""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ from enum import Enum __all__ = ["show"] _built_with_meson = ... class DisplayModes(Enum): stdout = ... dicts = ... CONFIG = ... def show(mode=...): # -> dict[str, Unknown] | None: """ Show libraries and system information on which NumPy was built and is being used Parameters ---------- mode : {`'stdout'`, `'dicts'`}, optional. Indicates how to display the config information. `'stdout'` prints to console, `'dicts'` returns a dictionary of the configuration. Returns ------- out : {`dict`, `None`} If mode is `'dicts'`, a dict is returned, else None See Also -------- get_include : Returns the directory containing NumPy C header files. Notes ----- 1. The `'stdout'` mode will give more readable output if ``pyyaml`` is installed """ ...