--[[ ScholarlyMeta – normalize author/affiliation meta variables Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Albert Krewinkel, Robert Winkler Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ]] local List = require 'pandoc.List' -- Split a string at commas. local function comma_separated_values(str) local acc = List:new{} for substr in str:gmatch('([^,]*)') do acc[#acc + 1] = substr:gsub('^%s*', ''):gsub('%s*$', '') -- trim end return acc end --- Ensure the return value is a list. local function ensure_list (val) if type(val) ~= 'table' then -- create singleton list (or empty list if val == nil). return List:new{val} elseif val.t == 'MetaInlines' then -- check if this is really a comma-separated list local csv = comma_separated_values(pandoc.utils.stringify(val)) if #csv >= 2 then return csv end return List:new{val} elseif val.t == 'MetaList' then return List:new(val) else -- MetaBlocks or MetaMap, use as a singleton return List:new{val} end end --- Returns a function which checks whether an object has the given ID. local function has_id (id) return function(x) return x.id == id end end --- Copy all key-value pairs of the first table into the second iff there is no -- such key yet in the second table. -- @returns the second argument function add_missing_entries(a, b) for k, v in pairs(a) do b[k] = b[k] or v end return b end --- Create an object with a name. The name is either taken directly from the -- `name` field, or from the *only* field name (i.e., key) if the object is a -- dictionary with just one entry. If neither exists, the name is left unset -- (`nil`). function to_named_object (obj) local named = {} if type(obj) ~= 'table' then -- if the object isn't a table, just use its value as a name. named.name = pandoc.MetaInlines{pandoc.Str(tostring(obj))} named.id = tostring(obj) elseif obj.t == 'MetaInlines' then -- Treat inlines as the name named.name = obj named.id = pandoc.utils.stringify(obj) elseif obj.name ~= nil then -- object has name attribute → just create a copy of the object add_missing_entries(obj, named) named.id = pandoc.utils.stringify(named.id or named.name) elseif next(obj) and next(obj, next(obj)) == nil then -- the entry's key is taken as the name, the value contains the -- attributes. key, attribs = next(obj) if type(attribs) == "string" or attribs.t == 'MetaInlines' then named.name = attribs else add_missing_entries(attribs, named) named.name = named.name or pandoc.MetaInlines{pandoc.Str(tostring(key))} end named.id = named.id and pandoc.utils.stringify(named.id) or key else -- this is not a named object adhering to the usual conventions. error('not a named object: ' .. tostring(obj)) end return named end --- Resolve institute placeholders to full named objects local function resolve_institutes (institute, known_institutes) local unresolved_institutes if institute == nil then unresolved_institutes = {} elseif type(institute) == "string" or type(institute) == "number" then unresolved_institutes = {institute} else unresolved_institutes = institute end local result = List:new{} for i, inst in ipairs(unresolved_institutes) do result[i] = known_institutes[tonumber(inst)] or known_institutes:find_if(has_id(pandoc.utils.stringify(inst))) or to_named_object(inst) end return result end --- Insert a named object into a list; if an object of the same name exists -- already, add all properties only present in the new object to the existing -- item. function merge_on_id (list, namedObj) local elem, idx = list:find_if(has_id(namedObj.id)) local res = elem and add_missing_entries(namedObj, elem) or namedObj local obj_idx = idx or (#list + 1) -- return res, obj_idx list[obj_idx] = res return res, #list end --- Flatten a list of lists. local function flatten (lists) local result = List:new{} for _, lst in ipairs(lists) do result:extend(lst) end return result end --- Canonicalize authors and institutes local function canonicalize(raw_author, raw_institute) local institutes = ensure_list(raw_institute):map(to_named_object) local authors = ensure_list(raw_author):map(to_named_object) for _, author in ipairs(authors) do author.institute = resolve_institutes( ensure_list(author.institute), institutes ) end -- Merge institutes defined in author objects with those defined in the -- top-level list. local author_insts = flatten(authors:map(function(x) return x.institute end)) for _, inst in ipairs(author_insts) do merge_on_id(institutes, inst) end -- Add list indices to institutes for numbering and reference purposes for idx, inst in ipairs(institutes) do inst.index = pandoc.MetaInlines{pandoc.Str(tostring(idx))} end -- replace institutes with their indices local to_index = function (inst) return tostring(select(2, institutes:find_if(has_id(inst.id)))) end for _, author in ipairs(authors) do author.institute = pandoc.MetaList(author.institute:map(to_index)) end return authors, institutes end return { { Meta = function(meta) meta.author, meta.institute = canonicalize(meta.author, meta.institute) return meta end } }