargs(self) -> int:
def ntypes(self) -> int:
def types(self) -> list[str]:
def identity(self) -> Any:
def signature(self) -> None | str:
reduce: Any
accumulate: Any
reduceat: Any
outer: Any
at: Any
absolute: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['absolute'], L[20], None]
add: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['add'], L[22], L[0]]
arccos: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arccos'], L[8], None]
arccosh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arccosh'], L[8], None]
arcsin: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arcsin'], L[8], None]
arcsinh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arcsinh'], L[8], None]
arctan2: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['arctan2'], L[5], None]
arctan: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arctan'], L[8], None]
arctanh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['arctanh'], L[8], None]
bitwise_and: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['bitwise_and'], L[12], L[-1]]
bitwise_not: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['invert'], L[12], None]
bitwise_or: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['bitwise_or'], L[12], L[0]]
bitwise_xor: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['bitwise_xor'], L[12], L[0]]
cbrt: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['cbrt'], L[5], None]
ceil: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['ceil'], L[7], None]
conj: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['conjugate'], L[18], None]
conjugate: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['conjugate'], L[18], None]
copysign: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['copysign'], L[4], None]
cos: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['cos'], L[9], None]
cosh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['cosh'], L[8], None]
deg2rad: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['deg2rad'], L[5], None]
degrees: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['degrees'], L[5], None]
divide: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['true_divide'], L[11], None]
divmod: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout2[L['divmod'], L[15], None]
equal: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['equal'], L[23], None]
exp2: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['exp2'], L[8], None]
exp: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['exp'], L[10], None]
expm1: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['expm1'], L[8], None]
fabs: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['fabs'], L[5], None]
float_power: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['float_power'], L[4], None]
floor: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['floor'], L[7], None]
floor_divide: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['floor_divide'], L[21], None]
fmax: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['fmax'], L[21], None]
fmin: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['fmin'], L[21], None]
fmod: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['fmod'], L[15], None]
frexp: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout2[L['frexp'], L[4], None]
gcd: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['gcd'], L[11], L[0]]
greater: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['greater'], L[23], None]
greater_equal: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['greater_equal'], L[23], None]
heaviside: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['heaviside'], L[4], None]
hypot: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['hypot'], L[5], L[0]]
invert: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['invert'], L[12], None]
isfinite: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['isfinite'], L[20], None]
isinf: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['isinf'], L[20], None]
isnan: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['isnan'], L[20], None]
isnat: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['isnat'], L[2], None]
lcm: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['lcm'], L[11], None]
ldexp: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['ldexp'], L[8], None]
left_shift: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['left_shift'], L[11], None]
less: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['less'], L[23], None]
less_equal: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['less_equal'], L[23], None]
log10: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['log10'], L[8], None]
log1p: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['log1p'], L[8], None]
log2: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['log2'], L[8], None]
log: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['log'], L[10], None]
logaddexp2: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logaddexp2'], L[4], float]
logaddexp: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logaddexp'], L[4], float]
logical_and: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logical_and'], L[20], L[True]]
logical_not: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['logical_not'], L[20], None]
logical_or: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logical_or'], L[20], L[False]]
logical_xor: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['logical_xor'], L[19], L[False]]
matmul: _GUFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['matmul'], L[19], None]
maximum: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['maximum'], L[21], None]
minimum: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['minimum'], L[21], None]
mod: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['remainder'], L[16], None]
modf: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout2[L['modf'], L[4], None]
multiply: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['multiply'], L[23], L[1]]
negative: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['negative'], L[19], None]
nextafter: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['nextafter'], L[4], None]
not_equal: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['not_equal'], L[23], None]
positive: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['positive'], L[19], None]
power: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['power'], L[18], None]
rad2deg: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['rad2deg'], L[5], None]
radians: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['radians'], L[5], None]
reciprocal: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['reciprocal'], L[18], None]
remainder: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['remainder'], L[16], None]
right_shift: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['right_shift'], L[11], None]
rint: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['rint'], L[10], None]
sign: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['sign'], L[19], None]
signbit: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['signbit'], L[4], None]
sin: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['sin'], L[9], None]
sinh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['sinh'], L[8], None]
spacing: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['spacing'], L[4], None]
sqrt: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['sqrt'], L[10], None]
square: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['square'], L[18], None]
subtract: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['subtract'], L[21], None]
tan: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['tan'], L[8], None]
tanh: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['tanh'], L[8], None]
true_divide: _UFunc_Nin2_Nout1[L['true_divide'], L[11], None]
trunc: _UFunc_Nin1_Nout1[L['trunc'], L[7], None]
abs = ...
class _CopyMode(enum.Enum):
class RankWarning(UserWarning):
_CallType = TypeVar("_CallType", bound=_ErrFunc | _SupportsWrite[str])
class errstate(Generic[_CallType], ContextDecorator):
call: _CallType
kwargs: _ErrDictOptional
def __init__(self, *, call: _CallType = ..., all: None | _ErrKind = ..., divide: None | _ErrKind = ..., over: None | _ErrKind = ..., under: None | _ErrKind = ..., invalid: None | _ErrKind = ...) -> None:
def __enter__(self) -> None:
def __exit__(self, exc_type: None | type[BaseException], exc_value: None | BaseException, traceback: None | TracebackType, /) -> None:
class ndenumerate(Generic[_ScalarType]):
iter: flatiter[NDArray[_ScalarType]]
def __new__(cls, arr: _FiniteNestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[_ScalarType]]]) -> ndenumerate[_ScalarType]:
def __new__(cls, arr: str | _NestedSequence[str]) -> ndenumerate[str_]:
def __new__(cls, arr: bytes | _NestedSequence[bytes]) -> ndenumerate[bytes_]:
def __new__(cls, arr: bool | _NestedSequence[bool]) -> ndenumerate[bool_]:
def __new__(cls, arr: int | _NestedSequence[int]) -> ndenumerate[int_]:
def __new__(cls, arr: float | _NestedSequence[float]) -> ndenumerate[float_]:
def __new__(cls, arr: complex | _NestedSequence[complex]) -> ndenumerate[complex_]:
def __next__(self: ndenumerate[_ScalarType]) -> tuple[_Shape, _ScalarType]:
def __iter__(self: _T) -> _T:
class ndindex:
def __init__(self, shape: tuple[SupportsIndex, ...], /) -> None:
def __init__(self, *shape: SupportsIndex) -> None:
def __iter__(self: _T) -> _T:
def __next__(self) -> _Shape:
class DataSource:
def __init__(self, destpath: None | str | os.PathLike[str] = ...) -> None:
def __del__(self) -> None:
def abspath(self, path: str) -> str:
def exists(self, path: str) -> bool:
def open(self, path: str, mode: str = ..., encoding: None | str = ..., newline: None | str = ...) -> IO[Any]:
class broadcast:
def __new__(cls, *args: ArrayLike) -> broadcast:
def index(self) -> int:
def iters(self) -> tuple[flatiter[Any], ...]:
def nd(self) -> int:
def ndim(self) -> int:
def numiter(self) -> int:
def shape(self) -> _Shape:
def size(self) -> int:
def __next__(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]:
def __iter__(self: _T) -> _T:
def reset(self) -> None:
class busdaycalendar:
def __new__(cls, weekmask: ArrayLike = ..., holidays: ArrayLike | | _NestedSequence[] = ...) -> busdaycalendar:
def weekmask(self) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def holidays(self) -> NDArray[datetime64]:
class finfo(Generic[_FloatType]):
dtype: dtype[_FloatType]
bits: int
eps: _FloatType
epsneg: _FloatType
iexp: int
machep: int
max: _FloatType
maxexp: int
min: _FloatType
minexp: int
negep: int
nexp: int
nmant: int
precision: int
resolution: _FloatType
smallest_subnormal: _FloatType
def smallest_normal(self) -> _FloatType:
def tiny(self) -> _FloatType:
def __new__(cls, dtype: inexact[_NBit1] | _DTypeLike[inexact[_NBit1]]) -> finfo[floating[_NBit1]]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: complex | float | type[complex] | type[float]) -> finfo[float_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: str) -> finfo[floating[Any]]:
class iinfo(Generic[_IntType]):
dtype: dtype[_IntType]
kind: str
bits: int
key: str
def min(self) -> int:
def max(self) -> int:
def __new__(cls, dtype: _IntType | _DTypeLike[_IntType]) -> iinfo[_IntType]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: int | type[int]) -> iinfo[int_]:
def __new__(cls, dtype: str) -> iinfo[Any]:
class format_parser:
dtype: dtype[void]
def __init__(self, formats: DTypeLike, names: None | str | Sequence[str], titles: None | str | Sequence[str], aligned: bool = ..., byteorder: None | _ByteOrder = ...) -> None:
class recarray(ndarray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]):
def __new__(subtype, shape: _ShapeLike, dtype: None = ..., buf: None | _SupportsBuffer = ..., offset: SupportsIndex = ..., strides: None | _ShapeLike = ..., *, formats: DTypeLike, names: None | str | Sequence[str] = ..., titles: None | str | Sequence[str] = ..., byteorder: None | _ByteOrder = ..., aligned: bool = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> recarray[Any, dtype[record]]:
def __new__(subtype, shape: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike, buf: None | _SupportsBuffer = ..., offset: SupportsIndex = ..., strides: None | _ShapeLike = ..., formats: None = ..., names: None = ..., titles: None = ..., byteorder: None = ..., aligned: L[False] = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> recarray[Any, dtype[Any]]:
def __array_finalize__(self, obj: object) -> None:
def __getattribute__(self, attr: str) -> Any:
def __setattr__(self, attr: str, val: ArrayLike) -> None:
def __getitem__(self, indx: (SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co | tuple[SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co, ...])) -> Any:
def __getitem__(self: recarray[Any, dtype[void]], indx: (None | slice | ellipsis | SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co | tuple[None | slice | ellipsis | _ArrayLikeInt_co | SupportsIndex, ...])) -> recarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def __getitem__(self, indx: (None | slice | ellipsis | SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co | tuple[None | slice | ellipsis | _ArrayLikeInt_co | SupportsIndex, ...])) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def __getitem__(self, indx: str) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __getitem__(self, indx: list[str]) -> recarray[_ShapeType, dtype[record]]:
def field(self, attr: int | str, val: None = ...) -> Any:
def field(self, attr: int | str, val: ArrayLike) -> None:
class record(void):
def __getattribute__(self, attr: str) -> Any:
def __setattr__(self, attr: str, val: ArrayLike) -> None:
def pprint(self) -> str:
def __getitem__(self, key: str | SupportsIndex) -> Any:
def __getitem__(self, key: list[str]) -> record:
_NDIterFlagsKind = L["buffered", "c_index", "copy_if_overlap", "common_dtype", "delay_bufalloc", "external_loop", "f_index", "grow_inner", "growinner", "multi_index", "ranged", "refs_ok", "reduce_ok", "zerosize_ok",]
_NDIterOpFlagsKind = L["aligned", "allocate", "arraymask", "copy", "config", "nbo", "no_subtype", "no_broadcast", "overlap_assume_elementwise", "readonly", "readwrite", "updateifcopy", "virtual", "writeonly", "writemasked"]
class nditer:
def __new__(cls, op: ArrayLike | Sequence[ArrayLike], flags: None | Sequence[_NDIterFlagsKind] = ..., op_flags: None | Sequence[Sequence[_NDIterOpFlagsKind]] = ..., op_dtypes: DTypeLike | Sequence[DTypeLike] = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ..., casting: _CastingKind = ..., op_axes: None | Sequence[Sequence[SupportsIndex]] = ..., itershape: None | _ShapeLike = ..., buffersize: SupportsIndex = ...) -> nditer:
def __enter__(self) -> nditer:
def __exit__(self, exc_type: None | type[BaseException], exc_value: None | BaseException, traceback: None | TracebackType) -> None:
def __iter__(self) -> nditer:
def __next__(self) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]:
def __len__(self) -> int:
def __copy__(self) -> nditer:
def __getitem__(self, index: SupportsIndex) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]:
def __setitem__(self, index: slice | SupportsIndex, value: ArrayLike) -> None:
def close(self) -> None:
def copy(self) -> nditer:
def debug_print(self) -> None:
def enable_external_loop(self) -> None:
def iternext(self) -> bool:
def remove_axis(self, i: SupportsIndex, /) -> None:
def remove_multi_index(self) -> None:
def reset(self) -> None:
def dtypes(self) -> tuple[dtype[Any], ...]:
def finished(self) -> bool:
def has_delayed_bufalloc(self) -> bool:
def has_index(self) -> bool:
def has_multi_index(self) -> bool:
def index(self) -> int:
def iterationneedsapi(self) -> bool:
def iterindex(self) -> int:
def iterrange(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
def itersize(self) -> int:
def itviews(self) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]:
def multi_index(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
def ndim(self) -> int:
def nop(self) -> int:
def operands(self) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]:
def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
def value(self) -> tuple[NDArray[Any], ...]:
_MemMapModeKind = L["readonly", "r", "copyonwrite", "c", "readwrite", "r+", "write", "w+",]
class memmap(ndarray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]):
__array_priority__: ClassVar[float]
filename: str | None
offset: int
mode: str
def __new__(subtype, filename: str | bytes | os.PathLike[str] | os.PathLike[bytes] | _MemMapIOProtocol, dtype: type[uint8] = ..., mode: _MemMapModeKind = ..., offset: int = ..., shape: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> memmap[Any, dtype[uint8]]:
def __new__(subtype, filename: str | bytes | os.PathLike[str] | os.PathLike[bytes] | _MemMapIOProtocol, dtype: _DTypeLike[_ScalarType], mode: _MemMapModeKind = ..., offset: int = ..., shape: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> memmap[Any, dtype[_ScalarType]]:
def __new__(subtype, filename: str | bytes | os.PathLike[str] | os.PathLike[bytes] | _MemMapIOProtocol, dtype: DTypeLike, mode: _MemMapModeKind = ..., offset: int = ..., shape: None | int | tuple[int, ...] = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> memmap[Any, dtype[Any]]:
def __array_finalize__(self, obj: object) -> None:
def __array_wrap__(self, array: memmap[_ShapeType, _DType_co], context: None | tuple[ufunc, tuple[Any, ...], int] = ...) -> Any:
def flush(self) -> None:
class vectorize:
pyfunc: Callable[..., Any]
cache: bool
signature: None | str
otypes: None | str
excluded: set[int | str]
__doc__: None | str
def __init__(self, pyfunc: Callable[..., Any], otypes: None | str | Iterable[DTypeLike] = ..., doc: None | str = ..., excluded: None | Iterable[int | str] = ..., cache: bool = ..., signature: None | str = ...) -> None:
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
class poly1d:
def variable(self) -> str:
def order(self) -> int:
def o(self) -> int:
def roots(self) -> NDArray[Any]:
def r(self) -> NDArray[Any]:
def coeffs(self) -> NDArray[Any]:
def coeffs(self, value: NDArray[Any]) -> None:
def c(self) -> NDArray[Any]:
def c(self, value: NDArray[Any]) -> None:
def coef(self) -> NDArray[Any]:
def coef(self, value: NDArray[Any]) -> None:
def coefficients(self) -> NDArray[Any]:
def coefficients(self, value: NDArray[Any]) -> None:
__hash__: ClassVar[None]
def __array__(self, t: None = ...) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __array__(self, t: _DType) -> ndarray[Any, _DType]:
def __call__(self, val: _ScalarLike_co) -> Any:
def __call__(self, val: poly1d) -> poly1d:
def __call__(self, val: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[Any]:
def __init__(self, c_or_r: ArrayLike, r: bool = ..., variable: None | str = ...) -> None:
def __len__(self) -> int:
def __neg__(self) -> poly1d:
def __pos__(self) -> poly1d:
def __mul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __rmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __add__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __radd__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __pow__(self, val: _FloatLike_co) -> poly1d:
def __sub__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __rsub__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __div__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __truediv__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __rdiv__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __rtruediv__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> poly1d:
def __getitem__(self, val: int) -> Any:
def __setitem__(self, key: int, val: Any) -> None:
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]:
def deriv(self, m: SupportsInt | SupportsIndex = ...) -> poly1d:
def integ(self, m: SupportsInt | SupportsIndex = ..., k: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co = ...) -> poly1d:
class matrix(ndarray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]):
__array_priority__: ClassVar[float]
def __new__(subtype, data: ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., copy: bool = ...) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def __array_finalize__(self, obj: object) -> None:
def __getitem__(self, key: (SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co | tuple[SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co, ...])) -> Any:
def __getitem__(self, key: (None | slice | ellipsis | SupportsIndex | _ArrayLikeInt_co | tuple[None | slice | ellipsis | _ArrayLikeInt_co | SupportsIndex, ...])) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def __getitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: str) -> matrix[Any, dtype[Any]]:
def __getitem__(self: NDArray[void], key: list[str]) -> matrix[_ShapeType, dtype[void]]:
def __mul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def __rmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def __imul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> matrix[_ShapeType, _DType_co]:
def __pow__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def __ipow__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> matrix[_ShapeType, _DType_co]:
def sum(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> Any:
def sum(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def sum(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def mean(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> Any:
def mean(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def mean(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def std(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> Any:
def std(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def std(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def var(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> Any:
def var(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def var(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ..., ddof: float = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def prod(self, axis: None = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> Any:
def prod(self, axis: _ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def prod(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., dtype: DTypeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def any(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> bool_:
def any(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, dtype[bool_]]:
def any(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def all(self, axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> bool_:
def all(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, dtype[bool_]]:
def all(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def max(self: NDArray[_ScalarType], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def max(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def max(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def min(self: NDArray[_ScalarType], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def min(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def min(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def argmax(self: NDArray[_ScalarType], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> intp:
def argmax(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, dtype[intp]]:
def argmax(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def argmin(self: NDArray[_ScalarType], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> intp:
def argmin(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, dtype[intp]]:
def argmin(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def ptp(self: NDArray[_ScalarType], axis: None = ..., out: None = ...) -> _ScalarType:
def ptp(self, axis: _ShapeLike, out: None = ...) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def ptp(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ..., out: _NdArraySubClass = ...) -> _NdArraySubClass:
def squeeze(self, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def tolist(self: matrix[Any, dtype[_SupportsItem[_T]]]) -> list[list[_T]]:
def ravel(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def flatten(self, order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def T(self) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def I(self) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def A(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]:
def A1(self) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def H(self) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def getT(self) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
def getI(self) -> matrix[Any, Any]:
def getA(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, _DType_co]:
def getA1(self) -> ndarray[Any, _DType_co]:
def getH(self) -> matrix[Any, _DType_co]:
_CharType = TypeVar("_CharType", str_, bytes_)
_CharDType = TypeVar("_CharDType", dtype[str_], dtype[bytes_])
_CharArray = chararray[Any, dtype[_CharType]]
class chararray(ndarray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]):
def __new__(subtype, shape: _ShapeLike, itemsize: SupportsIndex | SupportsInt = ..., unicode: L[False] = ..., buffer: _SupportsBuffer = ..., offset: SupportsIndex = ..., strides: _ShapeLike = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> chararray[Any, dtype[bytes_]]:
def __new__(subtype, shape: _ShapeLike, itemsize: SupportsIndex | SupportsInt = ..., unicode: L[True] = ..., buffer: _SupportsBuffer = ..., offset: SupportsIndex = ..., strides: _ShapeLike = ..., order: _OrderKACF = ...) -> chararray[Any, dtype[str_]]:
def __array_finalize__(self, obj: object) -> None:
def __mul__(self, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]:
def __rmul__(self, other: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]:
def __mod__(self, i: Any) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]:
def __eq__(self: _CharArray[str_], other: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __eq__(self: _CharArray[bytes_], other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ne__(self: _CharArray[str_], other: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ne__(self: _CharArray[bytes_], other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ge__(self: _CharArray[str_], other: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __ge__(self: _CharArray[bytes_], other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __le__(self: _CharArray[str_], other: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __le__(self: _CharArray[bytes_], other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __gt__(self: _CharArray[str_], other: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __gt__(self: _CharArray[bytes_], other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __lt__(self: _CharArray[str_], other: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __lt__(self: _CharArray[bytes_], other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def __add__(self: _CharArray[str_], other: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def __add__(self: _CharArray[bytes_], other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def __radd__(self: _CharArray[str_], other: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def __radd__(self: _CharArray[bytes_], other: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def center(self: _CharArray[str_], width: _ArrayLikeInt_co, fillchar: _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def center(self: _CharArray[bytes_], width: _ArrayLikeInt_co, fillchar: _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def count(self: _CharArray[str_], sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def count(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def decode(self: _CharArray[bytes_], encoding: None | str = ..., errors: None | str = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def encode(self: _CharArray[str_], encoding: None | str = ..., errors: None | str = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def endswith(self: _CharArray[str_], suffix: _ArrayLikeStr_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def endswith(self: _CharArray[bytes_], suffix: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def expandtabs(self, tabsize: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]:
def find(self: _CharArray[str_], sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def find(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def index(self: _CharArray[str_], sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def index(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def join(self: _CharArray[str_], seq: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def join(self: _CharArray[bytes_], seq: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def ljust(self: _CharArray[str_], width: _ArrayLikeInt_co, fillchar: _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def ljust(self: _CharArray[bytes_], width: _ArrayLikeInt_co, fillchar: _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def lstrip(self: _CharArray[str_], chars: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def lstrip(self: _CharArray[bytes_], chars: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def partition(self: _CharArray[str_], sep: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def partition(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sep: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def replace(self: _CharArray[str_], old: _ArrayLikeStr_co, new: _ArrayLikeStr_co, count: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def replace(self: _CharArray[bytes_], old: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, new: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, count: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def rfind(self: _CharArray[str_], sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def rfind(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def rindex(self: _CharArray[str_], sub: _ArrayLikeStr_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def rindex(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sub: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[int_]:
def rjust(self: _CharArray[str_], width: _ArrayLikeInt_co, fillchar: _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def rjust(self: _CharArray[bytes_], width: _ArrayLikeInt_co, fillchar: _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def rpartition(self: _CharArray[str_], sep: _ArrayLikeStr_co) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def rpartition(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sep: _ArrayLikeBytes_co) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def rsplit(self: _CharArray[str_], sep: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ..., maxsplit: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[object_]:
def rsplit(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sep: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ..., maxsplit: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[object_]:
def rstrip(self: _CharArray[str_], chars: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def rstrip(self: _CharArray[bytes_], chars: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def split(self: _CharArray[str_], sep: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ..., maxsplit: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[object_]:
def split(self: _CharArray[bytes_], sep: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ..., maxsplit: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[object_]:
def splitlines(self, keepends: None | _ArrayLikeBool_co = ...) -> NDArray[object_]:
def startswith(self: _CharArray[str_], prefix: _ArrayLikeStr_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def startswith(self: _CharArray[bytes_], prefix: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, start: _ArrayLikeInt_co = ..., end: None | _ArrayLikeInt_co = ...) -> NDArray[bool_]:
def strip(self: _CharArray[str_], chars: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def strip(self: _CharArray[bytes_], chars: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def translate(self: _CharArray[str_], table: _ArrayLikeStr_co, deletechars: None | _ArrayLikeStr_co = ...) -> _CharArray[str_]:
def translate(self: _CharArray[bytes_], table: _ArrayLikeBytes_co, deletechars: None | _ArrayLikeBytes_co = ...) -> _CharArray[bytes_]:
def zfill(self, width: _ArrayLikeInt_co) -> chararray[Any, _CharDType]:
def capitalize(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]:
def title(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]:
def swapcase(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]:
def lower(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]:
def upper(self) -> chararray[_ShapeType, _CharDType]:
def isalnum(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
def isalpha(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
def isdigit(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
def islower(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
def isspace(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
def istitle(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
def isupper(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
def isnumeric(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
def isdecimal(self) -> ndarray[_ShapeType, dtype[bool_]]:
class _SupportsDLPack(Protocol[_T_contra]):
def __dlpack__(self, *, stream: None | _T_contra = ...) -> _PyCapsule:
def from_dlpack(obj: _SupportsDLPack[None], /) -> NDArray[Any]: