You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

180 lines
5.4 KiB

import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import collections
from ... import repo
from ... import files
from ...configs import config
from ...plugins import PapersPlugin
from ...commands.helpers import add_references_argument, parse_reference
from import RemoveEvent
TEXNOTE_SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'note_sample.tex')
TEXNOTE_DIR = 'texnote'
class TexnotePlugin(PapersPlugin):
def __init__(self): = TEXNOTE_PARSER_NAME
#self.rp = repo.Repository(config())
self.texcmds = collections.OrderedDict([
('remove', self.remove),
('edit', self.edit),
def parser(self, subparsers):
parser = subparsers.add_parser(, help="edit advance note in latex")
sub = parser.add_subparsers(title="valid texnote commands", dest="texcmd")
p = sub.add_parser("remove", help="remove a reference")
add_references_argument(p, single=True)
p = sub.add_parser("edit", help="edit the reference texnote")
add_references_argument(p, single=True)
#add_references_argument(parser, single=True)
p.add_argument('-v', '--view', action='store_true', help='open the paper in a pdf viewer', default=None)
return parser
def command(self, args):
texcmd = args.texcmd
del args.texcmd
def remove(self, args):
reference = args.reference
print('Should remove {}'.format(reference))
def edit(self, args):
reference = args.reference
view = args.view
print('Should remove {}'.format(reference))
if view is not None:
subprocess.Popen(['papers', 'open', reference])
#open_texnote(ui, reference)
def toto(self):
print "toto"
def testEvent(self, rmevent):
print "testEvent"
def remove(rmevent):
texplug = TexnotePlugin.get_instance()
# HACK : transfer repo via RemoveEvent, do not recreate one
#rp = repo.Repository(config())
#paper = rp.get_paper(parse_reference(rmevent.ui, rp, rmevent.citekey))
#if 'texnote' in paper.metadata:
# try:
# os.remove(paper.metadata['texnote'])
# except OSError:
# pass # For some reason, the texnote file didn't exist
# paper.metadata.pop('texnote')
# metapath = rp.path_to_paper_file(paper.citekey, 'meta')
# files.save_meta(paper.metadata, metapath)
def open_texnote(ui, ref):
# HACK : transfer repo via arguments, do not recreate one
rp = repo.Repository(config())
paper = rp.get_paper(parse_reference(ui, rp, ref))
#ugly to recode like for the doc field
if not 'texnote' in paper.metadata:
texnote_dir = os.path.join(rp.papersdir, TEXNOTE_DIR)
12 years ago
# if folder does not exist create it, this should be relative
if not os.path.exists(texnote_dir):
texnote_path = os.path.join(texnote_dir, paper.citekey + '.tex')
paper.metadata['texnote'] = files.clean_path(texnote_path)
# save path in metadata
metapath = rp.path_to_paper_file(paper.citekey, 'meta')
files.save_meta(paper.metadata, metapath)
texnote_path = paper.metadata['texnote']
# test if doc exist else copy the sample one
if not files.check_file(texnote_path):
shutil.copyfile(TEXNOTE_SAMPLE_FILE, texnote_path)
#should autofill at every opening or not ? usefull if bib changes but the filling should be improved
autofill_texnote(texnote_path, paper.bibentry)
#open the file using the config editor
edit_cmd = config(TEXTNOTE_SECTION).get('edit_cmd', config().edit_cmd)
subprocess.Popen([edit_cmd, texnote_path])
##### ugly replace by proper #####
def format_author(author):
first = author.first()
middle = author.middle()
last = author.last()
formatted = ''
if first:
formatted += first[0]
if middle:
formatted += ' ' + middle[0] + '.'
if last:
formatted += ' ' + last[0]
return formatted
def concatenate_authors(authors):
concatenated = ''
for a in range(len(authors)):
if len(authors) > 1 and a > 0:
if a == len(authors) - 1:
concatenated += 'and '
concatenated += ', '
concatenated += authors[a]
return concatenated
def autofill_texnote(texnote_path, bibentry):
# read file
f = open(texnote_path, "r")
text =
# modify with bib info
#print bibentry
fields = bibentry.fields
persons = bibentry.persons
if 'title' in fields:
title_str = fields['title']
text = text.replace("TITLE", title_str)
if 'year' in fields:
year_str = fields['year']
text = text.replace("YEAR", year_str)
if 'abstract' in fields:
abstract_str = fields['abstract']
text = text.replace("ABSTRACT", abstract_str)
if 'author' in persons:
authors = []
for author in persons['author']:
author_str = concatenate_authors(authors)
text = text.replace("AUTHOR", author_str)
# write file
f = open(texnote_path, "w")