import subprocess from ..color import colored from .. import repo def parser(subparsers, config): parser = subparsers.add_parser('edit', help=colored('open the paper bibliographic file in an editor', 'normal')) parser.add_argument('reference', help=colored('reference to the paper (citekey or number)', 'normal')) return parser def command(config, ui, reference): rp = repo.Repository.from_directory() key = rp.citekey_from_ref(reference, fatal=True) filepath = rp.path_to_paper_file(key, 'bib')[config.get('papers', 'edit-cmd'), filepath]) # TODO use editor_input from instead of directly editing the file. # Then chack that output file is correctly formmatted and that citekey has # not changed or is still a valid citekey. print('{} editing {}.'.format( colored('Done', 'ok'), colored(filepath, 'filepath') ))