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97 lines
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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
from typing import Any
from numpy import dtype, int_, ndarray
from numpy.polynomial._polybase import ABCPolyBase
__all__: list[str]
hermetrim = ...
def poly2herme(pol):
def herme2poly(c):
hermedomain: ndarray[Any, dtype[int_]]
hermezero: ndarray[Any, dtype[int_]]
hermeone: ndarray[Any, dtype[int_]]
hermex: ndarray[Any, dtype[int_]]
def hermeline(off, scl):
def hermefromroots(roots):
def hermeadd(c1, c2):
def hermesub(c1, c2):
def hermemulx(c):
def hermemul(c1, c2):
def hermediv(c1, c2):
def hermepow(c, pow, maxpower=...):
def hermeder(c, m=..., scl=..., axis=...):
def hermeint(c, m=..., k=..., lbnd=..., scl=..., axis=...):
def hermeval(x, c, tensor=...):
def hermeval2d(x, y, c):
def hermegrid2d(x, y, c):
def hermeval3d(x, y, z, c):
def hermegrid3d(x, y, z, c):
def hermevander(x, deg):
def hermevander2d(x, y, deg):
def hermevander3d(x, y, z, deg):
def hermefit(x, y, deg, rcond=..., full=..., w=...):
def hermecompanion(c):
def hermeroots(c):
def hermegauss(deg):
def hermeweight(x):
class HermiteE(ABCPolyBase):
domain: Any
window: Any
basis_name: Any