You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

193 lines
6.2 KiB

import os
import time
from . import databroker
class CacheEntry(object):
def __init__(self, data, timestamp): = data
self.timestamp = timestamp
class CacheEntrySet(object):
def __init__(self, databroker, name):
self.databroker = databroker = name
if name == 'metacache':
self._pull_fun = databroker.pull_metadata
self._push_fun = databroker.push_metadata
self._mtime_fun = databroker.filebroker.mtime_metafile
elif name == 'bibcache':
self._pull_fun = databroker.pull_bibentry
self._push_fun = databroker.push_bibentry
self._mtime_fun = databroker.filebroker.mtime_bibfile
raise ValueError
self._entries = None
self.modified = False
# does the filesystem supports subsecond stat time?
self.nsec_support = os.stat('.').st_mtime != int(os.stat('.').st_mtime)
def entries(self):
if self._entries is None:
self._entries = self._try_pull_cache()
return self._entries
def flush(self, force=False):
if force or self.modified:
self.databroker.push_cache(, self.entries)
self.modified = False
def pull(self, citekey):
if self._is_outdated(citekey):
# if we get here, we must update the cache.
t = time.time()
data = self._pull_fun(citekey)
self.entries[citekey] = CacheEntry(data, t)
self.modified = True
return self.entries[citekey].data
def push(self, citekey, data):
self._push_fun(citekey, data)
self.push_to_cache(citekey, data)
def push_to_cache(self, citekey, data):
"""Push to cash only."""
mtime = self._mtime_fun(citekey)
self.entries[citekey] = CacheEntry(data, mtime)
self.modified = True
def remove_from_cache(self, citekey):
"""Removes from cache only."""
if citekey in self.entries:
self.modified = True
def _try_pull_cache(self):
return self.databroker.pull_cache(
except Exception: # take no prisonners; if something is wrong, no cache.
return {}
def _is_outdated(self, citekey):
if citekey in self.entries:
mtime = self._mtime_fun(citekey)
boundary = mtime if self.nsec_support else mtime + 1
return self.entries[citekey].timestamp < boundary
return True
class DataCache(object):
""" DataCache class, provides a very similar interface as DataBroker
Has two roles :
1. Provides a buffer between the commands and the hard drive.
Until a command request a hard drive ressource, it does not touch it.
2. Keeps an up-to-date, pickled version of the repository, to speed up things
when they are a lot of files. Update are also done only when required.
Changes are detected using data modification timestamps.
def __init__(self, pubsdir, docsdir, create=False):
self.pubsdir = pubsdir
self.docsdir = docsdir
self._databroker = None
self._metacache = None
self._bibcache = None
if create:
def close(self):
def databroker(self):
if self._databroker is None:
self._databroker = databroker.DataBroker(self.pubsdir, self.docsdir,
return self._databroker
def metacache(self):
if self._metacache is None:
self._metacache = CacheEntrySet(self.databroker, 'metacache')
return self._metacache
def bibcache(self):
if self._bibcache is None:
self._bibcache = CacheEntrySet(self.databroker, 'bibcache')
return self._bibcache
def _create(self):
self._databroker = databroker.DataBroker(self.pubsdir, self.docsdir,
def flush_cache(self, force=False):
"""Write cache to disk"""
def pull_metadata(self, citekey):
return self.metacache.pull(citekey)
def pull_bibentry(self, citekey):
return self.bibcache.pull(citekey)
def push_metadata(self, citekey, metadata):
self.metacache.push(citekey, metadata)
def push_bibentry(self, citekey, bibdata):
self.bibcache.push(citekey, bibdata)
def push(self, citekey, metadata, bibdata):
self.databroker.push(citekey, metadata, bibdata)
self.metacache.push_to_cache(citekey, metadata)
self.bibcache.push_to_cache(citekey, bibdata)
def remove(self, citekey):
def exists(self, citekey, meta_check=False):
return self.databroker.exists(citekey, meta_check=meta_check)
def citekeys(self):
return self.databroker.citekeys()
def listing(self, filestats=True):
return self.databroker.listing(filestats=filestats)
# docbroker
def in_docsdir(self, docpath):
return self.databroker.in_docsdir(docpath)
def real_docpath(self, docpath):
return self.databroker.real_docpath(docpath)
def add_doc(self, citekey, source_path, overwrite=False):
return self.databroker.add_doc(citekey, source_path, overwrite=overwrite)
def remove_doc(self, docpath, silent=True):
return self.databroker.remove_doc(docpath, silent=silent)
def rename_doc(self, docpath, new_citekey):
return self.databroker.rename_doc(docpath, new_citekey)
# notesbroker
def real_notepath(self, citekey, extension):
return self.databroker.real_notepath(citekey, extension)
def remove_note(self, citekey, extension, silent=True):
return self.databroker.remove_note(citekey, extension, silent=True)
def rename_note(self, old_citekey, new_citekey, extension):
return self.databroker.rename_note(old_citekey, new_citekey, extension)