**Note this is my fork of the pubs code originally written by benureau (https://github.com/pubs/pubs)** # Pubs Pubs brings your bibliography to the command line. Pubs organizes your scientific papers together with their bibliographic data and provides command line access to basic and advanced manipulation of your library. Pubs is built with the following principles in mind: - all papers are referenced using unique citation keys, - bibliographic data—bibtex information—is kept separated from metadata such as links to pdf or tags. - everything is stored in plain text so it can be manually edited or version controlled. Pubs is currently being maintained, rather than developed aggressively. We add small features, correct bugs, but have no short-term plans to add major features to it. Pubs does most of what it is supposed to do: help us do science, so now we are mostly doing that. **Notice:** pubs is relatively stable but comes with no warranty; do keep backups of your data. **Notice:** pubs currently works with Python 2.7, but support is being dropped (tests are not run anymore). ## Installation You can install the latest stable version of `pubs` through Pypi, with: ```shell pip install pubs ``` Alternatively, you can: - install the latest development version with pip: ```shell pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/pubs/pubs ``` - clone the repository and install it manually: ```shell git clone https://github.com/pubs/pubs cd pubs python setup.py install [--user] ``` Arch Linux users can also use the [pubs-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pubs-git/) AUR package. ## Getting started Create your library (by default, goes to `~/.pubs/`). ```shell pubs init ``` Import existing data from bibtex (pubs will try to automatically copy documents defined as 'file' in bibtex): ```shell pubs import path/to/collection.bib ``` or for a .bib file containing a single reference: ```shell pubs add reference.bib -d article.pdf ``` pubs can also automatically retrieve the bibtex from a doi: ```shell pubs add -D 10.1007/s00422-012-0514-6 -d article.pdf ``` or an ISBN (dashes are ignored): ```shell pubs add -I 978-0822324669 -d article.pdf ``` or an arXiv id (automatically downloading arXiv article is in the works): ```shell pubs add -X math/9501234 -d article.pdf ``` ## References always up-to-date If you use latex, you can automatize references, by running `pubs export > references.bib` each time you update your library, which also fits well as a `makefile` rule. This ensures that your reference file is always up-to-date; you can cite a paper in your manuscript a soon as you add it in pubs. This means that if you have, for instance, a DOI on a webpage, you only need to do: ```shell pubs add -D 10.1007/s00422-012-0514-6 ``` and then add `\cite{Loeb_2012}` in your manuscript. After exporting the bibliography, the citation will correctly appear in your compiled pdf. ## Document management You can attach a document to a reference: ```shell pubs doc add Loeb2012_downloaded.pdf Loeb_2012 ``` And open your documents automatically from the command line: ```shell pubs doc open Loeb_2012 pubs doc open --with lp Loeb_2012 # Opens the document with `lp` to actually print it. ``` ## Versioning Pubs comes with a git plugin that automatically commits your changes. You only need to activate it in your configuration: ```ini [plugins] active = git, ``` You can then also conveniently interact with the git repository by using `pubs git `. ## Multiple pubs Repositories You may want to have different pubs repositories, for different projects. To create an alternate repository: ```shell pubs --config /path/to/config init --pubsdir /path/to/desired_repository_directory ``` The configuration file and repository will be automatically created. Then you can add papers to the new repository: ```shell pubs --config /path/to/config add -D 10.1007/s00422-012-0514-6 ``` A useful thing might be to define an alias in your shell: ```shell alias pubs2="pubs --config /path/to/config" ``` and then use `pubs2` as you would use `pubs` directly. Note that you cannot use the alias plugin below to do this. ## Customization Pubs is designed to interact well with your command line tool chain. You can add custom commands to pubs by defining aliases in your configuration file (make sure that the alias plugin is activated in your configuration by using `pubs conf`). ```ini [[alias]] evince = open --with evince count = !pubs list -k "$@" | wc -l ``` The first configuration line defines a new subcommand: `pubs open --with evince` will be executed when `pubs evince` is typed. The second starts with a bang: `!`, which means that it is treated as a shell command. If other arguments are provided they are passed to the shell command as in a script. In the example above the `count` alias can take arguments that are passed over to the `pubs list -k` command, hence enabling filters like `pubs count year:2012`. ## Autocompletion For autocompletion to work, you need the [argcomplete](https://kislyuk.github.io/argcomplete) Python package, and Bash 4.2 or newer. For activating *bash* or *tsch* completion, consult the [argcomplete documentation](https://kislyuk.github.io/argcomplete/#global-completion). For *zsh* completion, the global activation is not supported but bash completion compatibility can be used for pubs. For that, add the following to your `.zshrc`: ```shell # Enable and load bashcompinit autoload -Uz compinit bashcompinit compinit bashcompinit # Argcomplete explicit registration for pubs eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pubs)" ``` ## Need more help ? You can access the self-documented configuration by using `pubs conf`, and all the commands' help is available with the `--help` option. Did not find an answer to your question? Drop us an issue. We may not answer right away (science comes first!) but we'll eventually look into it. ## Authors ### Creators - [Fabien Benureau](http://fabien.benureau.com) - [Olivier Mangin](http://olivier.mangin.com) ### Contributors - [Jonathan Grizou](https://github.com/jgrizou) - [Arnold Sykosch](https://github.com/73) - [Tyler Earnest](https://github.com/tmearnest) - [Dennis Wilson](https://github.com/d9w) - [Bill Flynn](https://github.com/wflynny) - [Kyle Sunden](https://github.com/ksunden) - [Shane Stone](https://github.com/shanewstone) - [Amlesh Sivanantham](http://github.com/zamlz) - [DV Klopfenstein](http://github.com/dvklopfenstein) - [beuerle](https://github.com/beuerle) - [Jonáš Kulhánek](https://github.com/jkulhanek) - [Dominik Stańczak](https://github.com/StanczakDominik) - [Gustavo José de Sousa](https://github.com/guludo) - [Florian Richoux](https://github.com/richoux) - [Mitsuhiro Nakamura](https://github.com/m15a)