import os import shutil import subprocess import collections from ... import repo from ... import files from ...configs import config from ...plugins import PapersPlugin from ...commands.helpers import add_references_argument, parse_reference from import RemoveEvent, RenameEvent, AddEvent TEXNOTE_SECTION = 'texnote' TEXNOTE_DIR = os.path.join(config().papers_dir, 'texnote') TEXNOTE_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(TEXNOTE_DIR, 'template.tex') TEXNOTE_STYLE = os.path.join(TEXNOTE_DIR, 'style.sty') TEXNOTE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'template.tex') TEXNOTE_DEFAULT_STYLE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'style.sty') class TexnotePlugin(PapersPlugin): def __init__(self): = TEXNOTE_SECTION self.texcmds = collections.OrderedDict([ ('remove', self.remove), ('edit', self.edit), ('edit_style', self.edit_style), ('edit_template', self.edit_template), ]) def _ensure_init(self): if not files.check_directory(TEXNOTE_DIR): os.mkdir(TEXNOTE_DIR) if not files.check_file(TEXNOTE_TEMPLATE): shutil.copy(TEXNOTE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, TEXNOTE_TEMPLATE) if not files.check_file(TEXNOTE_STYLE): shutil.copy(TEXNOTE_DEFAULT_STYLE, TEXNOTE_STYLE) def parser(self, subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser(, help='edit advance note in latex') sub = parser.add_subparsers(title='valid texnote commands', dest='texcmd') # remove p = sub.add_parser('remove', help='remove a reference') add_references_argument(p, single=True) # edit p = sub.add_parser('edit', help='edit the reference texnote') p.add_argument('-v', '--view', action='store_true', help='open the paper in a pdf viewer', default=None) add_references_argument(p, single=True) # edit_style p = sub.add_parser('edit_style', help='edit the latex style used by texnote') #edit_template p = sub.add_parser('edit_template', help='edit the latex template used by texnote') return parser def command(self, args): self._ensure_init() texcmd = args.texcmd del args.texcmd self.texcmds[texcmd](**vars(args)) def _texfile(self, citekey): return os.path.join(TEXNOTE_DIR, citekey + '.tex') def _ensure_texfile(self, citekey): if not files.check_file(self._texfile(citekey)): shutil.copy(TEXNOTE_TEMPLATE, self._texfile(citekey)) def _autofill_texfile(self, citekey): self._ensure_texfile(citekey) with open(self._texfile(citekey)) as f: text = # modify with bib info rp = repo.Repository(config()) paper = rp.get_paper(citekey) fields = paper.bibentry.fields persons = paper.bibentry.persons if 'title' in fields: title_str = fields['title'] text = text.replace("TITLE", title_str) if 'year' in fields: year_str = fields['year'] text = text.replace("YEAR", year_str) if 'abstract' in fields: abstract_str = fields['abstract'] text = text.replace("ABSTRACT", abstract_str) if 'author' in persons: authors = [] for author in persons['author']: authors.append(format_author(author)) author_str = concatenate_authors(authors) text = text.replace("AUTHOR", author_str) with open(self._texfile(citekey), "w") as f: f.write(text) def get_texfile(self, citekey): """ This function returns the name of the texfile and ensure it exist and it is filled with info from the bibfile""" self._autofill_texfile(citekey) return self._texfile(citekey) def get_edit_cmd(self): default = config().edit_cmd return config(TEXNOTE_SECTION).get('edit_cmd', default) def edit(self, ui, reference, view=None): if view is not None: subprocess.Popen(['papers', 'open', reference]) rp = repo.Repository(config()) citekey = parse_reference(ui, rp, reference) files.edit_file(self.get_edit_cmd(), self.get_texfile(citekey), temporary=False) def edit_style(self, ui): files.edit_file(self.get_edit_cmd(), TEXNOTE_STYLE, temporary=False) def edit_template(self, ui): files.edit_file(self.get_edit_cmd(), TEXNOTE_TEMPLATE, temporary=False) def create(self, citekey): self._autofill_texfile(citekey) def remove(self, citekey): try: os.remove(self._texfile(citekey)) except OSError: pass # For some reason, the texnote file didn't exist def rename(self, old_citekey, new_citekey, overwrite=False): if files.check_file(self._texfile(old_citekey)): if not files.check_file(self._texfile(new_citekey)) or overwrite: shutil.move(self._texfile(old_citekey), self._texfile(new_citekey)) else: raise ValueError('citekey {} already exist'.format(new_citekey)) else: raise ValueError('citekey {} does not exist'.format(old_citekey)) @AddEvent.listen() def create(addevent): texplug = TexnotePlugin.get_instance() texplug.create(addevent.citekey) @RemoveEvent.listen() def remove(rmevent): texplug = TexnotePlugin.get_instance() texplug.remove(rmevent.citekey) @RenameEvent.listen() def rename(renamevent): texplug = TexnotePlugin.get_instance() texplug.rename(renamevent.old_citekey, renamevent.new_citekey, overwrite=True) ##### ugly replace by proper ##### def format_author(author): first = author.first() middle = author.middle() last = author.last() formatted = '' if first: formatted += first[0] if middle: formatted += ' ' + middle[0] + '.' if last: formatted += ' ' + last[0] return formatted def concatenate_authors(authors): concatenated = '' for a in range(len(authors)): if len(authors) > 1 and a > 0: if a == len(authors) - 1: concatenated += 'and ' else: concatenated += ', ' concatenated += authors[a] return concatenated #####