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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
151 lines
6.4 KiB
151 lines
6.4 KiB
import os
import subprocess
from .. import repo
from .. import color
from ..uis import get_ui
from .. import content
from ..utils import resolve_citekey, resolve_citekey_list
# doc --+- add $file $key [[-L|--link] | [-M|--move]] [-f|--force]
# +- remove $key [$key [...]] [-f|--force]
# +- export $key [$path]
# +- open $key [-w|--with $cmd]
# supplements attach, open
def parser(subparsers):
doc_parser = subparsers.add_parser('doc', help='manage the document relating to a publication')
doc_subparsers = doc_parser.add_subparsers(title='document actions', help='actions to interact with the documents',
doc_subparsers.required = True
add_parser = doc_subparsers.add_parser('add', help='add a document to a publication')
add_parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False,
help='force overwriting an already assigned document')
add_parser.add_argument('document', nargs=1, help='document file to assign')
add_parser.add_argument('citekey', nargs=1, help='citekey of the publication')
add_exclusives = add_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
add_exclusives.add_argument('-L', '--link', action='store_false', dest='link', default=False,
help='do not copy document files, just create a link')
add_exclusives.add_argument('-M', '--move', action='store_true', dest='move', default=False,
help='move document instead of of copying (ignored if --link)')
remove_parser = doc_subparsers.add_parser('remove', help='remove assigned documents from publications')
remove_parser.add_argument('citekeys', nargs='+', help='citekeys of the publications')
remove_parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False,
help='force removing assigned documents')
# favor key+ path over: key
export_parser = doc_subparsers.add_parser('export', help='export assigned documents to given path')
export_parser.add_argument('citekeys', nargs='+', help='citekeys of the documents to export')
export_parser.add_argument('path', nargs=1, help='directory to export the files to')
open_parser = doc_subparsers.add_parser('open', help='open an assigned document')
open_parser.add_argument('citekey', nargs=1, help='citekey of the document to open')
open_parser.add_argument('-w', '--with', dest='cmd', help='command to open the file with')
return doc_parser
def command(conf, args):
ui = get_ui()
rp = repo.Repository(conf)
# print(args)
# ui.exit()
if args.action == 'add':
citekey = resolve_citekey(rp, args.citekey[0], ui=ui, exit_on_fail=True)
paper = rp.pull_paper(citekey)
if paper.docpath is not None and not args.force:
msg = ("The publication {} has already the document {} assigned." + os.linesep +
"Overwrite? ").format(color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey'), color.dye_out(paper.docpath, 'filepath'))
if not ui.input_yn(question=msg, default='n'):
document = args.document[0]
rp.push_doc(paper.citekey, document, copy=False)
rp.push_doc(paper.citekey, document, copy=True)
if not and args.move:
ui.message('{} added to {}'.format(
color.dye_out(document, 'filepath'),
color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey')))
elif args.action == 'remove':
for key in resolve_citekey_list(rp, args.citekeys, ui=ui, exit_on_fail=True):
paper = rp.pull_paper(key)
# if there is no document (and the user cares) -> inform + continue
if paper.docpath is None and not args.force:
ui.message('Publication {} has no assigned document. Not removed.'.format(
color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey')))
if not args.force:
msg = 'Do you really want to remove {} from {} ?'.format(color.dye_out(paper.docpath, 'filepath'),
color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey'))
if not ui.input_yn(question=msg, default='n'):
elif args.action == 'export':
if os.path.isdir(args.path[0]):
path = args.path[0]
if not path.endswith('/'):
path += '/'
ui.error('{} is not a directory. Quit.'.format(
color.dye_err(args.path[0], 'filepath')))
for key in resolve_citekey_list(rp, args.citekeys, ui=ui, exit_on_fail=True):
paper = rp.pull_paper(key)
doc = paper.docpath
if doc is None:
ui.message('Publication {} has no document assigned.'.format(
color.dye_out(paper.citekey, 'citekey')))
real_doc_path = rp.pull_docpath(key)
dest_path = path + os.path.basename(real_doc_path)
content.copy_content(real_doc_path, dest_path)
except (ValueError, IOError) as e:
elif args.action == 'open':
with_command = args.cmd
citekey = resolve_citekey(rp, args.citekey[0], ui=ui, exit_on_fail=True)
paper = rp.pull_paper(citekey)
if paper.docpath is None:
ui.error('No document associated with the entry {}. Quit.'.format(
color.dye_err(citekey, 'citekey')))
if with_command is None:
with_command = conf['main']['open_cmd']
if with_command is None: # default in conf have not been changed
pass # TODO platform specific
docpath = content.system_path(rp.databroker.real_docpath(paper.docpath))
cmd = with_command.split()
ui.message('{} opened.'.format(color.dye_out(docpath, 'filepath')))
except OSError:
ui.error("Command does not exist: %s." % with_command)