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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
import os
from typing import Generic, IO, Literal, TypeVar, overload
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
from ._mathtext import RasterParse as RasterParse, VectorParse as VectorParse
_ParseType = TypeVar("_ParseType", RasterParse, VectorParse)
class MathTextParser(Generic[_ParseType]):
def __init__(self: MathTextParser[VectorParse], output: Literal["path"]) -> None:
def __init__(self: MathTextParser[RasterParse], output: Literal["agg", "raster", "macosx"]) -> None:
def parse(self, s: str, dpi: float = ..., prop: FontProperties | None = ..., *, antialiased: bool | None = ...) -> _ParseType:
def math_to_image(s: str, filename_or_obj: str | os.PathLike | IO, prop: FontProperties | None = ..., dpi: float | None = ..., format: str | None = ..., *, color: ColorType | None = ...) -> float: