""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ """ Nothing here but dictionaries for generating LinearSegmentedColormaps, and a dictionary of these dictionaries. Documentation for each is in pyplot.colormaps(). Please update this with the purpose and type of your colormap if you add data for one here. """ _binary_data = ... _autumn_data = ... _bone_data = ... _cool_data = ... _copper_data = ... _flag_data = ... _prism_data = ... def cubehelix(gamma=..., s=..., r=..., h=...): # -> dict[str, partial[Unknown]]: """ Return custom data dictionary of (r, g, b) conversion functions, which can be used with :func:`register_cmap`, for the cubehelix color scheme. Unlike most other color schemes cubehelix was designed by D.A. Green to be monotonically increasing in terms of perceived brightness. Also, when printed on a black and white postscript printer, the scheme results in a greyscale with monotonically increasing brightness. This color scheme is named cubehelix because the (r, g, b) values produced can be visualised as a squashed helix around the diagonal in the (r, g, b) color cube. For a unit color cube (i.e. 3D coordinates for (r, g, b) each in the range 0 to 1) the color scheme starts at (r, g, b) = (0, 0, 0), i.e. black, and finishes at (r, g, b) = (1, 1, 1), i.e. white. For some fraction *x*, between 0 and 1, the color is the corresponding grey value at that fraction along the black to white diagonal (x, x, x) plus a color element. This color element is calculated in a plane of constant perceived intensity and controlled by the following parameters. Parameters ---------- gamma : float, default: 1 Gamma factor emphasizing either low intensity values (gamma < 1), or high intensity values (gamma > 1). s : float, default: 0.5 (purple) The starting color. r : float, default: -1.5 The number of r, g, b rotations in color that are made from the start to the end of the color scheme. The default of -1.5 corresponds to -> B -> G -> R -> B. h : float, default: 1 The hue, i.e. how saturated the colors are. If this parameter is zero then the color scheme is purely a greyscale. """ ... _cubehelix_data = ... _bwr_data = ... _brg_data = ... gfunc = ... _gnuplot_data = ... _gnuplot2_data = ... _ocean_data = ... _afmhot_data = ... _rainbow_data = ... _seismic_data = ... _terrain_data = ... _gray_data = ... _hot_data = ... _hsv_data = ... _jet_data = ... _pink_data = ... _spring_data = ... _summer_data = ... _winter_data = ... _nipy_spectral_data = ... _Blues_data = ... _BrBG_data = ... _BuGn_data = ... _BuPu_data = ... _GnBu_data = ... _Greens_data = ... _Greys_data = ... _Oranges_data = ... _OrRd_data = ... _PiYG_data = ... _PRGn_data = ... _PuBu_data = ... _PuBuGn_data = ... _PuOr_data = ... _PuRd_data = ... _Purples_data = ... _RdBu_data = ... _RdGy_data = ... _RdPu_data = ... _RdYlBu_data = ... _RdYlGn_data = ... _Reds_data = ... _Spectral_data = ... _YlGn_data = ... _YlGnBu_data = ... _YlOrBr_data = ... _YlOrRd_data = ... _Accent_data = ... _Dark2_data = ... _Paired_data = ... _Pastel1_data = ... _Pastel2_data = ... _Set1_data = ... _Set2_data = ... _Set3_data = ... _gist_earth_data = ... _gist_gray_data = ... _gist_heat_data = ... _gist_ncar_data = ... _gist_rainbow_data = ... _gist_stern_data = ... _gist_yarg_data = ... _coolwarm_data = ... _CMRmap_data = ... _wistia_data = ... _tab10_data = ... _tab20_data = ... _tab20b_data = ... _tab20c_data = ... datad = ...