""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ """Algorithms to support fitting routines in seaborn plotting functions.""" def bootstrap(*args, **kwargs): # -> NDArray[Unknown]: """Resample one or more arrays with replacement and store aggregate values. Positional arguments are a sequence of arrays to bootstrap along the first axis and pass to a summary function. Keyword arguments: n_boot : int, default 10000 Number of iterations axis : int, default None Will pass axis to ``func`` as a keyword argument. units : array, default None Array of sampling unit IDs. When used the bootstrap resamples units and then observations within units instead of individual datapoints. func : string or callable, default np.mean Function to call on the args that are passed in. If string, tries to use as named method on numpy array. seed : Generator | SeedSequence | RandomState | int | None Seed for the random number generator; useful if you want reproducible resamples. Returns ------- boot_dist: array array of bootstrapped statistic values """ ...