@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import subprocess
from .. import color
from .. import repo
from ..paper import NoDocumentFile
def parser(subparsers, config):
parser = subparsers.add_parser('open', help='{}open the paper in a pdf viewer{}'.format(color.normal, color.end))
@ -11,7 +12,15 @@ def parser(subparsers, config):
def command(config, citekey):
rp = repo.Repository()
paper = rp.paper_from_any(citekey, fatal = True)
filepath = paper.metadata['path']
if paper.check_file():
filepath = paper.get_file_path()
p = subprocess.Popen(['open', filepath])
print('{}{}{} opened.{}'.format(
color.filepath, filepath, color.normal, color.end))
except NoDocumentFile:
print('{}error{}: No document associated to this entry {}{}{}'.format(
color.error, color.normal, color.citekey, citekey, color.end))
p = subprocess.Popen(['open', filepath])
print('{}{}{} opened.{}'.format(color.filepath, filepath, color.normal, color.end))