Fixes#144: behavior of add_copy mode during add.
- correctly handles `add_copy` mode and configuration,
- adds option top force 'copy' mode in `add` command,
- reverts default to `copy` instead of move for the `add` command,
- fixes assumption in tests about the default,
- do not try to delete the source when it is an URL,
- set default to `copy` during `import` commands and provides option for `move` or `link` alternatives.
Handle arXiv errors and other improvements.
- handles old/new style arxiv references
- normalize arXiv citekeys
- improves error handling of doi/isbn (raise Exception if an HTTP status is detected).
- fix the isbn parse test that was incorrectly using doi2bibtex.
- add feedparser to the requirements.txt file.
- allows to run the tests using pytest.
- correctly handles add_copy mode and configuration,
- add option top force 'copy' mode (since the default had been changed
in between from 'copy' to 'move' this is now needed),
- fixes assumption in one test that the default is 'copy' (in other
words the test was broken and ensuring that the functionality was broken
- do not try to delete the source when it is an URL.
The mock system relies on the PUBS_TESTS_MODE environmental variable.
See the `tests/` code for details.
By defaults, fast mock tests are used with data pre-fetched from real
- Make `python test work`. remove test/requirements.txt.
- Detect if no connection is present, and skip tests if not.
stop-gap measure for issue #147
* This fixes the logic in the `pubs add` command so that an arxiv ID doesn't
overwrite a DOI. This also changes the logic so that if an invalid DOI, ISBN,
or arXiv ID is provided the program will raise an error.
* The code now uses the bibtexparser package to generate the bibtex file for
arxiv papers.
* A dedicated exception is added for references that can't be found.