import os import copy from p3 import configparser # constant stuff (DFT = DEFAULT) MAIN_SECTION = 'papers' DFT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.papersrc') DFT_PAPERS_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/.papers') DFT_OPEN_CMD = 'open' try: DFT_EDIT_CMD = os.environ['EDITOR'] except KeyError: DFT_EDIT_CMD = 'vi' DFT_IMPORT_COPY = 'yes' DFT_IMPORT_MOVE = 'no' DFT_COLOR = 'yes' DFT_PLUGINS = 'texnote' DFT_CONFIG = configparser.SafeConfigParser({ 'papers_dir' : DFT_PAPERS_DIR, 'open_cmd' : DFT_OPEN_CMD, 'edit_cmd' : DFT_EDIT_CMD, 'import_copy' : DFT_IMPORT_COPY, 'import_move' : DFT_IMPORT_MOVE, 'color' : DFT_COLOR, 'plugins' : DFT_PLUGINS }) BOOLEANS = {'import-copy', 'import-move', 'color'} DFT_CONFIG.add_section(MAIN_SECTION) # package-shared config that can be accessed using : # from configs import config config = None class Config(object): def __init__(self): object.__setattr__(self, '_cfg', copy.copy(DFT_CONFIG)) def as_global(self): global config config = self def load(self, path = DFT_CONFIG_PATH): return self def save(self, path = DFT_CONFIG_PATH): with open(path, 'w') as f: self._cfg.write(f) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if type(value) is bool: BOOLEANS.add(name) self._cfg.set(MAIN_SECTION, name, str(value)) def __getattr__(self, name): value = self._cfg.get(MAIN_SECTION, name) if name in BOOLEANS: value = str2bool(value) return value def items(self): for name, value in self._cfg.items(MAIN_SECTION): if name in BOOLEANS: value = str2bool(value) yield name, value def str2bool(s): return str(s).lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1')