You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
161 lines
5.7 KiB
161 lines
5.7 KiB
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
from ..uis import get_ui
from .. import p3
from .. import bibstruct
from .. import content
from .. import repo
from .. import paper
from .. import templates
from .. import apis
from .. import pretty
from .. import utils
from .. import endecoder
from ..completion import CommaSeparatedTagsCompletion
class ValidateDOI(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
doi = values
new_doi = utils.standardize_doi(doi)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, new_doi)
def parser(subparsers, conf):
parser = subparsers.add_parser('add', help='add a paper to the repository')
parser.add_argument('bibfile', nargs='?', default=None,
help='bibtex file')
id_arg = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
id_arg.add_argument('-D', '--doi', help='doi number to retrieve the bibtex entry, if it is not provided', default=None, action=ValidateDOI)
id_arg.add_argument('-I', '--isbn', help='isbn number to retrieve the bibtex entry, if it is not provided', default=None)
id_arg.add_argument('-X', '--arxiv', help='arXiv ID to retrieve the bibtex entry, if it is not provided', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--docfile', help='pdf or ps file', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tags', help='tags associated to the paper, separated by commas',
).completer = CommaSeparatedTagsCompletion(conf)
parser.add_argument('-k', '--citekey', help='citekey associated with the paper;\nif not provided, one will be generated automatically.',
default=None, type=p3.u_maybe)
parser.add_argument('-L', '--link', action='store_false', dest='copy', default=True,
help="don't copy document files, just create a link.")
parser.add_argument('-M', '--move', action='store_true', dest='move', default=False,
help="move document instead of of copying (ignored if --link).")
return parser
def bibentry_from_editor(conf, ui, rp):
again = True
bibstr = templates.add_bib
while again:
bibstr = ui.editor_input(initial=bibstr, suffix='.bib')
if bibstr == templates.add_bib:
again = ui.input_yn(
question='Bibfile not edited. Edit again ?',
if not again:
bibentry = rp.databroker.verify(bibstr)
# REFACTOR Generate citykey
again = False
except endecoder.EnDecoder.BibDecodingError:
again = ui.input_yn(
question='Invalid bibfile. Edit again?',
if not again:
return bibentry
def command(conf, args):
:param bibfile: bibtex file (in .bib, .bibml or .yaml format.
:param docfile: path (no url yet) to a pdf or ps file
ui = get_ui()
bibfile = args.bibfile
docfile = args.docfile
tags = args.tags
citekey = args.citekey
rp = repo.Repository(conf)
# get bibtex entry
if bibfile is None:
if args.doi is None and args.isbn is None and args.arxiv is None:
bibentry = bibentry_from_editor(conf, ui, rp)
bibentry = None
if args.doi is not None:
bibentry = apis.get_bibentry_from_api(args.doi, 'doi', rp)
elif args.isbn is not None:
bibentry = apis.get_bibentry_from_api(args.isbn, 'isbn', rp)
# TODO distinguish between cases, offer to open the error page in a webbrowser.
# TODO offer to confirm/change citekey
elif args.arxiv is not None:
bibentry = apis.get_bibentry_from_api(args.arxiv, 'arxiv', rp)
except apis.ReferenceNotFoundException as e:
bibentry_raw = content.get_content(bibfile, ui=ui)
bibentry = rp.databroker.verify(bibentry_raw)
if bibentry is None:
ui.error('invalid bibfile {}.'.format(bibfile))
# citekey
citekey = args.citekey
if citekey is None:
base_key = bibstruct.extract_citekey(bibentry)
citekey = rp.unique_citekey(base_key)
elif citekey in rp:
ui.error('citekey already exist {}.'.format(citekey))
p = paper.Paper.from_bibentry(bibentry, citekey=citekey)
# tags
if tags is not None:
p.tags = set(tags.split(','))
# document file
bib_docfile = bibstruct.extract_docfile(bibentry)
if docfile is None:
docfile = bib_docfile
elif bib_docfile is not None:
ui.warning(('Skipping document file from bib file '
'{}, using {} instead.').format(bib_docfile, docfile))
# create the paper
copy = args.copy
if copy is None:
copy = conf['main']['doc_add'] in ('copy', 'move')
move = args.move
if move is None:
move = conf['main']['doc_add'] == 'move'
ui.message('added to pubs:\n{}'.format(pretty.paper_oneliner(p)))
if docfile is not None:
rp.push_doc(p.citekey, docfile, copy=copy or args.move)
if copy:
if move:
if copy:
if move:
ui.message('{} was moved to the pubs repository.'.format(docfile))
ui.message('{} was copied to the pubs repository.'.format(docfile))