@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import subprocess
from ..color import colored
from ..files import editor_input
from .. import repo
from ..paper import get_bibentry_from_string
def parser(subparsers, config):
@ -17,13 +17,32 @@ def parser(subparsers, config):
def command(config, ui, reference):
rp = repo.Repository.from_directory()
key = rp.citekey_from_ref(reference, fatal=True)
paper = rp.paper_from_citekey(key)
filepath = rp.path_to_paper_file(key, 'bib')
subprocess.call([config.get('papers', 'edit-cmd'),
# TODO use editor_input from files.py instead of directly editing the file.
# Then chack that output file is correctly formmatted and that citekey has
# not changed or is still a valid citekey.
print('{} editing {}.'.format(
colored('Done', 'ok'),
colored(filepath, 'filepath')
editor = config.get('papers', 'edit-cmd')
with open(filepath) as f:
content = f.read()
while True:
# Get new content from user
content = editor_input(editor, content)
# Parse new content
new_key, bib = get_bibentry_from_string(content)
paper.update(key=key, bib=bib)
# TODO merge into an update method
paper.citekey = new_key
paper.bibentry = bib
rp.update(paper, old_citekey=key)
except repo.CiteKeyAlreadyExists:
options = ['overwrite', 'edit again', 'abort']
choice = options[ui.input_choice(
['o', 'e', 'a'],
question='A paper already exist with this citekey.'
if choice == 'abort':
elif choice == 'overwrite':
rp.update(paper, old_citekey=key, overwrite=True)
# else edit again