You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
6.4 KiB

import os
import subprocess
from .. import repo
from .. import color
from ..uis import get_ui
from .. import content
from ..utils import resolve_citekey, resolve_citekey_list
# doc --+- add $file $key [[-L|--link] | [-M|--move]] [-f|--force]
# +- remove $key [$key [...]] [-f|--force]
# +- export $key [$path]
# +- open $key [-w|--with $cmd]
# supplements attach, open
def parser(subparsers):
doc_parser = subparsers.add_parser('doc', help='manage the document relating to a publication')
doc_subparsers = doc_parser.add_subparsers(title='document actions', help='actions to interact with the documents',
doc_subparsers.required = True
add_parser = doc_subparsers.add_parser('add', help='add a document to a publication')
add_parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False,
help='force overwriting an already assigned document')
add_parser.add_argument('document', nargs=1, help='document file to assign')
add_parser.add_argument('citekey', nargs=1, help='citekey of the publication')
add_exclusives = add_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
add_exclusives.add_argument('-L', '--link', action='store_false', dest='link', default=False,
help='do not copy document files, just create a link')
add_exclusives.add_argument('-M', '--move', action='store_true', dest='move', default=False,
help='move document instead of of copying (ignored if --link)')
remove_parser = doc_subparsers.add_parser('remove', help='remove assigned documents from publications')
remove_parser.add_argument('citekeys', nargs='+', help='citekeys of the publications')
remove_parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False,
help='force removing assigned documents')
# favor key+ path over: key
export_parser = doc_subparsers.add_parser('export', help='export assigned documents to given path')
export_parser.add_argument('citekeys', nargs='+', help='citekeys of the documents to export')
export_parser.add_argument('path', nargs=1, help='directory to export the files to')
open_parser = doc_subparsers.add_parser('open', help='open an assigned document')
open_parser.add_argument('citekey', nargs=1, help='citekey of the document to open')
open_parser.add_argument('-w', '--with', dest='cmd', help='command to open the file with')
return doc_parser
def command(conf, args):
ui = get_ui()
rp = repo.Repository(conf)
# print(args)
# ui.exit()
if args.action == 'add':
citekey = resolve_citekey(rp, args.citekey[0], ui=ui, exit_on_fail=True)
paper = rp.pull_paper(citekey)
if paper.docpath is not None and not args.force:
msg = ("The publication {} has already the document {} assigned." + os.linesep +
"Overwrite? ").format(color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey'), color.dye_out(paper.docpath, 'filepath'))
if not ui.input_yn(question=msg, default='n'):
document = args.document[0]
rp.push_doc(paper.citekey, document, copy=False)
rp.push_doc(paper.citekey, document, copy=True)
if not and args.move:
ui.message('{} added to {}'.format(
color.dye_out(document, 'filepath'),
color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey')))
elif args.action == 'remove':
for key in resolve_citekey_list(rp, args.citekeys, ui=ui, exit_on_fail=True):
paper = rp.pull_paper(key)
# if there is no document (and the user cares) -> inform + continue
if paper.docpath is None and not args.force:
ui.message('Publication {} has no assigned document. Not removed.'.format(
color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey')))
if not args.force:
msg = 'Do you really want to remove {} from {} ?'.format(color.dye_out(paper.docpath, 'filepath'),
color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey'))
if not ui.input_yn(question=msg, default='n'):
elif args.action == 'export':
if os.path.isdir(args.path[0]):
path = args.path[0]
if not path.endswith('/'):
path += '/'
ui.error('{} is not a directory. Quit.'.format(
color.dye_err(args.path[0], 'filepath')))
for key in resolve_citekey_list(rp, args.citekeys, ui=ui, exit_on_fail=True):
paper = rp.pull_paper(key)
doc = paper.docpath
if doc is None:
ui.message('Publication {} has no document assigned.'.format(
color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey')))
real_doc_path = rp.pull_docpath(key)
dest_path = path + os.path.basename(real_doc_path)
content.copy_content(real_doc_path, dest_path)
except (ValueError, IOError) as e:
elif args.action == 'open':
with_command = args.cmd
citekey = resolve_citekey(rp, args.citekey[0], ui=ui, exit_on_fail=True)
paper = rp.pull_paper(citekey)
if paper.docpath is None:
ui.error('No document associated with the entry {}. Quit.'.format(
color.dye_err(citekey, 'citekey')))
if with_command is None:
with_command = conf['main']['open_cmd']
if with_command is None: # default in conf have not been changed
pass # TODO platform specific
docpath = content.system_path(rp.databroker.real_docpath(paper.docpath))
cmd = with_command.split()
ui.message('{} opened.'.format(color.dye_out(docpath, 'filepath')))
except OSError:
ui.error("Command does not exist: %s." % with_command)