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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
__version__ = ...
m = ...
m_inv = ...
refX = ...
refY = ...
refZ = ...
refU = ...
refV = ...
lab_e = ...
lab_k = ...
def husl_to_rgb(h, s, l): # -> list[Unknown | float]:
def husl_to_hex(h, s, l): # -> LiteralString:
def rgb_to_husl(r, g, b): # -> list[Unknown]:
def hex_to_husl(hex): # -> list[Unknown]:
def huslp_to_rgb(h, s, l): # -> list[Unknown | float]:
def huslp_to_hex(h, s, l): # -> LiteralString:
def rgb_to_huslp(r, g, b): # -> list[Unknown]:
def hex_to_huslp(hex): # -> list[Unknown]:
def lch_to_rgb(l, c, h): # -> list[Unknown | float]:
def rgb_to_lch(r, g, b): # -> list[Unknown]:
def max_chroma(L, H): # -> float:
def max_chroma_pastel(L): # -> float:
def dot_product(a, b): # -> int:
def f(t): # -> float:
def f_inv(t): # -> float:
def from_linear(c): # -> float:
def to_linear(c): # -> float:
def rgb_prepare(triple): # -> list[Unknown]:
def hex_to_rgb(hex): # -> list[float]:
def rgb_to_hex(triple): # -> LiteralString:
def xyz_to_rgb(triple): # -> list[Unknown | float]:
def rgb_to_xyz(triple): # -> list[int]:
def xyz_to_luv(triple): # -> list[float] | list[Unknown]:
def luv_to_xyz(triple): # -> list[float] | list[Unknown]:
def luv_to_lch(triple): # -> list[Unknown]:
def lch_to_luv(triple): # -> list[Unknown]:
def husl_to_lch(triple): # -> list[Unknown]:
def lch_to_husl(triple): # -> list[Unknown]:
def huslp_to_lch(triple): # -> list[Unknown]:
def lch_to_huslp(triple): # -> list[Unknown]: