""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ """Utility functions, mostly for internal use.""" __all__ = ["desaturate", "saturate", "set_hls_values", "despine", "get_dataset_names", "get_data_home", "load_dataset"] def sort_df(df, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper to handle different pandas sorting API pre/post 0.17.""" ... def ci_to_errsize(cis, heights): # -> NDArray[Unknown]: """Convert intervals to error arguments relative to plot heights. Parameters ---------- cis: 2 x n sequence sequence of confidence interval limits heights : n sequence sequence of plot heights Returns ------- errsize : 2 x n array sequence of error size relative to height values in correct format as argument for plt.bar """ ... def pmf_hist(a, bins=...): # -> tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], Any, Any]: """Return arguments to plt.bar for pmf-like histogram of an array. DEPRECATED: will be removed in a future version. Parameters ---------- a: array-like array to make histogram of bins: int number of bins Returns ------- x: array left x position of bars h: array height of bars w: float width of bars """ ... def desaturate(color, prop): # -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Decrease the saturation channel of a color by some percent. Parameters ---------- color : matplotlib color hex, rgb-tuple, or html color name prop : float saturation channel of color will be multiplied by this value Returns ------- new_color : rgb tuple desaturated color code in RGB tuple representation """ ... def saturate(color): # -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Return a fully saturated color with the same hue. Parameters ---------- color : matplotlib color hex, rgb-tuple, or html color name Returns ------- new_color : rgb tuple saturated color code in RGB tuple representation """ ... def set_hls_values(color, h=..., l=..., s=...): # -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Independently manipulate the h, l, or s channels of a color. Parameters ---------- color : matplotlib color hex, rgb-tuple, or html color name h, l, s : floats between 0 and 1, or None new values for each channel in hls space Returns ------- new_color : rgb tuple new color code in RGB tuple representation """ ... def axlabel(xlabel, ylabel, **kwargs): # -> None: """Grab current axis and label it. DEPRECATED: will be removed in a future version. """ ... def remove_na(vector): """Helper method for removing null values from data vectors. Parameters ---------- vector : vector object Must implement boolean masking with [] subscript syntax. Returns ------- clean_clean : same type as ``vector`` Vector of data with null values removed. May be a copy or a view. """ ... def get_color_cycle(): # -> Any | list[str]: """Return the list of colors in the current matplotlib color cycle Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- colors : list List of matplotlib colors in the current cycle, or dark gray if the current color cycle is empty. """ ... def despine(fig=..., ax=..., top=..., right=..., left=..., bottom=..., offset=..., trim=...): # -> None: """Remove the top and right spines from plot(s). fig : matplotlib figure, optional Figure to despine all axes of, defaults to the current figure. ax : matplotlib axes, optional Specific axes object to despine. Ignored if fig is provided. top, right, left, bottom : boolean, optional If True, remove that spine. offset : int or dict, optional Absolute distance, in points, spines should be moved away from the axes (negative values move spines inward). A single value applies to all spines; a dict can be used to set offset values per side. trim : bool, optional If True, limit spines to the smallest and largest major tick on each non-despined axis. Returns ------- None """ ... def percentiles(a, pcts, axis=...): # -> ndarray[Any, dtype[Unknown]]: """Like scoreatpercentile but can take and return array of percentiles. DEPRECATED: will be removed in a future version. Parameters ---------- a : array data pcts : sequence of percentile values percentile or percentiles to find score at axis : int or None if not None, computes scores over this axis Returns ------- scores: array array of scores at requested percentiles first dimension is length of object passed to ``pcts`` """ ... def ci(a, which=..., axis=...): """Return a percentile range from an array of values.""" ... def sig_stars(p): # -> Literal['***', '**', '*', '.', '']: """Return a R-style significance string corresponding to p values. DEPRECATED: will be removed in a future version. """ ... def iqr(a): # -> float | NDArray[floating[Any]] | Any | NDArray[Any]: """Calculate the IQR for an array of numbers. DEPRECATED: will be removed in a future version. """ ... def get_dataset_names(): # -> list[Any]: """Report available example datasets, useful for reporting issues. Requires an internet connection. """ ... def get_data_home(data_home=...): # -> str: """Return a path to the cache directory for example datasets. This directory is then used by :func:`load_dataset`. If the ``data_home`` argument is not specified, it tries to read from the ``SEABORN_DATA`` environment variable and defaults to ``~/seaborn-data``. """ ... def load_dataset(name, cache=..., data_home=..., **kws): """Load an example dataset from the online repository (requires internet). This function provides quick access to a small number of example datasets that are useful for documenting seaborn or generating reproducible examples for bug reports. It is not necessary for normal usage. Note that some of the datasets have a small amount of preprocessing applied to define a proper ordering for categorical variables. Use :func:`get_dataset_names` to see a list of available datasets. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the dataset (``{name}.csv`` on https://github.com/mwaskom/seaborn-data). cache : boolean, optional If True, try to load from the local cache first, and save to the cache if a download is required. data_home : string, optional The directory in which to cache data; see :func:`get_data_home`. kws : keys and values, optional Additional keyword arguments are passed to passed through to :func:`pandas.read_csv`. Returns ------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Tabular data, possibly with some preprocessing applied. """ ... def axis_ticklabels_overlap(labels): # -> Literal[False]: """Return a boolean for whether the list of ticklabels have overlaps. Parameters ---------- labels : list of matplotlib ticklabels Returns ------- overlap : boolean True if any of the labels overlap. """ ... def axes_ticklabels_overlap(ax): # -> tuple[Unknown | Literal[False], Unknown | Literal[False]]: """Return booleans for whether the x and y ticklabels on an Axes overlap. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib Axes Returns ------- x_overlap, y_overlap : booleans True when the labels on that axis overlap. """ ... def locator_to_legend_entries(locator, limits, dtype): # -> tuple[list[Unknown], list[Unknown]]: """Return levels and formatted levels for brief numeric legends.""" class dummy_axis: ... def relative_luminance(color): # -> Any: """Calculate the relative luminance of a color according to W3C standards Parameters ---------- color : matplotlib color or sequence of matplotlib colors Hex code, rgb-tuple, or html color name. Returns ------- luminance : float(s) between 0 and 1 """ ... def to_utf8(obj): # -> str: """Return a string representing a Python object. Strings (i.e. type ``str``) are returned unchanged. Byte strings (i.e. type ``bytes``) are returned as UTF-8-decoded strings. For other objects, the method ``__str__()`` is called, and the result is returned as a string. Parameters ---------- obj : object Any Python object Returns ------- s : str UTF-8-decoded string representation of ``obj`` """ ... def adjust_legend_subtitles(legend): # -> None: """Make invisible-handle "subtitles" entries look more like titles.""" ...