import sys
import os
import shutil
import glob
import unittest
import pkgutil
import re
import testenv
import fake_filesystem
import fake_filesystem_shutil
import fake_filesystem_glob
from papers import papers_cmd
from papers import color, files
from papers.p3 import io, input
import fixtures
# code for fake fs
real_os = os
real_open = open
real_shutil = shutil
real_glob = glob
fake_os, fake_open, fake_shutil, fake_glob = None, None, None, None
def _mod_list():
ml = []
import papers
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(
prefix=papers.__name__ + '.',
onerror=lambda x: None):
# HACK to not load textnote
if not modname.startswith('papers.plugs.texnote'):
ml.append((modname, __import__(modname, fromlist='dummy')))
return ml
mod_list = _mod_list()
def _create_fake_fs():
global fake_os, fake_open, fake_shutil, fake_glob
fake_fs = fake_filesystem.FakeFilesystem()
fake_os = fake_filesystem.FakeOsModule(fake_fs)
fake_open = fake_filesystem.FakeFileOpen(fake_fs)
fake_shutil = fake_filesystem_shutil.FakeShutilModule(fake_fs)
fake_glob = fake_filesystem_glob.FakeGlobModule(fake_fs)
__builtins__.open = fake_open
__builtins__.file = fake_open
except AttributeError:
__builtins__['open'] = fake_open
__builtins__['file'] = fake_open
sys.modules['os'] = fake_os
sys.modules['shutil'] = fake_shutil
sys.modules['glob'] = fake_glob
for mdname, md in mod_list:
md.os = fake_os
md.shutil = fake_shutil
md.open = fake_open
md.file = fake_open
return fake_fs
def _copy_data(fs):
"""Copy all the data directory into the fake fs"""
datadir = real_os.path.join(real_os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
for filename in real_os.listdir(datadir):
real_path = real_os.path.join(datadir, filename)
fake_path = fake_os.path.join('data', filename)
if real_os.path.isfile(real_path):
with real_open(real_path, 'r') as f:
fs.CreateFile(fake_path, contents=f.read())
if real_os.path.isdir(real_path):
# redirecting output
def redirect(f):
def newf(*args, **kwargs):
old_stderr, old_stdout = sys.stderr, sys.stdout
stdout = io.StringIO()
stderr = io.StringIO()
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = stdout, stderr
return f(*args, **kwargs), stdout, stderr
sys.stderr, sys.stdout = old_stderr, old_stdout
return newf
# Test helpers
# automating input
real_input = input
class FakeInput():
""" Replace the input() command, and mock user input during tests
Instanciate as :
input = FakeInput(['yes', 'no'])
then replace the input command in every module of the package :
Then :
input() returns 'yes'
input() returns 'no'
input() raise IndexError
def __init__(self, inputs=None):
self.inputs = list(inputs) or []
self._cursor = 0
def as_global(self):
for mdname, md in mod_list:
md.input = self
md.editor_input = self
# if mdname.endswith('files'):
# md.editor_input = self
def add_input(self, inp):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
inp = self.inputs[self._cursor]
self._cursor += 1
return inp
class TestFakeInput(unittest.TestCase):
def test_input(self):
input = FakeInput(['yes', 'no'])
self.assertEqual(input(), 'yes')
self.assertEqual(input(), 'no')
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
def test_input2(self):
other_input = FakeInput(['yes', 'no'])
self.assertEqual(color.input(), 'yes')
self.assertEqual(color.input(), 'no')
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
def test_editor_input(self):
other_input = FakeInput(['yes', 'no'])
self.assertEqual(files.editor_input(), 'yes')
self.assertEqual(files.editor_input(), 'no')
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
class CommandTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Abstract TestCase intializing the fake filesystem."""
def setUp(self):
self.fs = _create_fake_fs()
def execute_cmds(self, cmds, fs=None):
""" Execute a list of commands, and capture their output
A command can be a string, or a tuple of size 2 or 3.
In the latter case, the command is :
1. a string reprensenting the command to execute
2. the user inputs to feed to the command during execution
3. the output excpected, verified with assertEqual
outs = []
for cmd in cmds:
if hasattr(cmd, '__iter__'):
if len(cmd) == 2:
input = FakeInput(cmd[1])
_, stdout, stderr = redirect(papers_cmd.execute)(cmd[0].split())
if len(cmd) == 3:
actual_out = color.undye(stdout.getvalue())
correct_out = color.undye(cmd[2])
self.assertEqual(actual_out, correct_out)
assert type(cmd) == str
_, stdout, stderr = redirect(papers_cmd.execute)(cmd.split())
assert(stderr.getvalue() == '')
return outs
class DataCommandTestCase(CommandTestCase):
"""Abstract TestCase intializing the fake filesystem and
copying fake data.
def setUp(self):
# Actual tests
class TestInit(CommandTestCase):
def test_init(self):
papers_cmd.execute('papers init -p paper_test2'.split())
{'bibdata', 'doc', 'meta', 'papers.yaml'})
class TestAdd(DataCommandTestCase):
def test_add(self):
cmds = ['papers init',
'papers add -b /data/pagerank.bib -d /data/pagerank.pdf',
def test_add2(self):
cmds = ['papers init -p /not_default',
'papers add -b /data/pagerank.bib -d /data/pagerank.pdf',
self.assertEqual(set(fake_os.listdir('/not_default/doc')), {'Page99.pdf'})
class TestList(DataCommandTestCase):
def test_list(self):
cmds = ['papers init -p /not_default2',
'papers list',
'papers add -b /data/pagerank.bib -d /data/pagerank.pdf',
'papers list',
class TestUsecase(DataCommandTestCase):
def test_first(self):
correct = ['Initializing papers in /paper_first.\n',
'0: [Page99] L. Page et al. "The PageRank Citation Ranking Bringing Order to the Web" (1999) \n',
'search network\n',
'0: [Page99] L. Page et al. "The PageRank Citation Ranking Bringing Order to the Web" (1999) search network\n',
'search network\n']
cmds = ['papers init -p paper_first/',
'papers add -d data/pagerank.pdf -b data/pagerank.bib',
'papers list',
'papers tag',
'papers tag Page99 network+search',
'papers tag Page99',
'papers tag search',
'papers tag 0',
self.assertEqual(correct, self.execute_cmds(cmds))
def test_second(self):
cmds = ['papers init -p paper_second/',
'papers add -b data/pagerank.bib',
'papers add -d data/turing-mind-1950.pdf -b data/turing1950.bib',
'papers add -b data/martius.bib',
'papers add -b data/10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0038236.bib',
'papers list',
'papers attach Page99 data/pagerank.pdf'
def test_third(self):
cmds = ['papers init',
'papers add -b data/pagerank.bib',
'papers add -d data/turing-mind-1950.pdf -b data/turing1950.bib',
'papers add -b data/martius.bib',
'papers add -b data/10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0038236.bib',
'papers list',
'papers attach Page99 data/pagerank.pdf',
('papers remove Page99', ['y']),
'papers remove -f turing1950computing',
def test_editor_abort(self):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
cmds = ['papers init',
('papers add', ['abc', 'n']),
('papers add', ['abc', 'y', 'abc', 'n']),
'papers add -b data/pagerank.bib',
('papers edit Page99', ['', 'a']),
def test_editor_success(self):
cmds = ['papers init',
('papers add', [fixtures.pagerankbib]),
('papers remove Page99', ['y']),
def test_edit(self):
bib = fixtures.pagerankbib
bib1 = re.sub('year = \{1999\}', 'year = {2007}', bib)
bib2 = re.sub('Lawrence Page', 'Lawrence Ridge', bib1)
bib3 = re.sub('Page99', 'Ridge07', bib2)
line = '0: [Page99] L. Page et al. "The PageRank Citation Ranking Bringing Order to the Web" (1999) \n'
line1 = re.sub('1999', '2007', line)
line2 = re.sub('L. Page', 'L. Ridge', line1)
line3 = re.sub('Page99', 'Ridge07', line2)
cmds = ['papers init',
'papers add -b data/pagerank.bib',
('papers list', [], line),
('papers edit Page99', [bib1]),
('papers list', [], line1),
('papers edit Page99', [bib2]),
('papers list', [], line2),
('papers edit Page99', [bib3]),
('papers list', [], line3),
def test_export(self):
cmds = ['papers init',
('papers add', [fixtures.pagerankbib]),
'papers export Page99',
('papers export Page99 -f bibtex', [], fixtures.pagerankbib_generated),
'papers export Page99 -f bibyaml',
def test_import(self):
cmds = ['papers init',
'papers import data/',
'papers list'
outs = self.execute_cmds(cmds)
self.assertEqual(4 + 1, len(outs[-1].split('\n')))
def test_open(self):
cmds = ['papers init',
'papers add -b data/pagerank.bib',
'papers open Page99'
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
cmds[-1] == 'papers open Page8'
def test_update(self):
cmds = ['papers init',
'papers add -b data/pagerank.bib',
'papers update'
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):