You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
85 lines
2.6 KiB
85 lines
2.6 KiB
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import re
from . import color
from .bibstruct import TYPE_KEY
CHARS = re.compile('[{}\n\t\r]')
def sanitize(s):
return CHARS.sub('', s)
# should be adaptated to bibtexparser dicts
def person_repr(p):
raise NotImplementedError
return ' '.join(s for s in [
' '.join(p.first(abbr=True)),
' '.join(p.last(abbr=False)),
' '.join(p.lineage(abbr=True))] if s)
def short_authors(bibdata, max_authors=3):
:param max_authors: number of authors to display completely. Additional authors will be
represented by 'et al.'.
authors = [p for p in bibdata['author']]
if 0 < max_authors < len(authors):
authors_str = '{} et al.'.format(authors[0])
authors_str = ' and '.join(authors)
return authors_str
except KeyError: # When no author is defined
return ''
def bib_oneliner(bibdata, max_authors=3):
authors = short_authors(bibdata, max_authors=max_authors)
journal = ''
if 'journal' in bibdata:
journal = ' ' + bibdata['journal']
elif bibdata[TYPE_KEY] == 'inproceedings':
journal = ' ' + bibdata.get('booktitle', '')
return sanitize('{authors} \"{title}\"{journal}{year}'.format(
authors=color.dye_out(authors, 'author'),
title=color.dye_out(bibdata.get('title', ''), 'title'),
journal=color.dye_out(journal, 'publisher'),
year=' ({})'.format(color.dye_out(bibdata['year'], 'year'))
if 'year' in bibdata else ''
def bib_desc(bib_data):
article = bib_data[list(bib_data.keys())[0]]
s = '\n'.join('author: {}'.format(p)
for p in article['author'])
s += '\n'
s += '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in article.items())
return s
def paper_oneliner(p, citekey_only=False, max_authors=3):
if citekey_only:
return p.citekey
bibdesc = bib_oneliner(p.get_unicode_bibdata(), max_authors=max_authors)
doc_str = ''
if p.docpath is not None:
doc_extension = os.path.splitext(p.docpath)[1]
doc_str = color.dye_out(
' [{}]'.format(doc_extension[1:] if len(doc_extension) > 1
else 'NOEXT'),
tags = '' if len(p.tags) == 0 else '| {}'.format(
', '.join(color.dye_out(t, 'tag') for t in sorted(p.tags)))
return '[{citekey}] {descr}{doc} {tags}'.format(
citekey=color.dye_out(p.citekey, 'citekey'),
descr=bibdesc, tags=tags, doc=doc_str)