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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
import numpy as np
from .path import Path
from .patches import Patch
from .figure import Figure
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from import Iterable, Sequence
from typing import Literal
DEBUG: bool
class TransformNode:
is_bbox: bool
def is_affine(self) -> bool:
pass_through: bool
def __init__(self, shorthand_name: str | None = ...) -> None:
def __copy__(self) -> TransformNode:
def invalidate(self) -> None:
def set_children(self, *children: TransformNode) -> None:
def frozen(self) -> TransformNode:
class BboxBase(TransformNode):
is_bbox: bool
is_affine: bool
def frozen(self) -> Bbox:
def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def x0(self) -> float:
def y0(self) -> float:
def x1(self) -> float:
def y1(self) -> float:
def p0(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def p1(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def xmin(self) -> float:
def ymin(self) -> float:
def xmax(self) -> float:
def ymax(self) -> float:
def min(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def max(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def intervalx(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def intervaly(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def width(self) -> float:
def height(self) -> float:
def size(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def bounds(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
def extents(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
def get_points(self) -> np.ndarray:
def containsx(self, x: float) -> bool:
def containsy(self, y: float) -> bool:
def contains(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool:
def overlaps(self, other: BboxBase) -> bool:
def fully_containsx(self, x: float) -> bool:
def fully_containsy(self, y: float) -> bool:
def fully_contains(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool:
def fully_overlaps(self, other: BboxBase) -> bool:
def transformed(self, transform: Transform) -> Bbox:
coefs: dict[str, tuple[float, float]]
def anchored(self, c: tuple[float, float] | str, container: BboxBase | None = ...) -> Bbox:
def shrunk(self, mx: float, my: float) -> Bbox:
def shrunk_to_aspect(self, box_aspect: float, container: BboxBase | None = ..., fig_aspect: float = ...) -> Bbox:
def splitx(self, *args: float) -> list[Bbox]:
def splity(self, *args: float) -> list[Bbox]:
def count_contains(self, vertices: ArrayLike) -> int:
def count_overlaps(self, bboxes: Iterable[BboxBase]) -> int:
def expanded(self, sw: float, sh: float) -> Bbox:
def padded(self, w_pad: float, h_pad: float | None = ...) -> Bbox:
def translated(self, tx: float, ty: float) -> Bbox:
def corners(self) -> np.ndarray:
def rotated(self, radians: float) -> Bbox:
def union(bboxes: Sequence[BboxBase]) -> Bbox:
def intersection(bbox1: BboxBase, bbox2: BboxBase) -> Bbox | None:
class Bbox(BboxBase):
def __init__(self, points: ArrayLike, **kwargs) -> None:
def unit() -> Bbox:
def null() -> Bbox:
def from_bounds(x0: float, y0: float, width: float, height: float) -> Bbox:
def from_extents(*args: float, minpos: float | None = ...) -> Bbox:
def __format__(self, fmt: str) -> str:
def ignore(self, value: bool) -> None:
def update_from_path(self, path: Path, ignore: bool | None = ..., updatex: bool = ..., updatey: bool = ...) -> None:
def update_from_data_x(self, x: ArrayLike, ignore: bool | None = ...) -> None:
def update_from_data_y(self, y: ArrayLike, ignore: bool | None = ...) -> None:
def update_from_data_xy(self, xy: ArrayLike, ignore: bool | None = ..., updatex: bool = ..., updatey: bool = ...) -> None:
def minpos(self) -> float:
def minposx(self) -> float:
def minposy(self) -> float:
def get_points(self) -> np.ndarray:
def set_points(self, points: ArrayLike) -> None:
def set(self, other: Bbox) -> None:
def mutated(self) -> bool:
def mutatedx(self) -> bool:
def mutatedy(self) -> bool:
class TransformedBbox(BboxBase):
def __init__(self, bbox: Bbox, transform: Transform, **kwargs) -> None:
def get_points(self) -> np.ndarray:
class LockableBbox(BboxBase):
def __init__(self, bbox: BboxBase, x0: float | None = ..., y0: float | None = ..., x1: float | None = ..., y1: float | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None:
def locked_x0(self) -> float | None:
def locked_x0(self, x0: float | None) -> None:
def locked_y0(self) -> float | None:
def locked_y0(self, y0: float | None) -> None:
def locked_x1(self) -> float | None:
def locked_x1(self, x1: float | None) -> None:
def locked_y1(self) -> float | None:
def locked_y1(self, y1: float | None) -> None:
class Transform(TransformNode):
input_dims: int | None
output_dims: int | None
is_separable: bool
def has_inverse(self) -> bool:
def __add__(self, other: Transform) -> Transform:
def depth(self) -> int:
def contains_branch(self, other: Transform) -> bool:
def contains_branch_seperately(self, other_transform: Transform) -> Sequence[bool]:
def __sub__(self, other: Transform) -> Transform:
def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
def transform(self, values: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
def transform_affine(self, values: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
def transform_non_affine(self, values: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike:
def transform_bbox(self, bbox: BboxBase) -> Bbox:
def get_affine(self) -> Transform:
def get_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
def transform_point(self, point: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
def transform_path(self, path: Path) -> Path:
def transform_path_affine(self, path: Path) -> Path:
def transform_path_non_affine(self, path: Path) -> Path:
def transform_angles(self, angles: ArrayLike, pts: ArrayLike, radians: bool = ..., pushoff: float = ...) -> np.ndarray:
def inverted(self) -> Transform:
class TransformWrapper(Transform):
pass_through: bool
def __init__(self, child: Transform) -> None:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
def frozen(self) -> Transform:
def set(self, child: Transform) -> None:
class AffineBase(Transform):
is_affine: Literal[True]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
class Affine2DBase(AffineBase):
input_dims: Literal[2]
output_dims: Literal[2]
def frozen(self) -> Affine2D:
def is_separable(self):
def to_values(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]:
class Affine2D(Affine2DBase):
def __init__(self, matrix: ArrayLike | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None:
def from_values(a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float, e: float, f: float) -> Affine2D:
def set_matrix(self, mtx: ArrayLike) -> None:
def clear(self) -> Affine2D:
def rotate(self, theta: float) -> Affine2D:
def rotate_deg(self, degrees: float) -> Affine2D:
def rotate_around(self, x: float, y: float, theta: float) -> Affine2D:
def rotate_deg_around(self, x: float, y: float, degrees: float) -> Affine2D:
def translate(self, tx: float, ty: float) -> Affine2D:
def scale(self, sx: float, sy: float | None = ...) -> Affine2D:
def skew(self, xShear: float, yShear: float) -> Affine2D:
def skew_deg(self, xShear: float, yShear: float) -> Affine2D:
class IdentityTransform(Affine2DBase):
class _BlendedMixin:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
def contains_branch_seperately(self, transform: Transform) -> Sequence[bool]:
class BlendedGenericTransform(_BlendedMixin, Transform):
input_dims: Literal[2]
output_dims: Literal[2]
is_separable: bool
pass_through: bool
def __init__(self, x_transform: Transform, y_transform: Transform, **kwargs) -> None:
def depth(self) -> int:
def contains_branch(self, other: Transform) -> Literal[False]:
def is_affine(self) -> bool:
def has_inverse(self) -> bool:
class BlendedAffine2D(_BlendedMixin, Affine2DBase):
def __init__(self, x_transform: Transform, y_transform: Transform, **kwargs) -> None:
def blended_transform_factory(x_transform: Transform, y_transform: Transform) -> BlendedGenericTransform | BlendedAffine2D:
class CompositeGenericTransform(Transform):
pass_through: bool
input_dims: int | None
output_dims: int | None
def __init__(self, a: Transform, b: Transform, **kwargs) -> None:
class CompositeAffine2D(Affine2DBase):
def __init__(self, a: Affine2DBase, b: Affine2DBase, **kwargs) -> None:
def depth(self) -> int:
def composite_transform_factory(a: Transform, b: Transform) -> Transform:
class BboxTransform(Affine2DBase):
def __init__(self, boxin: BboxBase, boxout: BboxBase, **kwargs) -> None:
class BboxTransformTo(Affine2DBase):
def __init__(self, boxout: BboxBase, **kwargs) -> None:
class BboxTransformToMaxOnly(BboxTransformTo):
class BboxTransformFrom(Affine2DBase):
def __init__(self, boxin: BboxBase, **kwargs) -> None:
class ScaledTranslation(Affine2DBase):
def __init__(self, xt: float, yt: float, scale_trans: Affine2DBase, **kwargs) -> None:
class AffineDeltaTransform(Affine2DBase):
def __init__(self, transform: Affine2DBase, **kwargs) -> None:
class TransformedPath(TransformNode):
def __init__(self, path: Path, transform: Transform) -> None:
def get_transformed_points_and_affine(self) -> tuple[Path, Transform]:
def get_transformed_path_and_affine(self) -> tuple[Path, Transform]:
def get_fully_transformed_path(self) -> Path:
def get_affine(self) -> Transform:
class TransformedPatchPath(TransformedPath):
def __init__(self, patch: Patch) -> None:
def nonsingular(vmin: float, vmax: float, expander: float = ..., tiny: float = ..., increasing: bool = ...) -> tuple[float, float]:
def interval_contains(interval: tuple[float, float], val: float) -> bool:
def interval_contains_open(interval: tuple[float, float], val: float) -> bool:
def offset_copy(trans: Transform, fig: Figure | None = ..., x: float = ..., y: float = ..., units: Literal["inches", "points", "dots"] = ...) -> Transform: