@ -64,76 +64,84 @@ class TexnotePlugin(PapersPlugin):
del args.texcmd
def remove(self, ui, reference):
def _texfile(self, citekey):
return os.path.join(TEXNOTE_DIR, citekey + '.tex')
def _ensure_texfile(self, citekey):
if not files.check_file(self._texfile(citekey)):
shutil.copy(TEXNOTE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, self._texfile(citekey))
def _autofill_texfile(self, citekey):
with open(self._texfile(citekey)) as f:
text = f.read()
# modify with bib info
rp = repo.Repository(config())
key = parse_reference(ui, rp, reference)
print('Should remove {}'.format(key))
paper = rp.get_paper(citekey)
fields = paper.bibentry.fields
persons = paper.bibentry.persons
if 'title' in fields:
title_str = fields['title']
text = text.replace("TITLE", title_str)
if 'year' in fields:
year_str = fields['year']
text = text.replace("YEAR", year_str)
if 'abstract' in fields:
abstract_str = fields['abstract']
text = text.replace("ABSTRACT", abstract_str)
if 'author' in persons:
authors = []
for author in persons['author']:
author_str = concatenate_authors(authors)
text = text.replace("AUTHOR", author_str)
with open(self._texfile(citekey), "w") as f:
def get_texfile(self, citekey):
""" This function returns the name of the texfile and
ensure it exist and it is filled with info from the bibfile"""
return self._texfile(citekey)
def get_edit_cmd(self):
default = config().edit_cmd
return config(TEXNOTE_SECTION).get('edit_cmd', default)
def edit(self, ui, reference, view=None):
print('Should edit {}'.format(reference))
if view is not None:
subprocess.Popen(['papers', 'open', reference])
#open_texnote(ui, reference)
def edit_style(self):
rp = repo.Repository(config())
citekey = parse_reference(ui, rp, reference)
files.edit_file(self.get_edit_cmd(), self.get_texfile(citekey), temporary=False)
def edit_template(self):
def edit_style(self, ui):
files.edit_file(self.get_edit_cmd(), TEXNOTE_STYLE)
def toto(self):
print "toto"
def edit_template(self, ui):
files.edit_file(self.get_edit_cmd(), TEXNOTE_TEMPLATE)
def testEvent(self, rmevent):
print "testEvent"
def remove(self, ui, reference):
rp = repo.Repository(config())
citekey = parse_reference(ui, rp, reference)
except OSError:
pass # For some reason, the texnote file didn't exist
def remove(rmevent):
texplug = TexnotePlugin.get_instance()
texplug.remove(rmevent.ui, rmevent.citekey)
# HACK : transfer repo via RemoveEvent, do not recreate one
#rp = repo.Repository(config())
#paper = rp.get_paper(parse_reference(rmevent.ui, rp, rmevent.citekey))
#if 'texnote' in paper.metadata:
# try:
# os.remove(paper.metadata['texnote'])
# except OSError:
# pass # For some reason, the texnote file didn't exist
# paper.metadata.pop('texnote')
# metapath = rp.path_to_paper_file(paper.citekey, 'meta')
# files.save_meta(paper.metadata, metapath)
def open_texnote(ui, ref):
# HACK : transfer repo via arguments, do not recreate one
rp = repo.Repository(config())
paper = rp.get_paper(parse_reference(ui, rp, ref))
#ugly to recode like for the doc field
if not 'texnote' in paper.metadata:
texnote_dir = os.path.join(rp.papersdir, TEXNOTE_DIR)
# if folder does not exist create it, this should be relative
if not os.path.exists(texnote_dir):
texnote_path = os.path.join(texnote_dir, paper.citekey + '.tex')
paper.metadata['texnote'] = files.clean_path(texnote_path)
# save path in metadata
metapath = rp.path_to_paper_file(paper.citekey, 'meta')
files.save_meta(paper.metadata, metapath)
texnote_path = paper.metadata['texnote']
# test if doc exist else copy the sample one
if not files.check_file(texnote_path):
shutil.copyfile(TEXNOTE_SAMPLE_FILE, texnote_path)
#should autofill at every opening or not ? usefull if bib changes but the filling should be improved
autofill_texnote(texnote_path, paper.bibentry)
#open the file using the config editor
edit_cmd = config(TEXNOTE_SECTION).get('edit_cmd', config().edit_cmd)
subprocess.Popen([edit_cmd, texnote_path])
##### ugly replace by proper #####
@ -162,38 +170,3 @@ def concatenate_authors(authors):
concatenated += authors[a]
return concatenated
def autofill_texnote(texnote_path, bibentry):
# read file
f = open(texnote_path, "r")
text = f.read()
# modify with bib info
#print bibentry
fields = bibentry.fields
persons = bibentry.persons
if 'title' in fields:
title_str = fields['title']
text = text.replace("TITLE", title_str)
if 'year' in fields:
year_str = fields['year']
text = text.replace("YEAR", year_str)
if 'abstract' in fields:
abstract_str = fields['abstract']
text = text.replace("ABSTRACT", abstract_str)
if 'author' in persons:
authors = []
for author in persons['author']:
author_str = concatenate_authors(authors)
text = text.replace("AUTHOR", author_str)
# write file
f = open(texnote_path, "w")