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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, SupportsIndex, TypeVar, overload
from numpy import generic
from numpy._typing import ArrayLike, NDArray, _ArrayLike, _Shape, _ShapeLike
_SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=generic)
__all__: list[str]
class DummyArray:
__array_interface__: dict[str, Any]
base: None | NDArray[Any]
def __init__(self, interface: dict[str, Any], base: None | NDArray[Any] = ...) -> None:
def as_strided(x: _ArrayLike[_SCT], shape: None | Iterable[int] = ..., strides: None | Iterable[int] = ..., subok: bool = ..., writeable: bool = ...) -> NDArray[_SCT]:
def as_strided(x: ArrayLike, shape: None | Iterable[int] = ..., strides: None | Iterable[int] = ..., subok: bool = ..., writeable: bool = ...) -> NDArray[Any]:
def sliding_window_view(x: _ArrayLike[_SCT], window_shape: int | Iterable[int], axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., *, subok: bool = ..., writeable: bool = ...) -> NDArray[_SCT]:
def sliding_window_view(x: ArrayLike, window_shape: int | Iterable[int], axis: None | SupportsIndex = ..., *, subok: bool = ..., writeable: bool = ...) -> NDArray[Any]:
def broadcast_to(array: _ArrayLike[_SCT], shape: int | Iterable[int], subok: bool = ...) -> NDArray[_SCT]:
def broadcast_to(array: ArrayLike, shape: int | Iterable[int], subok: bool = ...) -> NDArray[Any]:
def broadcast_shapes(*args: _ShapeLike) -> _Shape:
def broadcast_arrays(*args: ArrayLike, subok: bool = ...) -> list[NDArray[Any]]: