@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import dotdot
import fake_env
import mock_requests
from pubs import pubs_cmd , color , content , uis , p3 , endecoder
from pubs . config import conf
@ -118,14 +119,12 @@ class CommandTestCase(fake_env.TestFakeFs):
input . as_global ( )
try :
if capture_output :
actual_out = self . execute_cmdsplit (
actual_cmd . split ( ) , expected_out , expected_err )
actual_out = self . execute_cmd_capture ( actual_cmd . split ( ) , expected_out , expected_err )
outs . append ( color . undye ( actual_out ) )
else :
pubs_cmd . execute ( actual_cmd . split ( ) )
except fake_env . FakeInput . UnexpectedInput :
self . fail ( ' Unexpected input asked by command: {} . ' . format (
actual_cmd ) )
self . fail ( ' Unexpected input asked by command: {} . ' . format ( actual_cmd ) )
return outs
except SystemExit as exc :
exc_class , exc , tb = sys . exc_info ( )
@ -145,21 +144,25 @@ class CommandTestCase(fake_env.TestFakeFs):
return s
def execute_cmdsplit ( self , actual_cmdlist , expected_out , expected_err ) :
""" Run a single command, which has been split into a list containing cmd and args """
capture_wrap = fake_env . capture ( pubs_cmd . execute ,
verbose = PRINT_OUTPUT )
_ , stdout , stderr = capture_wrap ( actual_cmdlist )
actual_out = self . normalize ( stdout )
actual_err = self . normalize ( stderr )
def execute_cmd_capture ( self , cmd , expected_out , expected_err ) :
""" Run a single command, captures the output and and stderr and compare it to the expected ones """
sys_stdout , sys_stderr = sys . stdout , sys . stderr
sys . stdout = p3 . _fake_stdio ( additional_out = sys_stdout if PRINT_OUTPUT else None )
sys . stderr = p3 . _fake_stdio ( additional_out = sys_stderr if PRINT_OUTPUT else None )
try :
pubs_cmd . execute ( cmd )
finally :
# capturing output even if exception was raised.
self . captured_stdout = self . normalize ( p3 . _get_fake_stdio_ucontent ( sys . stdout ) )
self . captured_stderr = self . normalize ( p3 . _get_fake_stdio_ucontent ( sys . stderr ) )
sys . stderr , sys . stdout = sys_stderr , sys_stdout
if expected_out is not None :
self . assertEqual ( p3 . u_maybe ( actual_out ) , p3 . u_maybe ( expected_out ) )
self . assertEqual ( p3 . u_maybe ( self . captured_std out) , p3 . u_maybe ( expected_out ) )
if expected_err is not None :
self . assertEqual ( p3 . u_maybe ( actual_err ) , p3 . u_maybe ( expected_err ) )
return actual_out
def tearDown ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( p3 . u_maybe ( self . captured_stderr ) , p3 . u_maybe ( expected_err ) )
return self . captured_stdout
def update_config ( self , config_update , path = None ) :
""" Allow to set the config parameters. Must have done a `pubs init` beforehand. """
@ -624,6 +627,7 @@ class TestTag(DataCommandTestCase):
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
class TestURL ( DataCommandTestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
@ -1126,6 +1130,21 @@ class TestUsecase(DataCommandTestCase):
self . execute_cmds ( cmds , capture_output = True )
# self.assertEqual(correct, self.execute_cmds(cmds, capture_output=True))
def test_ambiguous_citekey ( self ) :
cmds = [ ' pubs init ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' ,
' pubs add data/pagerank.bib ' , # now we have Page99 and Page99a
' pubs edit Page ' ,
output = ' \n ' . join ( [ " error: Be more specific; ' Page ' matches multiples citekeys: " ,
" [Page99] Page, Lawrence et al. \" The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. \" (1999) " ,
" [Page99a] Page, Lawrence et al. \" The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. \" (1999) \n " ] )
with self . assertRaises ( FakeSystemExit ) :
self . execute_cmds ( cmds )
self . assertEqual ( self . captured_stderr , output )