You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

189 lines
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import itertools
from datetime import datetime
from . import bibstruct
from . import events
from .datacache import DataCache
from .paper import Paper
from .content import system_path
def _base27(n):
return _base27((n - 1) // 26) + chr(ord('a') + ((n - 1) % 26)) if n else ''
class CiteKeyError(Exception):
default_message = "Wrong citekey: {}."
def __init__(self, citekey, message=None):
self.message = message
self.citekey = citekey
def __str__(self):
return self.message or self.default_msg.format(self.citekey)
class CiteKeyCollision(CiteKeyError):
default_message = "Citekey already in use: {}."
class CiteKeyNotFound(CiteKeyError):
default_message = "No entry found for citekey: {}."
class Repository(object):
def __init__(self, conf, create=False):
self.conf = conf
self._citekeys = None
self.databroker = DataCache(self.conf['main']['pubsdir'], create=create)
def citekeys(self):
if self._citekeys is None:
self._citekeys = self.databroker.citekeys()
return self._citekeys
def __contains__(self, citekey):
""" Allows to use 'if citekey in repo' pattern
The convention is that the paper is in the repository
if and only if a bibfile is in the repository.
return self.databroker.exists(citekey)
def __len__(self):
"""Warning: costly the first time."""
return len(self.citekeys)
# papers
def all_papers(self):
for key in self.citekeys:
yield self.pull_paper(key)
def citekeys_from_prefix(self, prefix):
"""Return all citekey beginning with prefix."""
return tuple(citekey for citekey in self.citekeys
if citekey.startswith(prefix))
def pull_paper(self, citekey):
"""Load a paper by its citekey from disk, if necessary."""
if citekey in self:
return Paper.from_bibentry(
raise CiteKeyNotFound(citekey)
def push_paper(self, paper, overwrite=False, event=True):
""" Push a paper to disk
:param overwrite: if False, mimick the behavior of adding a paper
if True, mimick the behavior of updating a paper
if (not overwrite) and (paper.citekey in self):
raise CiteKeyCollision(paper.citekey)
if not paper.added:
paper.added =
self.databroker.push_bibentry(paper.citekey, paper.bibentry)
self.databroker.push_metadata(paper.citekey, paper.metadata)
if event:
def remove_paper(self, citekey, remove_doc=True, event=True):
""" Remove a paper. Is silent if nothing needs to be done."""
if event:
if remove_doc:
self.remove_doc(citekey, detach_only=True)
self.databroker.remove_note(citekey, silent=True)
except IOError:
pass # FIXME: if IOError is about being unable to
# remove the file, we need to issue an error.I
def remove_doc(self, citekey, detach_only=False):
""" Remove a doc. Is silent if nothing needs to be done."""
metadata = self.databroker.pull_metadata(citekey)
docpath = metadata.get('docfile')
self.databroker.remove_doc(docpath, silent=True)
if not detach_only:
p = self.pull_paper(citekey)
p.docpath = None
self.push_paper(p, overwrite=True, event=False)
except IOError:
pass # FIXME: if IOError is about being unable to
# remove the file, we need to issue an error.I
def pull_docpath(self, citekey):
p = self.pull_paper(citekey)
return self.databroker.real_docpath(p.docpath)
except IOError:
pass # FIXME: if IOError is about being unable to
# remove the file, we need to issue an error.I
def rename_paper(self, paper, new_citekey=None, old_citekey=None):
if old_citekey is None:
old_citekey = paper.citekey
if new_citekey is None:
new_citekey = paper.citekey
paper.citekey = new_citekey
# check if new_citekey is not the same as paper.citekey
if old_citekey == new_citekey:
self.push_paper(paper, overwrite=True, event=False)
# check if new_citekey does not exists
if new_citekey in self:
msg = "Can't rename paper to {}, citekey already exists.".format(new_citekey)
raise CiteKeyCollision(new_citekey, message=msg)
# move doc file if necessary
if self.databroker.in_docsdir(paper.docpath):
paper.docpath = self.databroker.rename_doc(paper.docpath, new_citekey)
# move note file if necessary
self.databroker.rename_note(old_citekey, new_citekey)
except IOError:
self.push_paper(paper, event=False)
# remove_paper of old_citekey
self.remove_paper(old_citekey, event=False)
# send event
events.RenameEvent(paper, old_citekey).send()
def push_doc(self, citekey, docfile, copy=None):
p = self.pull_paper(citekey)
if copy is None:
copy = self.conf['main']['doc_add'] in ('copy', 'move')
if copy:
docfile = self.databroker.add_doc(citekey, docfile)
docfile = system_path(docfile)
p.docpath = docfile
self.push_paper(p, overwrite=True, event=False)
def unique_citekey(self, base_key):
"""Create a unique citekey for a given basekey."""
for n in itertools.count():
if not base_key + _base27(n) in self.citekeys:
return base_key + _base27(n)
def get_tags(self):
"""FIXME: bibdata doesn't need to be read."""
tags = set()
for p in self.all_papers():
tags = tags.union(p.tags)
return tags