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from ._decorators import _deprecate_positional_args
__all__ = ["FacetGrid", "PairGrid", "JointGrid", "pairplot", "jointplot"]
_param_docs = ...
class Grid:
"""Base class for grids of subplots."""
_margin_titles = ...
_legend_out = ...
def __init__(self) -> None:
def set(self, **kwargs): # -> Self@Grid:
"""Set attributes on each subplot Axes."""
def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs): # -> None:
"""Save the figure."""
def tight_layout(self, *args, **kwargs): # -> None:
"""Call fig.tight_layout within rect that exclude the legend."""
def add_legend(self, legend_data=..., title=..., label_order=..., adjust_subtitles=..., **kwargs): # -> Self@Grid:
"""Draw a legend, maybe placing it outside axes and resizing the figure.
legend_data : dict
Dictionary mapping label names (or two-element tuples where the
second element is a label name) to matplotlib artist handles. The
default reads from ``self._legend_data``.
title : string
Title for the legend. The default reads from ``self._hue_var``.
label_order : list of labels
The order that the legend entries should appear in. The default
reads from ``self.hue_names``.
adjust_subtitles : bool
If True, modify entries with invisible artists to left-align
the labels and set the font size to that of a title.
kwargs : key, value pairings
Other keyword arguments are passed to the underlying legend methods
on the Figure or Axes object.
self : Grid instance
Returns self for easy chaining.
def legend(self): # -> None:
"""The :class:`matplotlib.legend.Legend` object, if present."""
_facet_docs = ...
class FacetGrid(Grid):
"""Multi-plot grid for plotting conditional relationships."""
def __init__(self, data, *, row=..., col=..., hue=..., col_wrap=..., sharex=..., sharey=..., height=..., aspect=..., palette=..., row_order=..., col_order=..., hue_order=..., hue_kws=..., dropna=..., legend_out=..., despine=..., margin_titles=..., xlim=..., ylim=..., subplot_kws=..., gridspec_kws=..., size=...) -> None:
def facet_data(self): # -> Generator[tuple[tuple[int, int, int], Unknown], Any, None]:
"""Generator for name indices and data subsets for each facet.
(i, j, k), data_ijk : tuple of ints, DataFrame
The ints provide an index into the {row, col, hue}_names attribute,
and the dataframe contains a subset of the full data corresponding
to each facet. The generator yields subsets that correspond with
the self.axes.flat iterator, or self.axes[i, j] when `col_wrap`
is None.
def map(self, func, *args, **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Apply a plotting function to each facet's subset of the data.
func : callable
A plotting function that takes data and keyword arguments. It
must plot to the currently active matplotlib Axes and take a
`color` keyword argument. If faceting on the `hue` dimension,
it must also take a `label` keyword argument.
args : strings
Column names in that identify variables with data to
plot. The data for each variable is passed to `func` in the
order the variables are specified in the call.
kwargs : keyword arguments
All keyword arguments are passed to the plotting function.
self : object
Returns self.
def map_dataframe(self, func, *args, **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Like ``.map`` but passes args as strings and inserts data in kwargs.
This method is suitable for plotting with functions that accept a
long-form DataFrame as a `data` keyword argument and access the
data in that DataFrame using string variable names.
func : callable
A plotting function that takes data and keyword arguments. Unlike
the `map` method, a function used here must "understand" Pandas
objects. It also must plot to the currently active matplotlib Axes
and take a `color` keyword argument. If faceting on the `hue`
dimension, it must also take a `label` keyword argument.
args : strings
Column names in that identify variables with data to
plot. The data for each variable is passed to `func` in the
order the variables are specified in the call.
kwargs : keyword arguments
All keyword arguments are passed to the plotting function.
self : object
Returns self.
def facet_axis(self, row_i, col_j, modify_state=...): # -> Any | ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]:
"""Make the axis identified by these indices active and return it."""
def despine(self, **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Remove axis spines from the facets."""
def set_axis_labels(self, x_var=..., y_var=..., clear_inner=..., **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Set axis labels on the left column and bottom row of the grid."""
def set_xlabels(self, label=..., clear_inner=..., **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Label the x axis on the bottom row of the grid."""
def set_ylabels(self, label=..., clear_inner=..., **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Label the y axis on the left column of the grid."""
def set_xticklabels(self, labels=..., step=..., **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Set x axis tick labels of the grid."""
def set_yticklabels(self, labels=..., **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Set y axis tick labels on the left column of the grid."""
def set_titles(self, template=..., row_template=..., col_template=..., **kwargs): # -> Self@FacetGrid:
"""Draw titles either above each facet or on the grid margins.
template : string
Template for all titles with the formatting keys {col_var} and
{col_name} (if using a `col` faceting variable) and/or {row_var}
and {row_name} (if using a `row` faceting variable).
Template for the row variable when titles are drawn on the grid
margins. Must have {row_var} and {row_name} formatting keys.
Template for the row variable when titles are drawn on the grid
margins. Must have {col_var} and {col_name} formatting keys.
self: object
Returns self.
def fig(self): # -> Figure:
"""The :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` with the plot."""
def axes(self): # -> Any | NDArray[Any]:
"""An array of the :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` objects in the grid."""
def ax(self): # -> Any:
"""The :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` when no faceting variables are assigned."""
def axes_dict(self): # -> dict[Any, Any] | dict[tuple[Any, Any], Any]:
"""A mapping of facet names to corresponding :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`.
If only one of ``row`` or ``col`` is assigned, each key is a string
representing a level of that variable. If both facet dimensions are
assigned, each key is a ``({row_level}, {col_level})`` tuple.
class PairGrid(Grid):
"""Subplot grid for plotting pairwise relationships in a dataset.
This object maps each variable in a dataset onto a column and row in a
grid of multiple axes. Different axes-level plotting functions can be
used to draw bivariate plots in the upper and lower triangles, and the
the marginal distribution of each variable can be shown on the diagonal.
Several different common plots can be generated in a single line using
:func:`pairplot`. Use :class:`PairGrid` when you need more flexibility.
See the :ref:`tutorial <grid_tutorial>` for more information.
def __init__(self, data, *, hue=..., hue_order=..., palette=..., hue_kws=..., vars=..., x_vars=..., y_vars=..., corner=..., diag_sharey=..., height=..., aspect=..., layout_pad=..., despine=..., dropna=..., size=...) -> None:
"""Initialize the plot figure and PairGrid object.
data : DataFrame
Tidy (long-form) dataframe where each column is a variable and
each row is an observation.
hue : string (variable name)
Variable in ``data`` to map plot aspects to different colors. This
variable will be excluded from the default x and y variables.
hue_order : list of strings
Order for the levels of the hue variable in the palette
palette : dict or seaborn color palette
Set of colors for mapping the ``hue`` variable. If a dict, keys
should be values in the ``hue`` variable.
hue_kws : dictionary of param -> list of values mapping
Other keyword arguments to insert into the plotting call to let
other plot attributes vary across levels of the hue variable (e.g.
the markers in a scatterplot).
vars : list of variable names
Variables within ``data`` to use, otherwise use every column with
a numeric datatype.
{x, y}_vars : lists of variable names
Variables within ``data`` to use separately for the rows and
columns of the figure; i.e. to make a non-square plot.
corner : bool
If True, don't add axes to the upper (off-diagonal) triangle of the
grid, making this a "corner" plot.
height : scalar
Height (in inches) of each facet.
aspect : scalar
Aspect * height gives the width (in inches) of each facet.
layout_pad : scalar
Padding between axes; passed to ``fig.tight_layout``.
despine : boolean
Remove the top and right spines from the plots.
dropna : boolean
Drop missing values from the data before plotting.
See Also
pairplot : Easily drawing common uses of :class:`PairGrid`.
FacetGrid : Subplot grid for plotting conditional relationships.
.. include:: ../docstrings/PairGrid.rst
def map(self, func, **kwargs): # -> Self@PairGrid:
"""Plot with the same function in every subplot.
func : callable plotting function
Must take x, y arrays as positional arguments and draw onto the
"currently active" matplotlib Axes. Also needs to accept kwargs
called ``color`` and ``label``.
def map_lower(self, func, **kwargs): # -> Self@PairGrid:
"""Plot with a bivariate function on the lower diagonal subplots.
func : callable plotting function
Must take x, y arrays as positional arguments and draw onto the
"currently active" matplotlib Axes. Also needs to accept kwargs
called ``color`` and ``label``.
def map_upper(self, func, **kwargs): # -> Self@PairGrid:
"""Plot with a bivariate function on the upper diagonal subplots.
func : callable plotting function
Must take x, y arrays as positional arguments and draw onto the
"currently active" matplotlib Axes. Also needs to accept kwargs
called ``color`` and ``label``.
def map_offdiag(self, func, **kwargs): # -> Self@PairGrid:
"""Plot with a bivariate function on the off-diagonal subplots.
func : callable plotting function
Must take x, y arrays as positional arguments and draw onto the
"currently active" matplotlib Axes. Also needs to accept kwargs
called ``color`` and ``label``.
def map_diag(self, func, **kwargs): # -> Self@PairGrid:
"""Plot with a univariate function on each diagonal subplot.
func : callable plotting function
Must take an x array as a positional argument and draw onto the
"currently active" matplotlib Axes. Also needs to accept kwargs
called ``color`` and ``label``.
class JointGrid:
"""Grid for drawing a bivariate plot with marginal univariate plots.
Many plots can be drawn by using the figure-level interface :func:`jointplot`.
Use this class directly when you need more flexibility.
def __init__(self, *, x=..., y=..., data=..., height=..., ratio=..., space=..., dropna=..., xlim=..., ylim=..., size=..., marginal_ticks=..., hue=..., palette=..., hue_order=..., hue_norm=...) -> None:
def plot(self, joint_func, marginal_func, **kwargs): # -> Self@JointGrid:
"""Draw the plot by passing functions for joint and marginal axes.
This method passes the ``kwargs`` dictionary to both functions. If you
need more control, call :meth:`JointGrid.plot_joint` and
:meth:`JointGrid.plot_marginals` directly with specific parameters.
joint_func, marginal_func: callables
Functions to draw the bivariate and univariate plots. See methods
referenced above for information about the required characteristics
of these functions.
Additional keyword arguments are passed to both functions.
:class:`JointGrid` instance
Returns ``self`` for easy method chaining.
def plot_joint(self, func, **kwargs): # -> Self@JointGrid:
"""Draw a bivariate plot on the joint axes of the grid.
func : plotting callable
If a seaborn function, it should accept ``x`` and ``y``. Otherwise,
it must accept ``x`` and ``y`` vectors of data as the first two
positional arguments, and it must plot on the "current" axes.
If ``hue`` was defined in the class constructor, the function must
accept ``hue`` as a parameter.
Keyword argument are passed to the plotting function.
:class:`JointGrid` instance
Returns ``self`` for easy method chaining.
def plot_marginals(self, func, **kwargs): # -> Self@JointGrid:
"""Draw univariate plots on each marginal axes.
func : plotting callable
If a seaborn function, it should accept ``x`` and ``y`` and plot
when only one of them is defined. Otherwise, it must accept a vector
of data as the first positional argument and determine its orientation
using the ``vertical`` parameter, and it must plot on the "current" axes.
If ``hue`` was defined in the class constructor, it must accept ``hue``
as a parameter.
Keyword argument are passed to the plotting function.
:class:`JointGrid` instance
Returns ``self`` for easy method chaining.
def set_axis_labels(self, xlabel=..., ylabel=..., **kwargs): # -> Self@JointGrid:
"""Set axis labels on the bivariate axes.
xlabel, ylabel : strings
Label names for the x and y variables.
kwargs : key, value mappings
Other keyword arguments are passed to the following functions:
- :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlabel`
- :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylabel`
:class:`JointGrid` instance
Returns ``self`` for easy method chaining.
def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs): # -> None:
"""Save the figure using a "tight" bounding box by default.
Wraps :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig`.
def pairplot(data, *, hue=..., hue_order=..., palette=..., vars=..., x_vars=..., y_vars=..., kind=..., diag_kind=..., markers=..., height=..., aspect=..., corner=..., dropna=..., plot_kws=..., diag_kws=..., grid_kws=..., size=...):
"""Plot pairwise relationships in a dataset.
By default, this function will create a grid of Axes such that each numeric
variable in ``data`` will by shared across the y-axes across a single row and
the x-axes across a single column. The diagonal plots are treated
differently: a univariate distribution plot is drawn to show the marginal
distribution of the data in each column.
It is also possible to show a subset of variables or plot different
variables on the rows and columns.
This is a high-level interface for :class:`PairGrid` that is intended to
make it easy to draw a few common styles. You should use :class:`PairGrid`
directly if you need more flexibility.
data : `pandas.DataFrame`
Tidy (long-form) dataframe where each column is a variable and
each row is an observation.
hue : name of variable in ``data``
Variable in ``data`` to map plot aspects to different colors.
hue_order : list of strings
Order for the levels of the hue variable in the palette
palette : dict or seaborn color palette
Set of colors for mapping the ``hue`` variable. If a dict, keys
should be values in the ``hue`` variable.
vars : list of variable names
Variables within ``data`` to use, otherwise use every column with
a numeric datatype.
{x, y}_vars : lists of variable names
Variables within ``data`` to use separately for the rows and
columns of the figure; i.e. to make a non-square plot.
kind : {'scatter', 'kde', 'hist', 'reg'}
Kind of plot to make.
diag_kind : {'auto', 'hist', 'kde', None}
Kind of plot for the diagonal subplots. If 'auto', choose based on
whether or not ``hue`` is used.
markers : single matplotlib marker code or list
Either the marker to use for all scatterplot points or a list of markers
with a length the same as the number of levels in the hue variable so that
differently colored points will also have different scatterplot
height : scalar
Height (in inches) of each facet.
aspect : scalar
Aspect * height gives the width (in inches) of each facet.
corner : bool
If True, don't add axes to the upper (off-diagonal) triangle of the
grid, making this a "corner" plot.
dropna : boolean
Drop missing values from the data before plotting.
{plot, diag, grid}_kws : dicts
Dictionaries of keyword arguments. ``plot_kws`` are passed to the
bivariate plotting function, ``diag_kws`` are passed to the univariate
plotting function, and ``grid_kws`` are passed to the :class:`PairGrid`
grid : :class:`PairGrid`
Returns the underlying :class:`PairGrid` instance for further tweaking.
See Also
PairGrid : Subplot grid for more flexible plotting of pairwise relationships.
JointGrid : Grid for plotting joint and marginal distributions of two variables.
.. include:: ../docstrings/pairplot.rst
def jointplot(*, x=..., y=..., data=..., kind=..., color=..., height=..., ratio=..., space=..., dropna=..., xlim=..., ylim=..., marginal_ticks=..., joint_kws=..., marginal_kws=..., hue=..., palette=..., hue_order=..., hue_norm=..., **kwargs):