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"""Interface for Remote Bibliographic APIs"""
import re
import datetime
import requests
import bibtexparser
from bibtexparser.bibdatabase import BibDatabase
import feedparser
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class ReferenceNotFoundError(Exception):
def get_bibentry_from_api(id_str, id_type, try_doi=True, ui=None):
"""Return a bibtex string from various ID methods.
This is a wrapper around functions that will return a bibtex string given
one of:
* arXiv ID
id_str: A string with the ID.
id_type: Name of the ID type. Must be one of `doi`, `isbn`, or `arxiv`.
rp: A `Repository` object.
ui: A UI object.
A bibtex string.
ValueError: if `id_type` is not one of `doi`, `isbn`, or `arxiv`.
apis.ReferenceNotFoundException: if no valid reference could be found.
id_fns = {
'doi': doi2bibtex,
'isbn': isbn2bibtex,
'arxiv': arxiv2bibtex,
if id_type not in id_fns.keys():
raise ValueError('id_type must be one of `doi`, `isbn`, or `arxiv`.')
bibentry_raw = id_fns[id_type](id_str, try_doi=try_doi, ui=ui)
if bibentry is None:
raise ReferenceNotFoundException(
'invalid {} {} or unable to retrieve bibfile from it.'.format(id_type, id_str))
return bibentry
def _get_request(url, headers=None):
"""GET requests to a url. Return the `requests` object.
:raise ConnectionError: if anything goes bad (connection refused, timeout
http status error (401, 404, etc)).
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return r
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
raise ReferenceNotFoundError(e.args)
## DOI support
def doi2bibtex(doi, **kwargs):
"""Return a bibtex string of metadata from a DOI"""
url = '{}'.format(doi)
headers = {'accept': 'application/x-bibtex'}
r = _get_request(url, headers=headers)
if r.encoding is None:
r.encoding = 'utf8' # Do not rely on guessing from request
return r.text
## ISBN support
def isbn2bibtex(isbn, **kwargs):
"""Return a bibtex string of metadata from an ISBN"""
url = '{}/bibtex'.format(isbn)
r = _get_request(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
citation = soup.find("textarea").text
return citation
# Note: apparently uses caracter modifiers for accents instead
# of the correct unicode characters. TODO: Should we convert them?
## arXiv support
_months = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun',
'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec']
def _is_arxiv_oldstyle(arxiv_id):
return re.match(r"(arXiv\:)?[a-z\-]+\/[0-9]+(v[0-9]+)?", arxiv_id) is not None
def _extract_arxiv_id(entry):
pattern = r"http[s]?://<entry_id>.+)"
return, entry['id']).groupdict()['entry_id']
def arxiv2bibtex(arxiv_id, try_doi=True, ui=None):
"""Return a bibtex string of metadata from an arXiv ID
:param arxiv_id: arXiv id, with or without the `arXiv:` prefix and version
suffix (e.g. `v1`). Old an new style are accepted. Here are
example of accepted identifiers: `1510.00322`,
`arXiv:1510.00322`, `0901.0512`, `arXiv:0901.0512`,
`hep-ph/9409201` or `arXiv:hep-ph/9409201`.
Note that the `arXiv:` prefix will be automatically
removed, and the version suffix automatically added if
:param try_doi: if a DOI is referenced in the arXiv metadata,
try to download it instead. If that fails for any reason,
falls back to the arXiv, with a warning message, if the
UI is provided.
:param ui: if not None, will display a warning if the doi request
## handle errors
url = '{}'.format(arxiv_id)
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 400: # bad request
msg = ("the arXiv server returned a bad request error. The "
"arXiv id {} is possibly invalid or malformed.".format(arxiv_id))
raise ReferenceNotFoundError(msg)
r.raise_for_status() # raise an exception for HTTP errors:
# 401, 404, 400 if `ui` is None, etc.
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
msg = ("connection error while retrieving arXiv data for "
"'{}': {}".format(arxiv_id, e))
raise ReferenceNotFoundError(msg)
feed = feedparser.parse(r.text)
if len(feed.entries) == 0: # no results.
msg = "no results for arXiv id {}".format(arxiv_id)
raise ReferenceNotFoundError(msg)
if len(feed.entries) > 1: # I don't know how that could happen, but let's
# be ready for it.
results = '\n'.join('{}. {}'.format(i, entry['title'])
for entry in feed.entries)
msg = ("multiple results for arXiv id {}:\n{}\nThis is unexpected. "
"Please submit an issue at "
"").format(arxiv_id, choices)
raise ReferenceNotFoundError(msg)
entry = feed.entries[0]
## try to return a doi instead of the arXiv reference
if try_doi and 'arxiv_doi' in entry:
return doi2bibtex(entry['arxiv_doi'])
except ReferenceNotFoundError as e:
if ui is not None:
## create a bibentry from the arXiv response.
db = BibDatabase()
entry_id = _extract_arxiv_id(entry)
author_str = ' and '.join(
[author['name'] for author in entry['authors']])
db.entries = [{
'ENTRYTYPE': 'article',
'ID': entry_id,
'author': author_str,
'title': entry['title'],
'year': str(entry['published_parsed'].tm_year),
'month': _months[entry['published_parsed'].tm_mon-1],
'eprint': entry_id,
'eprinttype': 'arxiv',
'date': entry['published'], # not really standard, but a resolution more
# granular than months is increasinlgy relevant.
'url': entry['link'],
'urldate': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' # can't hurt.
# we don't add eprintclass for old-style ids, as it is in the id already.
if not _is_arxiv_oldstyle(entry_id):
db.entries[0]['eprintclass'] = entry['arxiv_primary_category']['term']
if 'arxiv_doi' in entry:
db.entries[0]['arxiv_doi'] = entry['arxiv_doi']
bibtex = bibtexparser.dumps(db)
return bibtex