@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
from .latex_tools import format_for_latex
AUTOFILL_TPL = '\\autofill{FIELD}{INFO}'
def get_autofill_pattern(field):
return AUTOFILL_TPL.replace('FIELD', field)
def autofill(text, paper):
for field, info in get_autofill_info(paper):
text = replace_pattern(text,
return text
def get_autofill_info(paper):
fields = paper.bibentry.fields
tags = paper.tags
info = []
if 'year' in fields:
info.append(('YEAR', fields['year']))
if 'title' in fields:
info.append(('TITLE', fields['title']))
if 'abstract' in fields:
info.append(('ABSTRACT', fields['abstract']))
info.append(('AUTHOR', get_author_as_str(paper)))
info.append(('TAG', ', '.join(tags)))
return info
def find_first_level_delimiter(text, opening='{', closing='}'):
if opening in text:
match = text.split(opening, 1)[1]
cnt = 1
for index in xrange(len(match)):
if match[index] in (opening + closing):
cnt = (cnt + 1) if match[index] == opening else (cnt - 1)
if not cnt:
return match[:index]
def fill_pattern(pattern, info):
return pattern.replace('INFO', info)
def find_pattern(text, pattern):
look_at = pattern.replace('INFO}', '')
found = []
start = -1
while True:
start = text.find(look_at, start + 1)
if start < 0:
delim_start = start + len(look_at) - 1
repl = find_first_level_delimiter(text[delim_start:])
found.append(pattern.replace('INFO', repl))
return found
def replace_pattern(text, pattern, info):
repl = fill_pattern(pattern, info)
for found in find_pattern(text, pattern):
text = text.replace(found, repl)
return text
##### ugly replace by proper #####
def get_author_as_str(paper):
persons = paper.bibentry.persons
authors = []
if 'author' in persons:
for author in persons['author']:
return concatenate_authors(authors)
def format_author(author):
first = author.first()
middle = author.middle()
last = author.last()
formatted = ''
if first:
formatted += first[0]
if middle:
formatted += ' ' + middle[0] + '.'
if last:
formatted += ' ' + last[0]
return formatted
def concatenate_authors(authors):
concatenated = ''
for a in range(len(authors)):
if len(authors) > 1 and a > 0:
if a == len(authors) - 1:
concatenated += ' and '
concatenated += ', '
concatenated += authors[a]
return concatenated
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
%This file is the starting point for all notes
%You can edit the template of this file using: papers texnote edit_template -B
%All texnote much share the same style so that we can compile them all together without problem
%You are free to edit the style file using: papers texnote edit_template -S
\usepackage{INFO} %The style location is automatically filled
%This part is the header, you can modify it as you wish. It will be removed when compiling higher level notes
%TITLE, AUTHOR, YEAR, ABSTRACT will be automatically replaced with respect to the associated bibfile thanks to the \autofill{*FIELD*}{} marker.
\Large{\textbf{\autofill{TITLE}{Title not found}}} \\ [0.2cm]
\small{\textsc{\autofill{AUTHOR}{Author(s) not found}}} \\ [0.2cm]
\normalsize{\textsc{\autofill{YEAR}{Year not found}}} \\ [1cm]
\textbf{Keywords:} \autofill{TAG}{Tags not found}
\autofill{ABSTRACT}{Abstract not found}
%Write your notes below
%Do not use \section{} or \subsection{} as they may be source of problems when concatenating notes. Use \paragraph{} instead.
%You can only cite papers added in you repo.
%To update the bib file with latest papers info: papers texnote generate_bib
\bibliographystyle{INFO} %The bibstyle is automatically filled (default is ieeetr)
%You can change the bibliography style in the config file : .papersrc
%bib_style = plain
\bibliography{INFO} %The bibliography location is automatically filled
%The glossary style is default
%You can add a new glossary entry using \dictentry{'name'}{'description'} (see style file). This will automatically add a new reference and display it in the glossary even if never referenced (using \gls{'name'}).
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
%Dummy command used as marker for the autofill
%command for easy glossary, requires to run: 'makeglossaries filename'
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
import os
import subprocess
def format_for_latex(text):
text = text.replace('_', '\_')
return text
from .autofill_tools import replace_pattern
def extract_note(text):
text = replace_pattern(text, DO_NOT_MODIFY_PATTERN, 'INFO')
text = text.replace(DO_NOT_MODIFY_PATTERN, '')
text = replace_pattern(text, HEADER_PATTERN, 'INFO')
text = text.replace(HEADER_PATTERN, '')
return remove_empty_lines(text)
def remove_empty_lines(text):
cleaned_text = ''
for line in text.split('\n'):
if line.strip():
cleaned_text += line + '\n'
return cleaned_text[:-1]
def full_compile(full_path_to_file, verbose=False):
FNULL = None
if not verbose:
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
filename, extension = os.path.splitext(full_path_to_file)
run_pdflatex(filename, stdout=FNULL)
run_bibtex(filename, stdout=FNULL)
run_makeglossaries(filename, stdout=FNULL)
run_pdflatex(filename, stdout=FNULL, nb_time=3)
def run_command(command, full_path_to_file, stdout=None, nb_time=1):
origWD = os.getcwd() # remember our original working directory
folder, filename = os.path.split(full_path_to_file)
for _ in xrange(nb_time):
cmd = command.split()
||||||, stdout=stdout)
os.chdir(origWD) # get back to our original working directory
def run_pdflatex(full_path_to_file, stdout=None, nb_time=1):
run_command('pdflatex', full_path_to_file, stdout, nb_time)
def run_bibtex(full_path_to_file, stdout=None, nb_time=1):
run_command('bibtex', full_path_to_file, stdout, nb_time)
def run_makeglossaries(full_path_to_file, stdout=None, nb_time=1):
run_command('makeglossaries', full_path_to_file, stdout, nb_time)
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import collections
from ... import repo
from ... import files
from ...uis import get_ui
from ...configs import config
from ...plugins import PapersPlugin
from import RemoveEvent, RenameEvent
from ...commands.helpers import add_references_argument, parse_reference
from . import latex_tools
from .autofill_tools import autofill, replace_pattern
SECTION = 'texnote'
DIR = os.path.join(config().papers_dir, 'texnote')
TPL_DIR = os.path.join(DIR, 'template')
TPL_BODY = os.path.join(TPL_DIR, 'body.tex')
TPL_STYLE = os.path.join(TPL_DIR, 'style.sty')
TPL_BIB = os.path.join(TPL_DIR, 'bib.bib')
DFT_BODY = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'default_body.tex')
DFT_STYLE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'default_style.sty')
STYLE_PATTERN = '\\usepackage{INFO}'
STYLE_INFO = os.path.splitext(TPL_STYLE)[0].replace(DIR, '')[1:]
BIB_PATTERN = '\\bibliography{INFO}'
BIB_INFO = os.path.splitext(TPL_BIB)[0].replace(DIR, '')[1:]
BIBSTYLE_PATTERN = '\\bibliographystyle{INFO}'
class TexnotePlugin(PapersPlugin):
name = SECTION
def __init__(self):
self.texcmds = collections.OrderedDict([
('remove', self.remove),
('edit', self.edit),
('edit_template', self.edit_template),
('generate_bib', self.generate_bib),
('clean', self.clean),
('generate_pdf', self.generate_pdf),
('extract_note', self.extract_note),
def _ensure_init(self):
if not files.check_directory(DIR):
if not files.check_directory(TPL_DIR):
if not files.check_file(TPL_BODY):
shutil.copy(DFT_BODY, TPL_BODY)
if not files.check_file(TPL_STYLE):
shutil.copy(DFT_STYLE, TPL_STYLE)
if not files.check_file(TPL_BIB):
def get_commands(self, subparsers):
parser = subparsers.add_parser(, help='edit advance note in latex')
sub = parser.add_subparsers(title='valid texnote commands', dest='texcmd')
# remove
p = sub.add_parser('remove', help='remove a reference')
add_references_argument(p, single=True)
p.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
help='do not ask for confirmation', default=False)
# edit
p = sub.add_parser('edit', help='edit the reference texnote')
p.add_argument('-v', '--view', action='store_true',
help='open the paper in a pdf viewer', default=False)
p.add_argument('-w', '--with', dest='with_command', default=None,
help='command to use to open the file, default is the main config one. You can set one in the texnote config section')
add_references_argument(p, single=True)
# edit_template
p = sub.add_parser('edit_template',
help='edit the latex template used by texnote')
p.add_argument('-w', '--with', dest='with_command', default=None,
help='command to use to open the file, default is the main config one. You can set one in the texnote config section')
p.add_argument('-B', '--body', action='store_true',
help='edit the main body', default=False)
p.add_argument('-S', '--style', action='store_true',
help='open the style', default=False)
# generate_bib
p = sub.add_parser('generate_bib',
help='generate the latex bib used by texnote')
# clean
p = sub.add_parser('clean',
help='delete all but tex files and pdf document in the texnote folder')
p.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
help='do not ask for confirmation', default=False)
p.add_argument('-d', '--deep', action='store_true',
help='also delete tex file and pdf document that are not associated to a paper', default=False)
p.add_argument('-p', '--pdf', action='store_true',
help='also delete all pdf document', default=False)
# generate_pdf
p = sub.add_parser('generate_pdf',
help='compile a texnote from its reference')
add_references_argument(p, single=True)
p.add_argument('-o', '--open', action='store_true', dest='open_pdf',
default=False, help='open the resulting pdf')
p.add_argument('-w', '--with', dest='with_command', default=None,
help='command to use to open the pdf, default is the main config one')
p.add_argument('-C', '--noclean', action='store_false', dest='clean',
default=True, help="don't clean document afterwards")
p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
default=False, help="display stdout")
# extract_note
p = sub.add_parser('extract_note',
help='extract core note from its reference')
add_references_argument(p, single=True)
return [(, self.command)]
def command(self, args):
texcmd = args.texcmd
del args.texcmd
del args.prog
def _texfile(self, citekey):
return os.path.join(DIR, citekey + '.tex')
def _exist_texfile(self, citekey):
return files.check_file(self._texfile(citekey))
def _ensure_texfile(self, citekey):
if not self._exist_texfile(citekey):
shutil.copy(TPL_BODY, self._texfile(citekey))
def get_bib_style(self):
return config(SECTION).get('bib_style', default)
def _autofill_texfile(self, citekey):
with open(self._texfile(citekey)) as f:
text =
rp = repo.Repository(config())
if citekey in rp:
paper = rp.get_paper(citekey)
text = autofill(text, paper)
text = replace_pattern(text, STYLE_PATTERN, STYLE_INFO)
text = replace_pattern(text, BIB_PATTERN, BIB_INFO)
text = replace_pattern(text, BIBSTYLE_PATTERN, self.get_bib_style())
with open(self._texfile(citekey), "w") as f:
def get_texfile(self, citekey, autofill=False):
""" This function returns the name of the texfile and
ensure it exist and it is filled with info from the bibfile if possible"""
if autofill:
return self._texfile(citekey)
def get_edit_cmd(self):
default = config().edit_cmd
return config(SECTION).get('edit_cmd', default)
def edit(self, reference, view=False, with_command=None):
if view:
subprocess.Popen(['papers', 'open', reference])
if with_command is None:
with_command = self.get_edit_cmd()
rp = repo.Repository(config())
citekey = parse_reference(rp, reference)
self.get_texfile(citekey, autofill=True),
def edit_template(self, body=False, style=False, with_command=None):
if with_command is None:
with_command = self.get_edit_cmd()
if body:
files.edit_file(with_command, TPL_BODY, temporary=False)
if style:
files.edit_file(with_command, TPL_STYLE, temporary=False)
def remove(self, reference, force=False):
rp = repo.Repository(config())
citekey = parse_reference(rp, reference)
if not force:
ui = get_ui()
are_you_sure = 'Are you sure you want to delete [{}]'.format(citekey)
sure = ui.input_yn(question=are_you_sure, default='n')
if force or sure:
def rename(self, old_citekey, new_citekey, overwrite=False):
if self._exist_texfile(old_citekey):
if not overwrite and self._exist_texfile(new_citekey):
ui = get_ui()
are_you_sure = 'Are you sure you want to delete [{}]'.format(old_citekey)
sure = ui.input_yn(question=are_you_sure, default='n')
if overwrite or sure:
shutil.move(self.get_texfile(old_citekey), self.get_texfile(new_citekey))
def generate_bib(self):
if files.check_file(TPL_BIB):
cmd = 'papers list -k |xargs papers export >> {}'.format(TPL_BIB)
def clean(self, force=False, deep=False, pdf=False):
if deep:
rp = repo.Repository(config())
to_keep = ['.tex']
if not pdf:
for f in os.listdir(DIR):
path = os.path.join(DIR, f)
if os.path.isfile(path):
name, extension = os.path.splitext(path)
if extension in to_keep:
if not deep:
citekey, _ = os.path.splitext(f)
if citekey in rp:
if not force:
ui = get_ui()
are_you_sure = 'Are you sure you want to delete file [{}]'.format(path)
sure = ui.input_yn(question=are_you_sure, default='n')
if force or sure:
def generate_pdf(self, reference, open_pdf=False,
with_command=None, clean=True, verbose=False):
rp = repo.Repository(config())
citekey = parse_reference(rp, reference)
path = self.get_texfile(citekey, autofill=True)
latex_tools.full_compile(path, verbose)
if clean:
if open_pdf:
if with_command is None:
with_command = config().open_cmd
cmd = with_command.split()
cmd.append(os.path.splitext(path)[0] + '.pdf')
def extract_note(self, reference):
rp = repo.Repository(config())
citekey = parse_reference(rp, reference)
path = self.get_texfile(citekey, autofill=True)
with open(path) as f:
text =
print latex_tools.extract_note(text)
def remove(rmevent):
texplug = TexnotePlugin.get_instance()
texplug.remove(rmevent.citekey, force=True)
def rename(renamevent):
texplug = TexnotePlugin.get_instance()
Reference in new issue