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245 lines
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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
import enum
from matplotlib import cbook
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase, ToolContainerBase
from matplotlib.backend_managers import ToolEvent, ToolManager
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.scale import ScaleBase
from typing import Any
class Cursors(enum.IntEnum):
HAND: int
MOVE: int
WAIT: int
cursors = Cursors
class ToolBase:
def default_keymap(self) -> list[str] | None:
description: str | None
image: str | None
def __init__(self, toolmanager: ToolManager, name: str) -> None:
def name(self) -> str:
def toolmanager(self) -> ToolManager:
def canvas(self) -> FigureCanvasBase | None:
def figure(self) -> Figure | None:
def figure(self, figure: Figure | None) -> None:
def set_figure(self, figure: Figure | None) -> None:
def trigger(self, sender: Any, event: ToolEvent, data: Any = ...) -> None:
class ToolToggleBase(ToolBase):
radio_group: str | None
cursor: Cursors | None
default_toggled: bool
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
def enable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None:
def disable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None:
def toggled(self) -> bool:
def set_figure(self, figure: Figure | None) -> None:
class ToolSetCursor(ToolBase):
class ToolCursorPosition(ToolBase):
def send_message(self, event: ToolEvent) -> None:
class RubberbandBase(ToolBase):
def draw_rubberband(self, *data) -> None:
def remove_rubberband(self) -> None:
class ToolQuit(ToolBase):
class ToolQuitAll(ToolBase):
class ToolGrid(ToolBase):
class ToolMinorGrid(ToolBase):
class ToolFullScreen(ToolBase):
class AxisScaleBase(ToolToggleBase):
def enable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None:
def disable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None:
class ToolYScale(AxisScaleBase):
def set_scale(self, ax: Axes, scale: str | ScaleBase) -> None:
class ToolXScale(AxisScaleBase):
def set_scale(self, ax, scale: str | ScaleBase) -> None:
class ToolViewsPositions(ToolBase):
views: dict[Figure | Axes, cbook.Stack]
positions: dict[Figure | Axes, cbook.Stack]
home_views: dict[Figure, dict[Axes, tuple[float, float, float, float]]]
def add_figure(self, figure: Figure) -> None:
def clear(self, figure: Figure) -> None:
def update_view(self) -> None:
def push_current(self, figure: Figure | None = ...) -> None:
def update_home_views(self, figure: Figure | None = ...) -> None:
def home(self) -> None:
def back(self) -> None:
def forward(self) -> None:
class ViewsPositionsBase(ToolBase):
class ToolHome(ViewsPositionsBase):
class ToolBack(ViewsPositionsBase):
class ToolForward(ViewsPositionsBase):
class ConfigureSubplotsBase(ToolBase):
class SaveFigureBase(ToolBase):
class ZoomPanBase(ToolToggleBase):
base_scale: float
scrollthresh: float
lastscroll: float
def __init__(self, *args) -> None:
def enable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None:
def disable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None:
def scroll_zoom(self, event: ToolEvent) -> None:
class ToolZoom(ZoomPanBase):
class ToolPan(ZoomPanBase):
class ToolHelpBase(ToolBase):
def format_shortcut(key_sequence: str) -> str:
class ToolCopyToClipboardBase(ToolBase):
default_tools: dict[str, ToolBase]
default_toolbar_tools: list[list[str | list[str]]]
def add_tools_to_manager(toolmanager: ToolManager, tools: dict[str, type[ToolBase]] = ...) -> None:
def add_tools_to_container(container: ToolContainerBase, tools: list[Any] = ...) -> None: