# if you want to setup your environment for development of the pytest code, # doing `pip install -r dev_requirements.txt` is the single thing you have to do. # Alternatively, and perhaps more conveniently, running `python setup.py test` # will do the same *and* run the tests, but without installing the packages on # the system. # Note that if you introduce a new dependency, you need to add it here and, more # importantly, to the setup.py script so that it is taken into account when # installing from PyPi. -e . pyyaml bibtexparser>=1.0 python-dateutil requests configobj beautifulsoup4 feedparser six # those are the additional packages required to run the tests pyfakefs certifi # FIXME: remove strict version when https://github.com/datadriventests/ddt/issues/83 is fixed. # (also remove in setup.py) ddt==1.3.1 mock pytest