- New git plugin to commit changes to the repository ([#193](https://github.com/pubs/pubs/pull/193) by [Amlesh Sivanantham](http://github.com/zamlz))
- New git plugin to commit changes to the repository ([#191](https://github.com/pubs/pubs/pull/191) by [Amlesh Sivanantham](http://github.com/zamlz))
- The import command now warn, rather than fail on existing citekeys. ([#198](https://github.com/pubs/pubs/pull/198) by [Kyle Sunden](https://github.com/ksunden))
- Add `citekey` filter to `query` ([#191(https://github.com/pubs/pubs/pull/191) by [Shane Stone](https://github.com/shanewstone))
- Add `citekey` filter to `query` ([#193](https://github.com/pubs/pubs/pull/193) by [Shane Stone](https://github.com/shanewstone))
- The `--config` and `--force-colors` command line options now appear when invoking `pubs --help`
- The `--config` and `--force-colors` command line options now appear when invoking `pubs --help`