You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Code to handle colored text
Here is a little explanation about bash color code, useful to understand
the code below. See
for a complete referece.
# 8 colors
The code `\033[{c}m` generate a color, with 30 <= c < 38. The order is:
'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'grey'.
Additionaly, adding `1;` and `3;` will generate bold and italic text,
respectively, so `\033[1;3;31m` would be bold italic red. Bold and italic
can also be used independently, so `\033[1m` would create bold text without
changing the current color.
Bold and italic will only be displayed if the terminal allows it *and* the
font supports it (thus, no italic with Monaco). Sometimes, bold is replaced
by the bright version of the font; some terminals allow the user to decide that.
# 256 colors
256 colors work the same. The code `\033[38;5;{c}` with 0 <= c < 256 will
display colors, with 0 <= c < 8 corresponding to the 8 above colors, and
8 <= c < 16 their bright version.
import sys
import re
import os
import subprocess
COLOR_LIST = {u'black': '0', u'red': '1', u'green': '2', u'yellow': '3', u'blue': '4',
u'magenta': '5', u'cyan': '6', u'grey': '7',
u'brightblack': '8', u'brightred': '9', u'brightgreen': '10',
u'brightyellow': '11', u'brightblue': '12', u'brightmagenta': '13',
u'brightcyan': '14', u'brightgrey': '15',
u'darkgrey': '8', # == brightblack
u'gray': '7', u'darkgray': '8', u'brightgray': '15', # gray/grey spelling
u'purple': '5', # for compatibility reasons
u'white': '15' # == brightgrey
for c in range(256):
COLOR_LIST[str(c)] = str(c)
def _color_supported(stream, force=False):
"""Return the number of supported colors"""
min_colors = 8 if force else 0
if sys.platform == 'win32' and 'ANSICON' not in os.environ:
return min_colors
if hasattr(stream, 'isatty') and stream.isatty(): # we have a tty
import curses
return max(min_colors, curses.tigetnum('colors'))
except Exception: # not picky.
if force:
p = subprocess.Popen(['tput', 'colors'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return max(min_colors, int(p.communicate()[0]))
return 0
def generate_colors(stream, color=True, bold=True, italic=True, force_colors=False):
"""Generate 256 colors, based on configuration and detected support
:param color: generate colors. If False, bold and italic will not change
the current color.
:param bold: generate bold colors, if False, bold color are the same as
normal colors.
:param italic: generate italic colors
colors = {u'bold': u'', u'italic': u'', u'end': u'', u'': u''}
for name, code in COLOR_LIST.items():
colors[name] = u''
colors[u'b' +name] = u''
colors[u'i' +name] = u''
colors[u'bi'+name] = u''
color_support = _color_supported(stream, force=force_colors) >= 8
if (color or bold or italic) and color_support:
bold_flag, italic_flag = '', ''
if bold:
colors['bold'] = u'\033[1m'
bold_flag = '1;'
if italic:
colors['italic'] = u'\033[3m'
italic_flag = '3;'
if bold and italic:
colors['bolditalic'] = u'\033[1;3m'
for name, code in COLOR_LIST.items():
if color:
colors[name] = u'\033[38;5;{}m'.format(code)
colors[u'b'+name] = u'\033[{}38;5;{}m'.format(bold_flag, code)
colors[u'i'+name] = u'\033[{}38;5;{}m'.format(italic_flag, code)
colors[u'bi'+name] = u'\033[{}38;5;{}m'.format(bold_flag, italic_flag, code)
if bold:
colors.update({u'b'+name: u'\033[1m' for i, name in enumerate(COLOR_LIST)})
if italic:
colors.update({u'i'+name: u'\033[3m' for i, name in enumerate(COLOR_LIST)})
if bold or italic:
colors.update({u'bi'+name: u'\033[{}{}m'.format(bold_flag, italic_flag) for i, name in enumerate(COLOR_LIST)})
if color or bold or italic:
colors[u'end'] = u'\033[0m'
return colors
COLORS_OUT = generate_colors(sys.stdout, color=False, bold=False, italic=False)
COLORS_ERR = generate_colors(sys.stderr, color=False, bold=False, italic=False)
def dye_out(s, color='end'):
"""Color a string for output on stdout"""
return u'{}{}{}'.format(COLORS_OUT[color], s, COLORS_OUT['end'])
def dye_err(s, color='end'):
"""Color a string for output on stderr"""
return u'{}{}{}'.format(COLORS_ERR[color], s, COLORS_OUT['end'])
def setup(conf, force_colors=False):
"""Prepare color for stdout and stderr"""
COLORS_OUT = generate_colors(sys.stdout, force_colors=force_colors,
color =conf['formating']['color'],
bold =conf['formating']['bold'],
COLORS_ERR = generate_colors(sys.stderr, force_colors=force_colors,
color =conf['formating']['color'],
bold =conf['formating']['bold'],
for key, value in conf['theme'].items():
COLORS_OUT[key] = COLORS_OUT.get(value, '')
COLORS_ERR[key] = COLORS_ERR.get(value, '')
# undye
undye_re = re.compile('\x1b\[[;\d]*[A-Za-z]')
def undye(s):
"""Purge string s of color"""
return undye_re.sub('', s)