You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

564 lines
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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
import PIL.Image
import numpy as np
from .artist import Artist
from .axes import Axes
from .backend_bases import Event, FigureCanvasBase, MouseButton, MouseEvent
from .collections import LineCollection
from .figure import Figure
from .lines import Line2D
from .patches import Circle, Polygon, Rectangle
from .text import Text
from import Callable, Collection, Iterable, Sequence
from typing import Any, Literal
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from .typing import ColorType
class LockDraw:
def __init__(self) -> None:
def __call__(self, o: Any) -> None:
def release(self, o: Any) -> None:
def available(self, o: Any) -> bool:
def isowner(self, o: Any) -> bool:
def locked(self) -> bool:
class Widget:
drawon: bool
eventson: bool
active: bool
def set_active(self, active: bool) -> None:
def get_active(self) -> None:
def ignore(self, event) -> bool:
class AxesWidget(Widget):
ax: Axes
canvas: FigureCanvasBase | None
def __init__(self, ax: Axes) -> None:
def connect_event(self, event: Event, callback: Callable) -> None:
def disconnect_events(self) -> None:
class Button(AxesWidget):
label: Text
color: ColorType
hovercolor: ColorType
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, label: str, image: ArrayLike | PIL.Image.Image | None = ..., color: ColorType = ..., hovercolor: ColorType = ..., *, useblit: bool = ...) -> None:
def on_clicked(self, func: Callable[[Event], Any]) -> int:
def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None:
class SliderBase(AxesWidget):
orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]
closedmin: bool
closedmax: bool
valmin: float
valmax: float
valstep: float | ArrayLike | None
drag_active: bool
valfmt: str
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"], closedmin: bool, closedmax: bool, valmin: float, valmax: float, valfmt: str, dragging: Slider | None, valstep: float | ArrayLike | None) -> None:
def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None:
def reset(self) -> None:
class Slider(SliderBase):
slidermin: Slider | None
slidermax: Slider | None
val: float
valinit: float
track: Rectangle
poly: Polygon
hline: Line2D
vline: Line2D
label: Text
valtext: Text
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, label: str, valmin: float, valmax: float, *, valinit: float = ..., valfmt: str | None = ..., closedmin: bool = ..., closedmax: bool = ..., slidermin: Slider | None = ..., slidermax: Slider | None = ..., dragging: bool = ..., valstep: float | ArrayLike | None = ..., orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = ..., initcolor: ColorType = ..., track_color: ColorType = ..., handle_style: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None:
def set_val(self, val: float) -> None:
def on_changed(self, func: Callable[[float], Any]) -> int:
class RangeSlider(SliderBase):
val: tuple[float, float]
valinit: tuple[float, float]
track: Rectangle
poly: Polygon
label: Text
valtext: Text
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, label: str, valmin: float, valmax: float, *, valinit: tuple[float, float] | None = ..., valfmt: str | None = ..., closedmin: bool = ..., closedmax: bool = ..., dragging: bool = ..., valstep: float | ArrayLike | None = ..., orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = ..., track_color: ColorType = ..., handle_style: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None:
def set_min(self, min: float) -> None:
def set_max(self, max: float) -> None:
def set_val(self, val: ArrayLike) -> None:
def on_changed(self, func: Callable[[tuple[float, float]], Any]) -> int:
class CheckButtons(AxesWidget):
labels: list[Text]
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, labels: Sequence[str], actives: Iterable[bool] | None = ..., *, useblit: bool = ..., label_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., frame_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., check_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...) -> None:
def set_label_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
def set_frame_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
def set_check_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
def set_active(self, index: int) -> None:
def get_status(self) -> list[bool]:
def on_clicked(self, func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> int:
def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None:
def lines(self) -> list[tuple[Line2D, Line2D]]:
def rectangles(self) -> list[Rectangle]:
class TextBox(AxesWidget):
label: Text
text_disp: Text
cursor_index: int
cursor: LineCollection
color: ColorType
hovercolor: ColorType
capturekeystrokes: bool
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, label: str, initial: str = ..., *, color: ColorType = ..., hovercolor: ColorType = ..., label_pad: float = ..., textalignment: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ...) -> None:
def text(self) -> str:
def set_val(self, val: str) -> None:
def begin_typing(self, x=...) -> None:
def stop_typing(self) -> None:
def on_text_change(self, func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> int:
def on_submit(self, func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> int:
def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None:
class RadioButtons(AxesWidget):
activecolor: ColorType
value_selected: str
labels: list[Text]
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, labels: Iterable[str], active: int = ..., activecolor: ColorType | None = ..., *, useblit: bool = ..., label_props: dict[str, Any] | Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = ..., radio_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...) -> None:
def set_label_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
def set_radio_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
def set_active(self, index: int) -> None:
def on_clicked(self, func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> int:
def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None:
def circles(self) -> list[Circle]:
class SubplotTool(Widget):
figure: Figure
targetfig: Figure
buttonreset: Button
def __init__(self, targetfig: Figure, toolfig: Figure) -> None:
class Cursor(AxesWidget):
visible: bool
horizOn: bool
vertOn: bool
useblit: bool
lineh: Line2D
linev: Line2D
background: Any
needclear: bool
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, *, horizOn: bool = ..., vertOn: bool = ..., useblit: bool = ..., **lineprops) -> None:
def clear(self, event: Event) -> None:
def onmove(self, event: Event) -> None:
class MultiCursor(Widget):
axes: Sequence[Axes]
horizOn: bool
vertOn: bool
visible: bool
useblit: bool
needclear: bool
vlines: list[Line2D]
hlines: list[Line2D]
def __init__(self, canvas: Any, axes: Sequence[Axes], *, useblit: bool = ..., horizOn: bool = ..., vertOn: bool = ..., **lineprops) -> None:
def connect(self) -> None:
def disconnect(self) -> None:
def clear(self, event: Event) -> None:
def onmove(self, event: Event) -> None:
class _SelectorWidget(AxesWidget):
onselect: Callable[[float, float], Any]
useblit: bool
background: Any
validButtons: list[MouseButton]
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, onselect: Callable[[float, float], Any], useblit: bool = ..., button: MouseButton | Collection[MouseButton] | None = ..., state_modifier_keys: dict[str, str] | None = ..., use_data_coordinates: bool = ...) -> None:
def update_background(self, event: Event) -> None:
def connect_default_events(self) -> None:
def ignore(self, event: Event) -> bool:
def update(self) -> None:
def press(self, event: Event) -> bool:
def release(self, event: Event) -> bool:
def onmove(self, event: Event) -> bool:
def on_scroll(self, event: Event) -> None:
def on_key_press(self, event: Event) -> None:
def on_key_release(self, event: Event) -> None:
def set_visible(self, visible: bool) -> None:
def get_visible(self) -> bool:
def visible(self) -> bool:
def clear(self) -> None:
def artists(self) -> tuple[Artist]:
def set_props(self, **props) -> None:
def set_handle_props(self, **handle_props) -> None:
def add_state(self, state: str) -> None:
def remove_state(self, state: str) -> None:
class SpanSelector(_SelectorWidget):
snap_values: ArrayLike | None
onmove_callback: Callable[[float, float], Any]
minspan: float
grab_range: float
drag_from_anywhere: bool
ignore_event_outside: bool
canvas: FigureCanvasBase | None
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, onselect: Callable[[float, float], Any], direction: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"], *, minspan: float = ..., useblit: bool = ..., props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., onmove_callback: Callable[[float, float], Any] | None = ..., interactive: bool = ..., button: MouseButton | Collection[MouseButton] | None = ..., handle_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., grab_range: float = ..., state_modifier_keys: dict[str, str] | None = ..., drag_from_anywhere: bool = ..., ignore_event_outside: bool = ..., snap_values: ArrayLike | None = ...) -> None:
def new_axes(self, ax: Axes, *, _props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...) -> None:
def connect_default_events(self) -> None:
def direction(self) -> Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]:
def direction(self, direction: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]) -> None:
def extents(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def extents(self, extents: tuple[float, float]) -> None:
class ToolLineHandles:
ax: Axes
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, positions: ArrayLike, direction: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"], *, line_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., useblit: bool = ...) -> None:
def artists(self) -> tuple[Line2D]:
def positions(self) -> list[float]:
def direction(self) -> Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]:
def set_data(self, positions: ArrayLike) -> None:
def set_visible(self, value: bool) -> None:
def set_animated(self, value: bool) -> None:
def remove(self) -> None:
def closest(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[int, float]:
class ToolHandles:
ax: Axes
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, *, marker: str = ..., marker_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., useblit: bool = ...) -> None:
def x(self) -> ArrayLike:
def y(self) -> ArrayLike:
def artists(self) -> tuple[Line2D]:
def set_data(self, pts: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike | None = ...) -> None:
def set_visible(self, val: bool) -> None:
def set_animated(self, val: bool) -> None:
def closest(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[int, float]:
class RectangleSelector(_SelectorWidget):
drag_from_anywhere: bool
ignore_event_outside: bool
minspanx: float
minspany: float
spancoords: Literal["data", "pixels"]
grab_range: float
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, onselect: Callable[[MouseEvent, MouseEvent], Any], *, minspanx: float = ..., minspany: float = ..., useblit: bool = ..., props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., spancoords: Literal["data", "pixels"] = ..., button: MouseButton | Collection[MouseButton] | None = ..., grab_range: float = ..., handle_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., interactive: bool = ..., state_modifier_keys: dict[str, str] | None = ..., drag_from_anywhere: bool = ..., ignore_event_outside: bool = ..., use_data_coordinates: bool = ...) -> None:
def corners(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
def edge_centers(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
def center(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
def extents(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
def extents(self, extents: tuple[float, float, float, float]) -> None:
def rotation(self) -> float:
def rotation(self, value: float) -> None:
def geometry(self) -> np.ndarray:
class EllipseSelector(RectangleSelector):
class LassoSelector(_SelectorWidget):
verts: None | list[tuple[float, float]]
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, onselect: Callable[[list[tuple[float, float]]], Any], *, useblit: bool = ..., props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., button: MouseButton | Collection[MouseButton] | None = ...) -> None:
class PolygonSelector(_SelectorWidget):
grab_range: float
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, onselect: Callable[[ArrayLike, ArrayLike], Any], *, useblit: bool = ..., props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., handle_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., grab_range: float = ..., draw_bounding_box: bool = ..., box_handle_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., box_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...) -> None:
def onmove(self, event: Event) -> bool:
def verts(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]:
def verts(self, xys: Sequence[tuple[float, float]]) -> None:
class Lasso(AxesWidget):
useblit: bool
background: Any
verts: list[tuple[float, float]] | None
line: Line2D
callback: Callable[[list[tuple[float, float]]], Any]
def __init__(self, ax: Axes, xy: tuple[float, float], callback: Callable[[list[tuple[float, float]]], Any], *, useblit: bool = ...) -> None:
def onrelease(self, event: Event) -> None:
def onmove(self, event: Event) -> None: